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Neat Freak or Slob?

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I'm pretty messy, I'll admit, though more out of aggressive disorganization than actually being a slob. For example, If I'm using something and get interrupted, it gets put down in the first convenient spot, which I then leave to start on something else. Clothing has a habit of staying where I took it off until I get around to moving it. The bf, however, really doesn't like my attitude towards neat and tidy, so every now and again he'll take action and force me into a cleaning frenzy...which lasts until I get busy again.

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Messy. So messy.

My clothes shift from my bed when i'm awake, to my chair when i need to sleep. Everything else just tends to accumulate on my desk until it looks mountainous. I'd like to say it's an organised mess but it rarely is. Trying to find something consists of just rearranging the mess.

I have to clean it up every couple of days, though. Otherwise things start sliding off the mountains of miscellaneous objects.

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I am so lazy. I see mess and I think, "But I'd have to walk all the way over there to clean it up!" so I ignore it. I do keep the gross stuff down to a minimum, clean the cat box every day and put all the dishes in the dishwasher, etc. BUT when I start to clean, I can't stop until everything is sparkling PERFECT. It takes hours and hours. This is probably why I avoid starting at all costs. If someone pops over I usually think, "I wish that stuff was picked up but oh well" and it only takes half an hour or less to make it look ready for a dinner party.



Well, I may show it off but it's not as pristine as it used to be!


My home reflects my architectural background. I restored Victorians for decades and so I remodeled my 12 year old house to look more old-fashioned. It's furnished with crazy, wild stuff that you just wouldn't find in a 'normal' house: a throne in my living room, marble stepped-candle holders from an old church, a gothic framed mirror, hammered iron chandelier in the dining room, all that sort of stuff. Definitely not your average house.


Most visitors laugh upon walking into my house. They say it looks exactly the way they would expect my house to look...


Even dusty, I still love it!


Dear God, we need pictures! This sounds awesome! I WANT A THRONE! I often find myself so bored with the average household decorations/architecture. I stare at baseboards and think, "Man, baseboards are so boring! They're all the same! What can I replace them with that will actually look interesting?"

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I am so lazy. I see mess and I think, "But I'd have to walk all the way over there to clean it up!" so I ignore it. I do keep the gross stuff down to a minimum, clean the cat box every day and put all the dishes in the dishwasher, etc. BUT when I start to clean, I can't stop until everything is sparkling PERFECT. It takes hours and hours. This is probably why I avoid starting at all costs. If someone pops over I usually think, "I wish that stuff was picked up but oh well" and it only takes half an hour or less to make it look ready for a dinner party.

Your cat thanks you! You have a dishwasher? Lucky guy. I only clean like you do when someone is coming to dinner and I try not to have to many dinner parties!


Dear God, we need pictures! This sounds awesome! I WANT A THRONE! I often find myself so bored with the average household decorations/architecture. I stare at baseboards and think, "Man, baseboards are so boring! They're all the same! What can I replace them with that will actually look interesting?"


Baseboards? Go to your local big box home improvement store and wander through the moldings isle. All baseboards are is a flat piece with moulding trim. Let your imagination soar. Ripping out all the old stuff and replacing it though will be e-x-p-e-n-s-i-v-e. Maybe just one room.

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Imma neat freak. Especially when i have tons of enregy and cant go no where, i clean my mothers house from top to bottom ( I like doing dishes and vaccuming) My room is pretty tidy. I once spent the night with a friend with one of her friends and i ended up cleaning her whole apartment, well there friends with pretty much everyone on that floor and they heard about my cleaning streak. i told em if you give me an energy drink (Vault, Rockstar, monster) I'll clean a room for you. but i ended up just cleaning my friends apartment i think i had eight vaults that day.


thats how i ended up staying the night at my brothers girlfriends house. I saw how messy her kids room was and i started cleaning away, i was like thirteen then :P

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Your cat thanks you! You have a dishwasher? Lucky guy. I only clean like you do when someone is coming to dinner and I try not to have to many dinner parties!


The dishwasher is the only reason I ever eat any food that doesn't come in a pre-packaged frozen box. I would kill to keep it :P


Baseboards? Go to your local big box home improvement store and wander through the moldings isle. All baseboards are is a flat piece with moulding trim. Let your imagination soar. Ripping out all the old stuff and replacing it though will be e-x-p-e-n-s-i-v-e. Maybe just one room.


Expensive indeed! I so need more money. Can't afford to do ANYTHING right now, but one day I will shock and amaze (and frighten) everyone with my super-awesome crazy-random house :)

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ahahaha. I'm such a slob. It drives my boyfriend bonkers when he comes over. I don't leave out dishes or dirty clothes or anything. I wash my laundry, I just have trouble dealing with it after its clean and all the clothes I wear the most sit in one of two laundry baskets in my room. One is clean and one is dirty, and when the clean basket is empty and the dirty basket is full, I wash them and repeat the cycle. I'm not at all organized and leave my things scattered all over. Its not that I'm lazy, I just can't be bothered to do something as mundane as put my books back on the shelf when I know I'll be picking them up again soon, or put away my paints when I know the mood will strike me at the oddest hour and if I have to deal with setting everything up the mood might pass first. He's such a neat freak though, he'll go around my house and put everything back in it's proper place if I don't watch him, I have to get onto him for it because he once lost an entire stack of bills by putting them on neatly on my computer desk instead of leaving them on the dining room table.


I'm messy at work too. I get in a rush at work and jump from one task to the next without stopping to clean between them. I usually leave that for when I've completed the list and all that's left is cleaning. My boss always says she can tell when I'm working because there'll be discarded gloves on the floor and little particles of food littering the counter and floor of my work station. She says she'll be glad when I get my degree and get a real job and she won't have to clean up after me anymore, I tell her she'll miss me so much she'll throw things on the floor just so she can pick them up.


But when the mood strikes and I want to clean (i.e. when I'm very stressed, veeeery bored or when it's just too damn messy) I generally get very into it and won't stop until everything is perfect. I scrub EVERYTHING, I move everything and vacuum/sweep under it, I wipe down base boards and dust walls. Its so uncharacteristic of me, that I have been asked by more than one person if I'm tweaking. xD

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I'm some where in between. I'm disorganised, papers and books lying around, unmade bed, hair brush and creams lying on my headbord, but there's method in my disorganisation, I just know where things are. But food, smelly dishes, stale food lying around, no, no, no. That is something that makes my brain dial 911. I lived with my friend and the one time we left the dishes for a week, I'll never do that again. I don't mind being disorganised but not food in your bedroom that's gone off and has been lying tthere for days. Keep it clean, cheers

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Depends lol. Right now I live with my parents, so I've fallen back into my middleschoole/highschool habit of being as messy as possible to keep people out of my room, but when I was in a dormitory last year, I kept things fairly neat. Not spotless, but clean. Just kinda cluttered.

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