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If you had to buy a laptop today?

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I just want to say that I'm an art major (photographer and graphic design) and I use a PC. I don't like the feel of mac. I have a sony vaio (2k) and it works great. Or it did, but then the wonderful house over surged and destroyed my laptop. I'm buying a new one in August and I'll be spending about 3k this time (yay for government grants). And I'll be buying a vaio again. As always though I get mine custom made to my specifications. I think the art world's usage of the mac kinda has to do with that something stuck up their *ahem* and thinking they are artsy. Programs work equally on both, and then add in the factor that I do some gaming and the PC has te edge for me. Really a person should use somethng they are comfortable with.


I haven't tried Linux and I really want to though.


I've always told my friends to stay away from Dell (though they aren't as bad anymore) and I figured your friend would have went with a Dell. They are price friendly as always.

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