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.....You MUST take emotion out of the equation. Emotion will cause you to make mistakes.

The function of revenge is to create justice for yourself when there is no recourse, law or no law that cares....

Only people that have been in extreme situations can understand that.

You can find a good example in the litterature : The Count of Monte Cristo (French: Le Comte de Monte-Cristo) is an adventure novel by Alexandre Dumas, p

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I have heard of the Count of Monte Cristo and would love to read it at some point. Also, I do believe there is a measure of revenge in the Harry Potter series. There's no doubt that Harry Potter seeks revenge in his quest of ridding the world of Lord Voldemort, though it is in the name of justice as others have mentioned. :)

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Revenge is something to be savored. It is a sweet taste of victory after countless defeats. Killing the S.O.B who forced me into prostitution was a sublime act of revenge. It felt good to see him recognize his death before it happened. Sure I'm still emotionally and mentally scarred, but in liberating myself I freed dozens of others. It is a small price to pay. Now I am free.


One day my parents too will feel the pain I am forced to endure. Maybe I won't kill them, but they caused my brother's suicide. They threaten the lives of both myself and my boyfriend. They ostracized me from everyone I knew during the first fourteen years of my life. They used money and influence to ensure that I officailly never existed. Their day will come.


Are these noble sentiments? No. Is this the right thing to do? No. Will I do it anyway? Yes.


I try to avoid the cliche, trite phrases that 'everybody' knows, but right now I think they fit what you need to hear.


Don't let your hatred destroy you. Don't let your revenge consume you until you are the very thing you hate. Revenge is a dish best served cold.


You want revenge? Under the circumstances... I agree with you. Just do it right. Hit them where it hurts the most. They want to deny you? They want to make your life miserable? Don't let them! Wait until you're position is strong, then strike, and strike hard. Make them -- force them -- to acknowledge you, and have your revenge by living and living well. Be happy. Be well.


If they truly hate you as much as your statements imply... Well, there's a scene from Babylon 5 that seems to strike at what I'm aiming for:


"One of the perks of being Emperor, or President in your case, is not the so much the people who are pleased to see you in office. It's the people who are furious that you are even alive, no less holding a position of power! Knowing that every day you succeed they die a little more inside makes the endeavor eminently satisfying... hmm?"


Live, live well, and make sure that when the time comes they know it.


Trust me, that will be far, far worse for them than anything physical you can do. The mental is to the physical as 10 is to 1. And the mental anguish that will cause them... Well, either you understand what I am driving at or you won't. But just think, the best benefit of this is that they are the ones likely to go to jail, not you! If, as you've implied, the manipulated the official records to try and erase your existence... well, the civilized world over, that kind of thing is a crime.

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the civilized world over, that kind of thing is a crime.


There is our problem...Russia is not counted in the civilised world. It is more corrupt than in the old Soviet days. If you have the money, if you know the people, anything can happen.




This, however, can be turned against them. The right thing said to the right people, enough money changes hands...I personally can extract my revenge. They can be beaten until they are physical wrecks, totally disabled...fully conscious that it is their own son who is doing this. When the investigation comes around, the right people will ensure that there is never a case, as the accused never existed . My parents will be hospitalised...and for the remainder of their painful lives, they will know that I, Nikolai, their forsaken son, am still alive, am happy, and have my vengeance. Thus do they feel both the physical pain and mental anguish. It need not even be quick...I can spend hours...days, extracting apologies for every threat, every beating, every deprivation. For every day I have not existed. For every minute I have lived without Zhenya. And still will the result be the same.




Think of me what you will, the only emotion stronger than love and hate is fear. As I have lived in constant fear of my parents, so shall they now live in fear of my retribution. I have my own love for them turned to hatred. My love of Alex turned against them as hatred. My love for Zhenya turned against them as hatred. The horsemen have ridden forth, the antichrist has come, and now they await their final judgement.





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Right now, me and some of my friends put the word out how my most resent ex (been single since Sunday evening :/ ) made sure i knew it was over. he had posted a dating ad on a website, and thought he might find some fun new girl before he was gonna dump me next weekend. One of my friends found out and alerted me. Was a hell, but also now everybody knows what he did and if any girl is interested in him they will tell. he wanted an "honest and caring girl that is a bit crazy" he descibed himself as "honest, sweet and faithfull."


Things like this don't gp over well with me, and def not with my friends.... if stuff like this happens we always get the word out so noone will want them....


hmmm, yeah I sound like a hurt person right now.... :/

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There is our problem...Russia is not counted in the civilised world. It is more corrupt than in the old Soviet days. If you have the money, if you know the people, anything can happen.




