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Workplace Climate for Gay Employees


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Hi, my name is Sabrina Volpone and I am a doctoral student in the Industrial and Organizational Psychology Program at the University of Houston. I am conducting a study examining the experiences of workers that identify as gay or lesbian, who are affected by stigma and discrimination in their work environments. Considering that there is very little research in this particular area, we hope to contribute much needed information about work-related issues to individuals, communities, and professionals.




If you identify as gay or lesbian AND you are currently employed, you are eligible to contribute to this important research.




Just go to http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=uqmzZRKmxilxsGv_2bEOdKiw_3d_3d


to find out more about this study and to access the 15-minute anonymous questionnaire.




Thank you for your time and please feel free to email me if you have any questions.






Sabrina Volpone





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1. I'm doing the survey. Yay.

2. TYPO Section 5: people who identity with of different sexual orientation groups ..... (And that last question in this section is just confusing.)

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