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The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

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Sigh but here THESE TWO LINKS ARE A MUST SEE!!!!! This is HOW IT SHOULD BE DONE...AND HILARIOUS and I'm serious... Buffy meets Edward. Now this is how a story with a kick ass female lead should be like... girl power... not some wimpy whiner who thinks about killing herself because some guy ditched her. And link number two is hilarious... talks about how Breaking Dawn the last book of the saga should be a movie and the best part.... every single thing he says IS true. He doesn't lie about the book, all completely true ( I know cause I read all four books.... and I own the fourth...I know)This is why Breaking Dawn should be a movie... Really you have to see this...

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The first Twilight movie was terrible. I was determined not to see the second one until I saw Talyor Lautner shirtless. The several scenes where just stands there all godlike made the terrible acting bearable. :P

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