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2010 Winter


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It really isn't bad here in our area, at least not yet. We've only go about 3 to 4 inches of snowover the last 36hours, and this is the only significant snow fall we've had so far this season. The temp has been about our usual too. Our only real problem is the fact that our GOOD car's struts are shot so we're ahving to put around in this dinky little thing that sucks on this kind of stuff, snow, and slush and ice and what not.


So far though the Persimon seeds were wrong, no ice yet. *knocks on wood*



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Ooh, did you guys keep each other warm when the heat went out? :D


From the stories I heard '78 was supposedly the worst storm of the last century. In Boston people were stuck on highways, office buildings, and even their homes for days. I wonder what type of stories would come out of something like that from a gay person's perspective at the time if your stuck in the same space with someone of the same sex? Perhaps romance? Betrayal? Space issues?


Damn, I get too many writer's ideas and never enough time to write them. :P

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I'm a daily reader of BBC and pretty much I hear it's the worse since 1981. Not so long ago in a normal human lifetime. I did hear few tales there like a woman, aged 35, saying it was the worse since she was a girl about ice forming very hard on the sidewalks, roads, and so on, and actually sticking around for such a long time (UK-wise).


Prolly the worst for your own generation. That's living memory. I'd reckon the eldery saw worse many decades ago anyways. Like you just mentioned... May have been just for your own region. We'll see as the worst hasn't truly ended yet.


If I'm too badly informed, please do help me to correct my conclusions! :)


No your doing well :).

I was referencing a particular region. They were also reminiscing about the last time helicopters were used to drop supplies into the valley it was that bad. But again that's aggges ago. I'm not that up on the patterns and dates for weather in the uk really, just what I've experienced and heard about where I live. At the moment that's on the coast where for whatever reason our weather is milder :).

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Some of our factories, nearly a 100, have voluntarily entered into an agreement with our national grid to reduce or completely stop their usage of gas for the time being. They are apparently on a discount contract. Apparently they've also issued the 2nd "gas balancing alert" in the last four days, whatever that means. All due to a surge in demand over home gas in the severe weather.



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This map seems to be suggesting that we are experiencing the cold weather because the jet stream has moved south this year.




and it's supposed to be possibly the coldest night of the winter tonight, getting as low as -20oC. Now that's cold for the UK, or at least England! (-4F for the rest of you :))


Edited by Smarties
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Holy eff 50 inches of snow? If only. Thats a snowboarders dream lol.


I guess being canadian is a blessing and a curse. Blessing in the sense that cold weather, hardly phases me. A curse in the sense that it doesnt phase anyone else from around here either lol, so nothing ever gets shut down from cold, or snow really (unless it snows crazy bad, but usually, anything under like 20 inchs, and everything stays open.)


I had to bus to my classes today, and it was retarded cold. -39 Degress celsius with windchill, -25 degrees celsius without (Thats -38.2 f with windchill and -13 f without for you americans :P)


Supposed to warm up for this weekend though. Highs of -11 C! wewt.


This is hardly the coldest whether I've ever seen though. There was about a week, a couple years ago, where it was like, -40c without windchill, and gusting winds of like 35 km/h, making the temperatures in the -60 to -70c range with windchill. THAT week sucked.

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I almost had a stroke when I checked the weather a little while ago, and the wind chill was the same as the ambient air temperature! It's hasn't been over freezing in over a week, and the only part about it that pisses me off is we've had NO precip! The worst so far has been the storm that dumped 2 feet of snow over South and Central Jersey, while I got about 9-10 inches (giggity). Two days of rain over Christmas and Christmas Eve took care of that. -.-


I'm probably going to the Poconos for some much needed snowboarding (parents offered to pay for lift tickets for my birthday!), so there had better be some snow! You here that, Father Winter?? Answer me, or Global Warming has a new errand boy!

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When I moved to the Dallas area last January, it was cool but nothing like this. This is like weather I expect back home in the KC metro. Granted there hasn't been snow this time around, but temperatures in the teens are rare here. Normally, there are some cool days where highs struggle to get into the 40's, but there seem to be a lot more days like that this year, and that sounds nice and balmy compared to temperatures now. It's extremely rare to have a period of even 24 hours of temperatures below freezing here, but the temperatures went below freezing early Thursday morning, and it is supposed to remain below freezing until at least Saturday, maybe Sunday. Also, it's already snowed a few times this year, but all there was last year was one ice storm in late January. The low at the airport is expected to be 17. That's cold even for Kansas City, which is expecting a low of -3, and yes, that is VERY unusual for my home town. :/

Edited by Tiger
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When I moved to the Dallas area last January, it was cool but nothing like this. This is like weather I expect back home in the KC metro. Granted there hasn't been snow this time around, but temperatures in the teens are rare here. Normally, there are some cool days where highs struggle to get into the 40's, but there seem to be a lot more days like that this year, and that sounds nice and balmy compared to temperatures now. It's extremely rare to have a period of even 24 hours of temperatures below freezing here, but the temperatures went below freezing early Thursday morning, and it is supposed to remain below freezing until at least Saturday, maybe Sunday. Also, it's already snowed a few times this year, but all there was last year was one ice storm in late January. The low at the airport is expected to be 17. That's cold even for Kansas City, which is expecting a low of -3, and yes, that is VERY unusual for my home town. :/


Kansas City sucks. Their weather is always horrible.biggrin.gif And it's always worse than ours. That's just one reason why St. Louis is so much better. tongue.gif


But it is really really cold. We're supposed to hit -7 tonight.

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I remember the blizzard of 78 quite well as I went thru it in Indiana. It might make an interesting blog entry. Especially since I had a house guest for 3 days.



I remember that blizzard too. It was the only time in the history of the transit commission that public transportation was suspended.


I, of course, was then stranded in the middle of downtown Minneapolis when everything was closing. I spent 6 hours WALKING home in that mess!

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