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I love candles around the holidays, especially Yankee Candles, I think they last the longest and have very good scents. My favorites for this time of year are "home sweet home" "cinnamon celebration" "balsam and pine", you know the christmasy scents. What kind do you like?




guess what I went shopping for today! LOL!! laugh.gif

Edited by gmendias
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I love candles. I burn them all the time, almost every day and have a huge stock of all kinds. I use them sometimes in magic so I have all sorts of colours from black to white, especially red, orange, blue and green. I LOVE Yankee candles and anything vanilla or spiced scented. :)

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I gave up most of my candle burning ways for my electric scentsy. Just makes sense with little ones in the house. Plus they have a great line of scents that last comparably to a candle life. My favorites are lemon lavender for the clean scent and one called Snowberry for christmas. It evokes the smell of berries and pine and snow for me, just as the title says, ideal for the holiday season. I think for thanksgiving I will be using my Wasabi ginger, a very "baking" kind of scent.


(I still sneak a few candles for ambiance and scent at the bathtub, I happen to like bayberry) shhh

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Im a candle freak as well, but my tastes run more to the earthy/spicey side. My favorites currently are Sandalwood and Ginger and Cedar and Frankincense... Yeah I am wierd I know LOL.



Ginger and Cedar I can see, being a small child in the 70's burned me out on Sandalwood lol, I don't think I have ever actually smelled frankincense...... hmmmm blink.gif

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Frankincense is awesome.. although I don't burn frankincense candles much... mostly during spells/rituals. I do burn the resin incense though and it is nice but a little sickly. Sandalwood is ok but I prefer vanilla... in fact I am having a vanilla kick at the moment... candles, room scents and tea. Ginger scented candles are good but it just makes me think of gingerbread cooking and then I want to eat them.

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candle freaks...i THINK i GOT YA ALL BEAT :P


Okay, so I don't have a lot of candles laying around, but I do have over 40 different candle molds. I would have more than 40 pounds of wax, but my BF said I needed to stop buying it til after we've moved, so I'm down to 25 pounds right now.


as far as scents go, black cherry is my fav. :D although there is one that's called 'Amish harvest' that is really good too. Home sweet home and welcome home are my BF's favorite scents while my Mom likes cinnamon, vanilla, and lavender.




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