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Mary Ray Dies at 114

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Mary Ray, America's oldest living person and the second oldest person living in the world, died peacefully at the age of 114. Wow! She lived through 3 centuries!


On a personal note, I actually got the chance to meet her when I was doing community service at the nursing home she lived at which is only a short distance from where I live. She was an avid Red Sox fan too! thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

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Wow, that is definitely a long life. Hopefully more people will live that long, preferably not spending the last of their days in nursing homes. May she rest in peace. What was she like, Matt?

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Wow, that is definitely a long life. Hopefully more people will live that long, preferably not spending the last of their days in nursing homes. May she rest in peace. What was she like, Matt?



Well what amazed me most about her was how alert and aware she was for being so old. She was not just sitting there in a "vegetable state". She could still interact with the world around her.

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Well what amazed me most about her was how alert and aware she was for being so old. She was not just sitting there in a "vegetable state". She could still interact with the world around her.


I wish I would get old like that - I mean alert and aware of things and people around me.

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The oldest on my dad's side of the family lived to be 104. His mom died at age 94 or 96 (can't remember well) with no ailments at all, only thing, she was almost blind but healthy and strong as a horse (very strong European genes (English))

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I really liked her picture. A lady worth knowing, Matt.


In the nursing home my mother lived in was a lady named Stella Chestnut. She died at 111. She was the oldest GA native, the third oldest American and if I remember the ninth oldest person in the world at that time. Her niece who was in her 90's came everyday to have lunch with her. Stella had a twin sister who died at 106. Stella moved into assisted living at that time. She had a head full of natural dark hair that was amazing.


My great aunt Lucy lived to be 101 and my uncle Jay lived to be 95. Both never sick and both died in their sleep.


I met some amazing people in that nursing home.



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Check out Jeanne Clement. I remember her when I was only 12 when she died. She lived to be 122... oldest person ever. Lived alone until 110... Walked until 115... Smoked until 117... Took up fencing at 85... Still rode a bike at 100...


Facts: There are only about 75 verified people (125 maximum with unverifieds included) born in the 19th century are still alive today. They won't be around for very long and will die off before the next decade. :/ And... there are only two vertified men (6 maximum) left from that century still alive today.


Remember, it seems that the maximum lifespan that human being can live is about 120-125. Living to be 110-115 did happen over and over throughout human history. Only modern advancements made it possible for much more to reach that age, but the maximum limit still remains.


There are a bit of a pattern in the family. Especially my mother's side. Her grandmother lived to be 96 and I remember her quite well (I was 19 when she died). Her mother (my great-great-grandmother) lived to be 84. Her father (ggg-grandfather) lived to be 80. His mother to be 85. So I'm sure my mother will be around well in her 80s at least. Mom's dad was just an exception... died at 74, mainly due to unhealthy habits (smoking and drinking). Her other grandmother lived to be 89 and her son is already 85 now. My grandmother is already 85 and still lives all by herself, drives a car, walks without a cane, and just retired a couple years ago. Hell, she still dances for hours at family celebrations... including jitterbug! :P She'll prolly go on living to be well in the 90s. No family pattern... seven siblings died in their 60s and early 70s and she only has a 77 year old sister left.

Edited by Jack Frost
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Mary Ray, America's oldest living person and the second oldest person living in the world, died peacefully at the age of 114. Wow! She lived through 3 centuries!


On a personal note, I actually got the chance to meet her when I was doing community service at the nursing home she lived at which is only a short distance from where I live. She was an avid Red Sox fan too! thumbsupsmileyanim.gif



Shit dude that's old, i'd actually want to live till i'm in my ninties or at least tell i can't even get up and go to the bathroom any more i'd like to go. i'd like to die in my sleep peacefully.

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