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A Recurring Theme

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Hey Guys


I've been pondering for a while and i just keep getting the same idea coming back into my head.


But i know it wouldnt work as anything. Its simply just one violinist raising her bow and beginning to play. REALLY SIMPLE.


Do you guys know of how to get a really really really difficult idea onto paper.


And how do you develop your ideas into something more strengthened?




Johnathan xx



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Hey Guys


I've been pondering for a while and i just keep getting the same idea coming back into my head.


But i know it wouldnt work as anything. Its simply just one violinist raising her bow and beginning to play. REALLY SIMPLE.


Do you guys know of how to get a really really really difficult idea onto paper.


And how do you develop your ideas into something more strengthened?




Johnathan xx




Break it down. Really really difficult ideas always break down into simple steps .... even a journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. read Rush's description of a kiss.

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why a vioinist raising her bow to play? maybe it is the beginning of something else. Back when I used to write (Im joking I still manage one or two sentences per month...) I used to visualize my scenes as movie scenes.


If you try that approach, think of why the camera is on this violinist. Whose perspective is the camera supposed to be? What makes this violinist so special? Where is she? Is she alone, or is she in the middle of an orchestra in a concert hall? If so is it her first performance, or is it her last, basically what makes this moment above all the others, so special.


gives you some stuff to think about to help develop the scene and the story that should follow.


or I could have just confused you even more.





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why a vioinist raising her bow to play? maybe it is the beginning of something else. Back when I used to write (Im joking I still manage one or two sentences per month...) I used to visualize my scenes as movie scenes.


If you try that approach, think of why the camera is on this violinist. Whose perspective is the camera supposed to be? What makes this violinist so special? Where is she? Is she alone, or is she in the middle of an orchestra in a concert hall? If so is it her first performance, or is it her last, basically what makes this moment above all the others, so special.


gives you some stuff to think about to help develop the scene and the story that should follow.


or I could have just confused you even more.






That's really good advice. Sometimes I'll do that too...think of it as a movie scene. Especially those more dramatic encounters. To the degree that I can, especially with first person writing, I really try to immerse myself enough to feel what they're feeling.

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Do you guys know of how to get a really really really difficult idea onto paper.


And how do you develop your ideas into something more strengthened?



Johnathan xx




You've gotten good advice, and advice from the best. The only thing I can add is, first, write what you can and all you can before the idea leaves your mind, or before the Muse moves on. Second, once you have captured the idea, no matter how inchoate or "crude" it may seem, start picking it apart: what does each component mean? how do the components relate to one another? what if...? (The "what if" is a prelude to all sorts of questions: what if this wasn't here? what if that were more important? what if this had not happened? what if it happened in a different order? The possibilities are endless.) Third, if you're stumped, put it away for a while, work on something else, come back to it. Pick a piece of it and write about that piece. It may be that the original idea was not meant to become story, but was meant to point you to something entirely different. Hope this helps.


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