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Swine Flu vaccine


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hey all


Anyone had the swine flu vaccine?


Is it being distributed in your area?


I'm trying to gauge what the reaction to the vaccine is. whether for example anyone has been ill from it, or even a sore arm, that sort of thing.


I'm still in touch with my mum's old surgery whose told me that they've only been given a small batch to give out and has no idea whether they'll be getting more after christmas. The manager doesn't like it as she has no idea how many she can invite to the clinic and is worried too many will turn up as it is, especially as she has to make sure if she doesn't get a 2nd batch she has enough for those that need 2 doses.


That and I'm not sure how many medical staff are taking the stuff overall. I think a fair few aren't bothering on safety grounds I think.


My gran had it on sunday and then was violently ill sunday night and has been for the week (but there are other complications there, but she is finally getting better), but they don't know whether it was the vaccine, or whether it could have reacted that fast. My family who are all GPs didn't think it was, but were unsure because they don't know enough about the vaccine and how people have been reacting yet.


But the manager just told me that in another area that has already done their clinics, even though they are told it is not live, there have been a fair number of people who have been ill. One patient was taken ill immediately and had to have an ambulance. no exactly positive. But am I scaremongering. I just want to get an idea of what is going on with the vaccine and people's experiences.


Would you have it, or would you brave the flu?



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hey all


Anyone had the swine flu vaccine?


Is it being distributed in your area?


I'm trying to gauge what the reaction to the vaccine is. whether for example anyone has been ill from it, or even a sore arm, that sort of thing.


I'm still in touch with my mum's old surgery whose told me that they've only been given a small batch to give out and has no idea whether they'll be getting more after christmas. The manager doesn't like it as she has no idea how many she can invite to the clinic and is worried too many will turn up as it is, especially as she has to make sure if she doesn't get a 2nd batch she has enough for those that need 2 doses.


That and I'm not sure how many medical staff are taking the stuff overall. I think a fair few aren't bothering on safety grounds I think.


My gran had it on sunday and then was violently ill sunday night and has been for the week (but there are other complications there, but she is finally getting better), but they don't know whether it was the vaccine, or whether it could have reacted that fast. My family who are all GPs didn't think it was, but were unsure because they don't know enough about the vaccine and how people have been reacting yet.


But the manager just told me that in another area that has already done their clinics, even though they are told it is not live, there have been a fair number of people who have been ill. One patient was taken ill immediately and had to have an ambulance. no exactly positive. But am I scaremongering. I just want to get an idea of what is going on with the vaccine and people's experiences.


Would you have it, or would you brave the flu?




In my area the vaccine has been offered to all those who work in the NHS, the staff at local nursing homes and the staff of local chemists. Everyone I have spoken to who have been offered it have declined. Having said that have only spoken to a couple of people.


For myself, I am deeply suspicious of vaccines at the best of times and this one has not been tested anything like enough to make me trust it.


Of the three friends I know who have had the vaccine, all three have become ill. One of them was more ill than the other friends I know who have had the flu.


It is likely that my son and I will be offered the vaccine as we are both asthmatic but I will have to have a long and frank discussion with the doctor before I allow my son to have it and I doubt I will have it.


All flu is dangerous. All flu is still fairly rare. For me, I'll take my chances

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In my area the vaccine has been offered to all those who work in the NHS, the staff at local nursing homes and the staff of local chemists. Everyone I have spoken to who have been offered it have declined. Having said that have only spoken to a couple of people.


For myself, I am deeply suspicious of vaccines at the best of times and this one has not been tested anything like enough to make me trust it.


Of the three friends I know who have had the vaccine, all three have become ill. One of them was more ill than the other friends I know who have had the flu.


It is likely that my son and I will be offered the vaccine as we are both asthmatic but I will have to have a long and frank discussion with the doctor before I allow my son to have it and I doubt I will have it.


All flu is dangerous. All flu is still fairly rare. For me, I'll take my chances

thanks for telling me. Of the friends who were ill, how long after the vaccine did they start getting ill?

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Slightly better news on my side of the pond. I know about 30 people that have gotten the vaccine, and only one has gotten ill from it. Took about 24 hours for her to get ill. The others had no negative reaction and, to my knowledge, are flu-less.


My office was offered the vaccine at no charge, since I work for the government. Appointments filled up in a few hours. I don't know if anyone in my building has gotten the flu.


I will not get the vaccine, I never get them. Swine flu is overrated. ZOMG PANIC TEH FLU!


Edit for more info.

Edited by Tarin
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I heard some expert on the NPR radio news this morning saying that the number of new H1N1 flu cases in the southeastern US is declining, but is still increasing in the rest of the country. I still plan to get the vaccine when it is available since I am in a priority group.


He also said the flu is spreading from western to eastern Europe.

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DC and I both survived a probable case of piggy flew (we didn't go to the doctor's office to get tested and infect other people). It was a little worse than normal flu, lasted a little longer too, but we are ok. He still has to get the vaccine when it becomes available due to other factors. I support that. He is not happy, but he agrees that the vaccine is probably better than having that nasty flu again. He gets the regular flu shot every year, and rarely gets sick so it was not a pleasent two weeks for either of us. There have been a few cases of negitive reactions in this area, but they are very few and very far between. I'm not all that worried.

