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Please wish David McLeod a cheering get well !

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Oh! What wonderful thoughts and kind words. Thank you all, so very much. I'm keenly happy to be back.


No mystery: what was originally thought to be an operable condition (spinal stenosis) has turned out to be 10% stenosis (i.e., not worth the risk of an operation) and 90% neurological/neuromuscular. On the other hand, no one is quite sure exactly what it is. The good news is that it isn't a serious, life-threatening disease.


I had an unexpected reaction to a drug that was thought to have promise (something about increasing the effectiveness of neurotransmitters). I guess "walking coma" is a pretty good description of how I felt for a couple of weeks. I've been assured that I didn't say or do anything too silly (or disgusting) during that time. Silver's condition in Nephylim's "Enigma" in eFiction, less the physical and emotional scars, is pretty similar, I think. (I do not pretend to be anywhere close to as hot as Silver.)


I have found a neurologist who seems to have a rational plan for diagnosis (so far, all the doctors' terms been descriptive but not diagnostic). Meanwhile, the bad news is that I get to go to the gym twice a day for a regimen of exercise designed to keep the nerves firing and the muscles responding. I won't bore you with the description of the eye candy that inhabits the gym. Can you say "silver lining"?


Again, thank you all for your words and thoughts.




Ah crap... you're back...

Does this mean i have to do more chapters :P damn promises :P

only kidding :D

Welcome back david! :D glad you are ish okay :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

...I have often explained that one of the reasons most if not all my characters are beautiful is becuase they are usually described through the eyes of someone who is attracted to them...


If there were a canonical list of rules for successful writing, that one would be near the top. I've added it to my list, for sure.

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... good luck with your new neurologist.

Thanks! Oh, did I mention that she looks to be about 22, and could be justification for becoming bi. ... Nah.


...Can I spot you at the gym? tongue.gifdevilsmiley.giftongue.gif

I would be very easy to spot among the youngsters. biggrin.gif


Does this mean i have to do more chapters tongue.gif damn promises tongue.gif


Yes, please!


David, DO get well soon. And remember, the recommended dose for Viagra is ONE!!!


Who needs Viagra? Endorphines and gym eye candy are quite sufficient, thank you. (Again with the silver lining!)

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I would be very easy to spot among the youngsters. biggrin.gif





Watch your age classifications. I am older than you and I still consider myself to be a 'youngster' ;) It's all relative. Try making the people you are comparing yourself to older. For example we are both mere pups when compared to a 90 year old :)

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I won't bore you with the description of the eye candy that inhabits the gym. Can you say "silver lining"?


Please, be very careful with the eye candy. You can do serious damage to your neck, what with all the whiplash.


Take care, get better.

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LMAO David.... I meant to "SPOT" as in while lifting weights! Luckily in my town most folks there are older than me, at least during the morning hours, I'd be amongst the younger ones. I miss going to the gym though, you can tell by the different shape my body has developed! UGH! Well, as I always say, round IS a shape, right? :(

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Get Well Soon ~ :]


Thank you! Feeling better all the time, in large part because of all the support and good wishes.


Welcome Back =D


Thank you! Glad to be back...still catching up, however.


Get well soon, David.


Thank you, Dolores. Always good to hear from you.


Get well you, we still need to explore more Elijah together.


I am ready when you are...and what a wonderful journey that will be!



Please, be very careful with the eye candy. You can do serious damage to your neck, what with all the whiplash.


Ah, but it's worth it.


David you are GA eye candy. Have you seen your picture?

Welcome back.





Sam, thank you. Really made my day!


LMAO David.... I meant to "SPOT" as in while lifting weights! Luckily in my town most folks there are older than me, at least during the morning hours, I'd be amongst the younger ones. I miss going to the gym though, you can tell by the different shape my body has developed! UGH! Well, as I always say, round IS a shape, right? sad.gif


Yeah, round is a shape and neither of us will ever be in the shape we were as kids but there are other rewards to maturity; there's something to be said for quiet contemplation and deep friendships.

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