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Coffee or tea?

S.L. Lewis

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Coffee or tea? Which one do you drink most often? That is the question.

Also, how do you drink it? Iced or hot? Straight or with sugar/cream? Flavored or regular?

Tell us!


I actually drink both.

Coffee: I prefer flavored coffees with a bit of sugar. I enjoy a latte on occasion, but not all that often. I also prefer it hot to cold, unless it's the middle of the summer, then I love it cold. I don't buy Starbucks coffee since it's so strong.

On occasion, I will drink expresso, but not often. When I do drink regular coffee, I add flavored creamer, but only just a bit. Usually, just enough to turn it a lighter shade of brown.


Tea: herbal mostly. I don't like regular tea because it means I have to use a lot of sugar and creamer, so herbal it is. Green teas, on occasion one type called Madagascar Red Tea. It's an interesting flavor, that's for sure. It's...tangy, spicy yet sweet all at once.


So, tell us your fav and how you like it.

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Coffee or tea? Which one do you drink most often? That is the question.

Also, how do you drink it? Iced or hot? Straight or with sugar/cream? Flavored or regular?

Tell us!


I actually drink both.

Coffee: I prefer flavored coffees with a bit of sugar. I enjoy a latte on occasion, but not all that often. I also prefer it hot to cold, unless it's the middle of the summer, then I love it cold. I don't buy Starbucks coffee since it's so strong.

On occasion, I will drink expresso, but not often. When I do drink regular coffee, I add flavored creamer, but only just a bit. Usually, just enough to turn it a lighter shade of brown.


Tea: herbal mostly. I don't like regular tea because it means I have to use a lot of sugar and creamer, so herbal it is. Green teas, on occasion one type called Madagascar Red Tea. It's an interesting flavor, that's for sure. It's...tangy, spicy yet sweet all at once.


So, tell us your fav and how you like it.



B) ...........I love my coffee, drink it black, up to 3-4 in the afternoon. I like tea also, usually will drink a cup or two in the evening (Non-caffine, herbal) with a little honey in it!

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B) ...........I love my coffee, drink it black, up to 3-4 in the afternoon. I like tea also, usually will drink a cup or two in the evening (Non-caffine, herbal) with a little honey in it!



Black? Can't stand it black. And another herbal drinker! *hugs* I don't really use honey since I have a habit of breaking out with the cheaper kind. I think it has to do with the flowers that are used. I prefer using clover or sunflower honey.

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For a long time I'd drink about ten 1/2 pint mugs of English tea (tea + milk + sugar) every day. Going to make it was part of my routine to let my brain do some free-wheeling. In fact I'm notorious for going to boil the kettle, returning to the PC, getting caught up in something and then returning to boil the kettle again 1/2 hour later... sometimes I could do that 5 times before I got the tea!


I have a coffee perculator in the den and use it occassionally. I like coffee, especially the smell it makes, but I don't drink it that often. Mostly its for visitors. I mostly like a mug of coffee before bed because it calms me down but usually hot chocolate gets my vote :)


For the past few months I've totally stopped drinking either during the day, preferring instead to have a glass of tap water to hand. The only time I drink tea now is occasionally with a meal.

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For a long time I'd drink about ten 1/2 pint mugs of English tea (tea + milk + sugar) every day. Going to make it was part of my routine to let my brain do some free-wheeling. In fact I'm notorious for going to boil the kettle, returning to the PC, getting caught up in something and then returning to boil the kettle again 1/2 hour later... sometimes I could do that 5 times before I got the tea!


I have a coffee perculator in the den and use it occassionally. I like coffee, especially the smell it makes, but I don't drink it that often. Mostly its for visitors. I mostly like a mug of coffee before bed because it calms me down but usually hot chocolate gets my vote :)


For the past few months I've totally stopped drinking either during the day, preferring instead to have a glass of tap water to hand. The only time I drink tea now is occasionally with a meal.


*cackles insanely* I go on binges where I drink tea or coffee for most of the day. Caffine doesn't really affect me that much now days, except to help me calm down and focus. It's the next best thing to taking pills for my ADD. *note to self: start poll on metal/physical problems authors contend with while writing*

Anyways, I know how you feel with drinking something before going to bed. I do that all the time and I will continue to do so. Mostly because it lets me focus on something and putting my thoughts down for the night.

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*cackles insanely* I go on binges where I drink tea or coffee for most of the day.r the night.

I don't think I've ever binged as such, especially with tea, it was just the way my family had always been and I extended it a bit. Working from home gives me more time to drink since there are less office-type distractions. When I had an office and a bunch of people to look after I would get a drink but it would be cold before I got around to drinking it, so I didn't drink as much :)


I've lost about 6 pounds (~3 kg) this past couple of months since stopping drinking so much tea. I weighed myself this morning and was 134 pounds rather than my usual 140. It's good because I'm losing body-fat and will slowly replace it with muscle mass as my sporting and fitness activities pick up over spring and summer. I'm aiming for less than 7% body-fat so my definition is back to usual by summer and so far it looks like I'm on target.