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Discussions here are rather hot about the vaccine - especially since it was made public the vaccine they are using in Germany contains "enhancers" that are not approved by the FDA in the US and not well tested at all. I don't know of anybody that got the shot yet personaly. I read some people had serious side effects (fever etc.), but others only a sore arm.

I won't take the shot. Somehow i get more and more the impression this panic about H1N1 is a well orchestered campaign by the pharma lobby to make LOTS of money and have a massive "field test" for their new "enhancers" at the same time...

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zombie.gif < Brains!





Disclaimer: I am kidding. I am not serious. If you are dumb ass enough to believe that swine flu vaccine will turn you into a brain eating zombie, in zombies, or that I might actually be serious or have an agenda outside of a having a few laughs, then you had better check your pulse and you are in no danger since zombies do in fact eat brains.

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I know a few people who have had the shot but neither of them had any after effects.


that said, dead body count here is up to 22 (or something like that) and a lot of people are coming down with the flu. In a regular year up to 2000 people die from the flu, and we never hear anything about that either....


I'm not worried, the whole panic at the beginning of the year was overrated, but now they can't just say that they overreacted now can they? no, cause that would mean the government actually is able to make mistakes like that and we can't just blindly follow them....


so yeah, my opinion is that it's overrated and I won't be getting a flu shot.

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Discussions here are rather hot about the vaccine - especially since it was made public the vaccine they are using in Germany contains "enhancers" that are not approved by the FDA in the US and not well tested at all.

I won't take the shot. Somehow i get more and more the impression this panic about H1N1 is a well orchestered campaign by the pharma lobby to make LOTS of money and have a massive "field test" for their new "enhancers" at the same time...

The use of "enhancers" is not so unusual. I have personal knowledge of a clinical trial which uses a fowlpox (chicken pox) vaccine to enhance the effectiveness of a vaccine for prostate cancer. If tests are successful, it will be because the enhancer led the way for the trial vaccine to boost the immune system.


The use of an enhancer in the H1N1 vaccine isn't necessarily a nefarious scheme by pharmaceutical companies; it may be a positive factor in the efficacy of the vaccine.

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Discussions here are rather hot about the vaccine - especially since it was made public the vaccine they are using in Germany contains "enhancers" that are not approved by the FDA in the US and not well tested at all. I don't know of anybody that got the shot yet personaly. I read some people had serious side effects (fever etc.), but others only a sore arm.

I won't take the shot. Somehow i get more and more the impression this panic about H1N1 is a well orchestered campaign by the pharma lobby to make LOTS of money and have a massive "field test" for their new "enhancers" at the same time...


If what my gran had/has was because of the vaccine she was seriously ill. She had something my mum called Rigours, - no idea if I have spelt that right. became ridiculously weak. wouldn't eat, was even sick from food. couldn't get warm, had a temperature, all that sort of thing. They were just worried it would be pneumonia because she had it last year.


and no doubt you are right about the pharma, they will do anything.


and all those poor chickens that got killed just for the vaccine. egg was in the vaccine. my aunts got some chickens that were saved from the slaughter. used just for those egss for the vaccine, then getting thrown away.

Edited by Smarties
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I'm no expert on the subject, but one of my clients is a major distributor of the H1N1 vaccine.


Anyone who was exposed to the Asian flu of the 1950's is immune from H1N1 and would not require a vaccination, so the elderly in that age range are not priorities. It is one reason why certain elderly people are not being inoculated, because the strain variations from the 1950's Asian flu is similar to the current H1N1, so it would provide the same protection as a vaccine.


Just a friendly piece of medical advice.


I opted not to take the vaccine; although technically I do fit the criteria as I am involved in health care business consulting and make trips to hospitals and community health centers often. I'd rather people younger than me or more at risk get the vaccine first.

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The university clinic offered H1N1 immunizations, so the four of us got them on Wednesday November 4. Doug, Steve, and I were fine after getting our injections, but my brother Chris got sick that evening. He complained that his muscles ached and he felt generally crappy. It wasn't bad enough that he skipped his classes on Thursday or Friday, but he said that he still ached all over. He was fine when he woke up Saturday morning.


Colin B)

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Yeah, the disease does seem to affect the young a bit more than the old due to the immune response.


Sadly hundreds of children have already died of Swine flu.

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The one and only time I have had the flu shot I became really ill, with the flu within 24 hours. So I have declined them ever since. My brother gets them every year and has never been sick. I hope your gran is better now.

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The one and only time I have had the flu shot I became really ill, with the flu within 24 hours. So I have declined them ever since. My brother gets them every year and has never been sick. I hope your gran is better now.


thanks. yeah she is finally starting to get better.

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All my Nursing major friends are on an internship at various hospitals so they all got it, none of them seemed to have any ill-effects (pun intended). I personally am not going out of my way to get one. I am having enough trouble avoiding common ailments this year that swine flu is the last thing on my mind.

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