This, however, can be turned against them. The right thing said to the right people, enough money changes hands...I personally can extract my revenge. They can be beaten until they are physical wrecks, totally disabled...fully conscious that it is their own son who is doing this. When the investigation comes around, the right people will ensure that there is never a case, as the accused never existed . My parents will be hospitalised...and for the remainder of their painful lives, they will know that I, Nikolai, their forsaken son, am still alive, am happy, and have my vengeance. Thus do they feel both the physical pain and mental anguish. It need not even be quick...I can spend hours...days, extracting apologies for every threat, every beating, every deprivation. For every day I have not existed. For every minute I have lived without Zhenya. And still will the result be the same.




Think of me what you will, the only emotion stronger than love and hate is fear. As I have lived in constant fear of my parents, so shall they now live in fear of my retribution. I have my own love for them turned to hatred. My love of Alex turned against them as hatred. My love for Zhenya turned against them as hatred. The horsemen have ridden forth, the antichrist has come, and now they await their final judgement.







I wish you peace. May you find it where you will. May it rise from the most unexpected horizons and bless you with it's gentleness in your darkest and most violent hours.

I will not seek to excuse or condemn. I will not seek to caution or turn aside your purpose. No trite words, no empty sentiments. I just wish you peace at the end wherever that may be.

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Am I the only one that is a little uncomfortable with all this talk of murder and beating? I thought this was a site minors could come to? surely this subject is just as graphic as other things.


I don't believe in revenge over petty things, or even if something bad happened that was an accident. The only time revenge should be exacted in my eyes is if someone maliciously hurts someone you care for. Even then however, I dot think murder can ever be truly condoned in revenge, unless it is used in self defence. revenge messes you up, you just have to let go. (and before any douches start rabbiting about how I'm too young and haven't lived through what they have - I've seen plenty, I've just learned to move on)

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Revenge: What would drive you to seek it?



Example: Some years ago there was an asshole dealer that was causing a lot of problems in the town I was living in. He was selling pot to high school kids and was getting some of them started on crack. He was fronting weed to kids to sell for him and if they didn't come up with the money on time he would hurt or sexually exploit them.


Several kids that I used to look out for me came to me with complaints about this asshole. The longer that he was in business, the worse it got. Usually I don't get involved in things like this but I had a cousin in the middle of it and one of his friends got started on crack. Screw with kids and I will come after you.


I sat a couple of kids down and started asking them questions about this ass-clown and by the time we were done we had figured out that he was going to Vicksburg every Sunday and coming back with a couple of pounds of weed and other junk to sell.


I did a little research and made a call to a detective with the Warren county sheriffs department. I gave him the clowns description, the plates of his two vehicles and let him know his habits.


A month later he was busted and it was very, very serious. They got his supplier who was getting it off barge traffic along the river.


He never knew how or why he got busted. He was an ignorant ape so it was probably inevitable in any case. I just helped speed up the karma.


B)..............I see this as the morally right thing to do, not quite as revenge. It was justice served. To me revenge is getting back at someone who has wronged you. Something I have never really done, I figure karma will get them in the end.

Edited by Benji
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  • 2 months later...

What would drive you over the edge? Would it be something simple like someone stealing from you? Would it involve someone killing someone in your family or perhaps a lover? Under what circumstances, if any, would you seek revenge and to what extent?


I've been bullied for years in elementary school and also during my first year in secondary school, about 5 to 6 years in total. During my last year in elementary school I had no friends at all. Looking back at it, I've been through hell (that's the way I look at it personally). After that first year in secondary school, we moved and I went to the school I'm still going to. I'll graduate this year and my life is totally different from what it was back then. I still think about that time of my life as a very dark one and I really want to take revenge. To what extend? I want all the kids who bullied me to go through the same hell that I went through. Loneliness is a terrible feeling. They made me feel it, I want some revenge.


I'm sorry for telling you about this, but to give an answer to the main question I needed to explain it.

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I've been bullied for years in elementary school and also during my first year in secondary school, about 5 to 6 years in total. During my last year in elementary school I had no friends at all. Looking back at it, I've been through hell (that's the way I look at it personally). After that first year in secondary school, we moved and I went to the school I'm still going to. I'll graduate this year and my life is totally different from what it was back then. I still think about that time of my life as a very dark one and I really want to take revenge. To what extend? I want all the kids who bullied me to go through the same hell that I went through. Loneliness is a terrible feeling. They made me feel it, I want some revenge.


I'm sorry for telling you about this, but to give an answer to the main question I needed to explain it.



Why sorry? Everyone goes through dark times and this is a safe place to express and explore them, to find out what they mean to us in the here and now and how to move on from them. It is an inspiration to those who are still in their dark times to know that for others who went through them there was light at the end of the tunnel and it helps them to glimpse their own glimmer of hope. I am very glad both that you shared your experience with us and that it ended well for you. Look back on this post if you find yourself lost in the darkness again :)

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When I am emotional over an event, I can fantasize about revenge. Most times I calm down and see revenge as a consequential mistake. I am guilty of petty revenge. Call me names and you will find I have had years of experience with name calling. But I regret that too. What James spoke of I see as civic duty. If I saw crime, injustice, I would want it stopped. When I am wronged or when I wrong someone else, mostly I feel shame

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