Last year I was mostly either travelling or sat on my ass most of the time so I lost my normal tone. Cutting out the tea is a big part of reversing the effects :)

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I don't think I've ever binged as such, especially with tea, it was just the way my family had always been and I extended it a bit. Working from home gives me more time to drink since there are less office-type distractions. When I had an office and a bunch of people to look after I would get a drink but it would be cold before I got around to drinking it, so I didn't drink as much :)


I've lost about 6 pounds (~3 kg) this past couple of months since stopping drinking so much tea. I weighed myself this morning and was 134 pounds rather than my usual 140. It's good because I'm losing body-fat and will slowly replace it with muscle mass as my sporting and fitness activities pick up over spring and summer. I'm aiming for less than 7% body-fat so my definition is back to usual by summer and so far it looks like I'm on target.


Last year I was mostly either travelling or sat on my ass most of the time so I lost my normal tone. Cutting out the tea is a big part of reversing the effects :)


I only go on my binges once a month or so, then I don't touch it for another month. I can't stop drinking tea, since it's healthier than soda or some of the juices that I like.

I actually lost a bit of weight since I've cut out most of my soda and flavored drinks intake, while keeping my tea and coffee intake at a low pace. It just depends on what I want at the time.

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I've never been into soda in a big way unless as a mixer with alcohol. I always preferred orange juice or some flavoured still water. For me the thirst-quenching feel of freshly squeezed oranges has no equal.


Good thick creamy milk shakes can tempt me into occasional mini-binges when out socialising I guess, but maybe that's just me being greedy :)


My friend Tim is unusual - he doesn't like any kind of hot drink such as tea or coffee and it can get real frustrating when having friends round to make sure there's something that he likes too. It means he gets out of having to make it too since he claims he doesn't know how!

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I've never been into soda in a big way unless as a mixer with alcohol. I always preferred orange juice or some flavoured still water. For me the thirst-quenching feel of freshly squeezed oranges has no equal.


Good thick creamy milk shakes can tempt me into occasional mini-binges when out socialising I guess, but maybe that's just me being greedy :)


My friend Tim is unusual - he doesn't like any kind of hot drink such as tea or coffee and it can get real frustrating when having friends round to make sure there's something that he likes too. It means he gets out of having to make it too since he claims he doesn't know how!



I should just name this thing, "What's your favorite drink" at this rate.

Anyways, I can't really take the taste of orange juice, unless in a alcholoic drink. Milk shakes, again, it needs to be mixed, otherwise I can't stand it. I don't know why, but that's the way I am.

I suggest you show him how to for when he has friends around. That way he can't squirm his way out of it. I did that and I still snicker. Hey, if I have to have cream soda for when my friends around, they better know how to make coffee for me.

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I should just name this thing, "What's your favorite drink" at this rate.

Anyways, I can't really take the taste of orange juice, unless in a alcholoic drink. Milk shakes, again, it needs to be mixed, otherwise I can't stand it. I don't know why, but that's the way I am.

I suggest you show him how to for when he has friends around. That way he can't squirm his way out of it. I did that and I still snicker. Hey, if I have to have cream soda for when my friends around, they better know how to make coffee for me.



B) ......If we are going to start naming other beverages :P Beer, I love my Miller Lite, Dom Bendictine, and scotch (rare tequilla, I'll leave that to Erics & goats)

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Herbal tea? That's for weaklings. :P I like my wu long cha, though sometimes I go for long jing cha. Complete fermentation is a bit strong for me, so I tend to stay away from hong cha. Actually I'm lying. That's my mom -- the tea freak. :lol:


I drink coffee in the morning and on afternoons that I know I'll have a long... long.... night ahead.

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I am OC about my coffee. I buy small quantities of freshly roasted beans and keep them in an airtight container. I grind only as much as I need for three scoops. I have a Krups espresso maker. I use a measuring cup and only allow 150ml of water to flow before shutting of the machine. Two cups of finely granulated sugar gets added to the mix. I use a small electric mixer to stir the sugar so it completely dissolves. The foam always comes out perfect. I do this 4-5 times per day. In the morning caffeine invigorates me. After dark it calms me down.


As for other beverages. I get spring water delivered in three gallon bottles that fit a standard water cooler. Except mine is not a cooler. It's ceramic and keeps the water at room temperature. I always have a small refillable bottle of water with me. My medical conditions require that I stay well hydrated. It's a pain cause I have to urinate about every two hours.

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I worked at Starbucks for a couple of years and...well, lets just say I'm more than slightly addicted to coffee. I'll drink Earl Grey tea or white tea, but it's usually coffee for me.





