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The Zombie Apocalypse in At Hand!

The Zombie Apocaypse  

14 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is to blame?

    • Pat Robertson
    • those pesky scientests
    • bioterrorists
    • rouge corporations biowarefare experiments gone wrong
    • emerging infectious diseases
    • prions
    • angry Jesus/Mohammad/Zuel the Destroyer
    • it was time to shuffle and re-deal anyway
    • George Bush
    • Obama
  2. 2. Choice of weapon for the Zombie Apocaylypse

    • 9mm Beretta
    • Desert Eagle .44 claiber
    • Riot Shotgun
    • M-16
    • M4 Carbine
    • 30-30 or 30-06
    • 50 Cal
    • Battle Axe
    • Make up/pretend to be a zombie
  3. 3. What do you do?

    • hunker down, fight them as they come to you
    • stay on the move
    • find a badass, be his sidekick
    • be the badass, whip zombie ass
    • hide and hope they don't smell your brains
    • crap your pants
    • play ac/dc highway to hell and be the zombie apocaylypse
  4. 4. Best place to be

    • the South- more guns and Jesus
    • the East- the mob declares war on the zombies: forgetaboutit
    • the Midwest- wide open spaces so you'll see them coming
    • the Desert South-West- zombies hate cactus
    • California- with all the weirdness who would notice
    • Canada- frozen zombies
  5. 5. Best ride for the Zombie Apolypse

    • Hummer
    • Blazer or Taiho SUV
    • Toyota 4wheel drive pickup
    • M3A3 Bradley
    • Pimped out M1A3 Abrams Main Battle Tank

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LOL such a fun topic, me and my friends always talk about these kinds of scenarios after watching another zombie movie ect and so far the best plan we have is to stock up some good size boats at a harbour build some barrier around the harbour and shoot them as they attack this barrier, if the barrier is over run we escape in the boats and can shoot them safely from a distance :D we have way too much time on our hands

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Zuel, Battle Axe, AC/DC, Zombiecicles, Hummer.


I figure it'd be some refridgerator-bitch who would unleash the darkness of hell on us.


When you run out of bullets, WTF are you going to do? Meelee!


Highway to Hell, depths of Hell, it works.


Easiest to just smash them with the back of the axe when they're frozen, than waste the sharpness of the blade and waste precious time sharpening it!


My friend and I have discussed this before. If we wind up in a "Dawn of the Dead", "Day of the Dead," end-world scenario, we're heading to the hummer dealer and taking an H1. Versatile and strong, just have to stay close to dense population centers (gas!). You can run them over when they crowd you. ;)

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Having read "The Zombie Survival Guide", it is no longer an if this happens, as a when it it happens situation for me.


Movies like Zombieland make this seem fun, plus you'll meet Bill Murray, however this is not true.


Games like Resident Evil are more serious, however copying them will get you killed. Using herbs to heal wounds is stupid. It will make them taste like Basil though.



That said, Hummer for the win.

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I have fantasies where I swoop up [insert current crush here] and save him from an invasion. Usually not zombies, but it works in the same way.


It was time to shuffle and redeal anyway –or– politicians in general, not sure.




Mine isn’t on there, H&K USP .40 S&W. It’s my wet dream gun in blue steel. I’d go with the 9mm otherwise; I prefer a larger clip to a bigger bang.


Also, an M16 as primary. Great weapon as long as you can keep it clean. I'm a marksman.


What to do?


Stay on the move. More fun that way.


Best place to be?


South or Midwest. I’m familiar with the Midwest, however the South doesn’t usually get so cold if the invasion lasts into the winter. I hate cold.


Best ride?


Of that list, a Hummer. A Bradley or Abrams take too many people to operate, though I would choose the Bradley if I had people to drive me around.


Honestly, I would prefer my car though. Something familiar,though I’d take what I can get as transport.

Edited by Tarin
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I'm pretty sure that the optimal weapon against a zombie is fire. Fire and poisoned brains that make them tear their own heads off. But, since that's not on the list, I'm going with the riot shotgun and the M-16 - I hope it has a laser sight. You really need a head shot so the M-16 is effective there, and for up close and personal the shotgun will be pretty effective.


Always keep moving, you've got to duck and weave sometimes but for the most part as long as they don't box you in it's pretty easy to get distance - they can only shuffle so fast. I'm always happiest when I can burn a grassland to hide in the smoke and for maximum flame on zombies as they cross the fire line, so I stayed with the Midwest. I've selected the hummer because the



isn't on the list.

Edited by Hoskins
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rule number 1 Cardio

2 double tap

3 beware of bathrooms

4 seatbelts

: Travel light

limber up

check the back seat

enjoy the little things

when in doubt know your way out

don't be a hero


i do have a feeling in the near future there might be a possibility of an outbreak but untill then I have to stop watching zombie movies before i go to bed they keep me up://

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