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What do you know....

S.L. Lewis

How much do you know?  

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  1. 1. I know....

    • ...A lot about April Fools Day
    • ...Very little, but enough.
    • Um, nothing?

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In the name of April's Fool Day, I decided to post this.

The question is, How much do you know about April Fools Days and it's orgins?


Now, personally, I've never known a whole lot. I know that my cousin was born on April Fools and that I end up pranked more often then not but beyond that, nothing.

So I did some research and found out the orgins of April Fools Day.


The origins of this custom are complex and a matter of much debate. It is likely a relic of the once common festivities held on the vernal equinox, which began on the 25 March, old New Year's Day, and ended on the 2 April.


Wait, does this mean that no one knows where exactly where April Fools started? Or how?

Well, to be honest, yes, it does mean that. Like the sentence above says, it's a matter of much debate.

To find out more about Aprils Fools day go to one of the following links:


The Origin of April Fools Day

Info Please...



To be quite honest, no matter what the orgins, it has come to be a great day to prank without reprecussion besides being pranked.

So, have fun, enjoy life, laugh a lot and have a fun Aprils Fool Day! ^_^

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Yea, i think its one of those things nobody really knows the origins of.

I heard it may have started some time in the 16th century when some French king changed the start of the new year from 1st of April to 1st of January, and everybody that did celebrate the new year on 1st of April after that was considered a fool. But who knows....

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Be neat if it's an absolute truth.



It actually would, but I find that most holidays are a mix of different celebrations, festivles and times in history. It makes me giggle, really it does.

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Yea, i think its one of those things nobody really knows the origins of.

I heard it may have started some time in the 16th century when some French king changed the start of the new year from 1st of April to 1st of January, and everybody that did celebrate the new year on 1st of April after that was considered a fool. But who knows....

I'm embarrassed to say that I was unaware that old New Year used to be April 1st. The explanation above sounds quite plausible to me. I also have to say that I think April 1st is a more sensible New Year than January 1st. It makes alot more sense to have it be at the beginning of a season versus right in the middle of one, and Spring is the most sensible season to use since it represents new life and all that jazz.


As far as the holiday itself, April Fool's have never been one of my favourites. It's not really inline with my type of humour, so I mostly find it annoying. Still, I'm glad other people get to have their fun, and I'm not usually the victim of anything particularly dreadful, so I can put up with it.

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