B) ...............I love walking in just to smell that coffee, I rarely buy though, (TFE) however lately I see you can purchase a regular for $1.60, which I did on Saturday.

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I worked at Starbucks for a couple of years and...well, lets just say I'm more than slightly addicted to coffee. I'll drink Earl Grey tea or white tea, but it's usually coffee for me.



You've shattered an obviously erroneous assumption of mine. I would think that someone who works around coffee all day would get tired of it. Maybe even hate it. Clearly I'm wrong. Is it really an addiction, or more of a passion?

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A dark roast like Kona mixed with hot chocolate and skim. Or perhaps hazelnut coffee--I switch it up sometimes.


The bitterness with a hint of sweetness really helps me get to class. It's a motivation thing. Addiction- not so much. My body doesn't crave it. My mind does. Cheers me up, enough so I can get out of the house. Passion, hardly. It's a drink!


Tea- sometimes, when my mother preaches about cleansing your insides. And whatever Chinese thing she has hanging around the house. :D

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I should just name this thing, "What's your favorite drink" at this rate.

Well, the heading reads "Coffee or tea?, What do you drink most often?". The "What" instead of "Which" seems to invite other possibilities :P


Does anyone else find that just the smell of coffee makes them hyper, even if not drinking it?

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Does anyone else find that just the smell of coffee makes them hyper, even if not drinking it?


I bet it makes you hyper, right? :D I imagine you to be like a monkey bouncing up and down, all the time, with or without stimulants. :P


I don't get hyper from the smell of coffee, but it smells awfully good and it does make me feel more refreshed and alert, at least momentarily. Drinking it only helps me stay awake---even if I don't want to stay awake!

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Coffee for breakfast and after lunch, Espresso style, black, no sugar. Lots of herbal tea all day - plain, hot, no sugar or honey (so year, another weakling i suppose, but i can live with that :P )

Edited by YaP
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B) ......If we are going to start naming other beverages :P Beer, I love my Miller Lite, Dom Bendictine, and scotch (rare tequilla, I'll leave that to Erics & goats)


I love my mixed drinks personally. Blow jobs, Sex on the Beach, Screaming Orgasam. And yes, they are al drinks, but its hard to find a good bartender who knows how to make them. I also like rum, vodka, tequilla from Mexico, occasionally scotch, beer, and on occasion a White or Black Russian.


I am OC about my coffee. I buy small quantities of freshly roasted beans and keep them in an airtight container. I grind only as much as I need for three scoops. I have a Krups espresso maker. I use a measuring cup and only allow 150ml of water to flow before shutting of the machine. Two cups of finely granulated sugar gets added to the mix. I use a small electric mixer to stir the sugar so it completely dissolves. The foam always comes out perfect. I do this 4-5 times per day. In the morning caffeine invigorates me. After dark it calms me down.


As for other beverages. I get spring water delivered in three gallon bottles that fit a standard water cooler. Except mine is not a cooler. It's ceramic and keeps the water at room temperature. I always have a small refillable bottle of water with me. My medical conditions require that I stay well hydrated. It's a pain cause I have to urinate about every two hours.


You are OC about your coffee man! But then again, I'm OC about my mixed drinks.



I worked at Starbucks for a couple of years and...well, lets just say I'm more than slightly addicted to coffee. I'll drink Earl Grey tea or white tea, but it's usually coffee for me.




You are addicted if you're still drinking coffee. I once worked at Wendys and after I left I couldn't stand their food for months after.




A dark roast like Kona mixed with hot chocolate and skim. Or perhaps hazelnut coffee--I switch it up sometimes.


The bitterness with a hint of sweetness really helps me get to class. It's a motivation thing. Addiction- not so much. My body doesn't crave it. My mind does. Cheers me up, enough so I can get out of the house. Passion, hardly. It's a drink!


Tea- sometimes, when my mother preaches about cleansing your insides. And whatever Chinese thing she has hanging around the house. :D


I love dark roast coffee, but much prefer medium roast. And with my flavored coffee, I prefer to try various types, but stick to Chocolate/Hazelnut mix.


Well, the heading reads "Coffee or tea?, What do you drink most often?". The "What" instead of "Which" seems to invite other possibilities :P


Does anyone else find that just the smell of coffee makes them hyper, even if not drinking it?



Yeah, yeah, tease me. Anyways, it makes me drool at the thought of a good cup of coffee.

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I drink tea, mostly herbal tea, I love it. I know some other people need maybe a gallon or two of coffee a day, while others seem to get by on Hot Chocolate by the bucket, lol. :whistle:

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I definitely prefer coffee, but I have to add cream and sweetner. :P I also happen to like peach flavored tea sometimes. ;)



*snickers* *hugs* I prefer ginger peach tea when it comes to peach.

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