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I remember when I first found the Nifty Archive, and being so overwhelmed and so amazed at the wealth of stories there! Stories that FINALLY related to me and my interests and my desires, but not just the garden variety porn stories that I could find in any dirty magazine or gay pay site...but stories of first love, with real emotion and nervousness and confusion. It was like finding heaven with just a few keystrokes. Needless to say, I got addicted to the stories pretty quickly! And once I started writing my own...well, you know how the story goes from there.


But there was something that I wondered about, and I want you guys' honest opinion on this.


Naturally, the pull of a majority of these stories is the attraction, and the relation to things that I went through when I was going through.

At least for me. They bring back memories for me, and they excite me with their content. The question is....would these stories still 'work' if they were heterosexual? If these same tales of young love were 'boy meets girl' instead of 'boy meets boy'...would they be as potent for us as readers? Would they be as relevant? I mean, the 'love' is what matters right? The words would essentially be the same, and the writing would be just as beautiful, but would our needs be fully satisfied if the love story we were reading was on the 'straight' and narrow?


Let us know! I'm interested.

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Hmmm... interesting question.


Although I believe the stories would still be worth reading, I don't think that I could connect to them or enjoy them as much as I otherwise would. When I read a story ('specially gay erotica ;-) ), I get a very clear image in my head of the characters. If these characters I imagined were a boy and a girl, then it might kinda ruin some of my....creative imagery ;-)


But hey, that's just me!

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Given that many of the stories that I really enjoy don't involve a lot of sex, the genders of the participants isn't a big deal. There is certainly an element where I can relate better, or appreciate better, when the couple are both guys, but the good stories involve a lot more than just a relationship. The stories are often (though not always -- coming out stories, for example) easily translated into a hetereosexual story, if desired.


Indeed, some of the great characters I can remember in stories are straight....

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As you see hetero love stories everywhere, i think we all come across those if we like it or not :P . The biggest difference for me is that the hetero couples don't face the struggles of a coming out, of accepting their sexuality. Its easier for me to relate to a gay love story, it hits closer to home, although i agree with Graeme that the stories (except for the coming out part) can be easily translated. Well, and of course i can relate to coming out stories and the problems involved quite well ;) .

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I honestly don't think that gender matters. It's only the story that matters. I've read a lot of amazing stories involving a lot of different pairings. There have been "boy meets boy" stories that I didn't care for, but I have also read an AMAZING "girl meets boy" series of stories. It really doesn't matter to me, both have similar impact. I guess it's because even if I can't relate to it, I am extremely close to someone who can, and through them I can relate to the story.



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You guys definitely made some VERY good points on this one!


Honestly? I was really in the middle about whether or not it would make a big difference if the main characters in the story were gay or not in the past. And I say that because I really was not much of a reader at all until I discovered Nifty, and later on, more gay erotica online. I was convinced that the 'pull' for me was the young ga love aspect. The angst, the fear, the confusion, the forbidden fruit. I LIKED that. But over time, I began to realize that these same stories can be told from a heterosexual point of view as well, and still be just as potent.


Now, I haven't gone looking for straight erotica online, nor have I had any real interest in it. But I think it's just because it's so 'common' to me. Seriously, I feel like I can find a good straight love story ANYWHERE! And I might enjoy it, get all mushy, and really take it to heart. But there's something unique about gay fiction that really draws me in and grabs my attention.


So...bottom line, while I think the stories would still work as 'boy meets girl', and still have the same basic effect on anyone reading...I 'prefer' the gay version. It has a little bit of an extra 'kick' for me. Go figure. :)

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