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Neat Freak or Slob?

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Unless you are fortunate enough to have a retinue of staff to keep your personal area up to par, how else do you cope with your day-to-day lifestyle?

Does your home or apartment (or whereever) look like *Fibber McGee's closet*? YOU look it up! p

Or would you feel comfy with an *important* visitor showing up unannounced and asking to use the 'facilities? Even though this means that they will then have to walk (or run, hehe) through at least a portion of your abode to arrive there?

I have personally been acused of being *anal retentive* on this subject so I really would appreciate hearing how some of you *live*.

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I am so messy. Honestly, I don't care about the state of my house. However, I'm rarely home and don't have much time for cleaning. Now I have a bit more time on my hands and my house is looking pretty clean. It's all temporary until I start going to uni again though haha

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I'm a neat freak. When I wake up I make my bed. I have my closet organized with all my hand bags and shoes having their own special compartments and boxes. There are three rooms in the house that I just cannot stand having anything out of place.. the living room, kitchen, and my bedroom. Sadly I can't really force that same sort of neatness on the rest of the family.. lol, but I don't go into their rooms all that much.


At work I'm the only person that can see the top of their desk. I'm the only one that keeps paper in the fax machine and in my printer. I "swiffer" my floor every evening where others do it maybe twice a month?


I hate dirt and I hate looking for things.. so I am definitely a neat freak.

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I prefer my home to be clean - I used to clean it myself and kept it in 'show-off' condition. Now, however, I'm old and have a very bad back so the place isn't nearly as clean as I'd like it to be.

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I prefer my home to be clean - I used to clean it myself and kept it in 'show-off' condition. Now, however, I'm old and have a very bad back so the place isn't nearly as clean as I'd like it to be.

Tipdin! Do NOT apologize!

As we get older we realize that some of the things that we have held dearest are really not that important after all. And I certainly am not trying to imply that as we get *older* we are content with how we are accepting things in our home life.

I'd be willing to bet big bucks that your home is STILL in "show-off" condition! Do NOT dispute this! Hugs! :)

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Tipdin! Do NOT apologize!

As we get older we realize that some of the things that we have held dearest are really not that important after all. And I certainly am not trying to imply that as we get *older* we are content with how we are accepting things in our home life.

I'd be willing to bet big bucks that your home is STILL in "show-off" condition! Do NOT dispute this! Hugs! :)

Well, I may show it off but it's not as pristine as it used to be!


My home reflects my architectural background. I restored Victorians for decades and so I remodeled my 12 year old house to look more old-fashioned. It's furnished with crazy, wild stuff that you just wouldn't find in a 'normal' house: a throne in my living room, marble stepped-candle holders from an old church, a gothic framed mirror, hammered iron chandelier in the dining room, all that sort of stuff. Definitely not your average house.


Most visitors laugh upon walking into my house. They say it looks exactly the way they would expect my house to look...


Even dusty, I still love it!

Edited by Tipdin
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In between. My room is no magazine photograph, but it doesn't look like a high school locker room either. :P

When I posted this I kinda figured that I would get a bunch of young people with *messy* rooms.

Already now, TetRefine, I'm wondering. Maybe 'today's' young people aren't as untidy as I have been led to believe by reading on the GA site!

Are you young guys and gals really different than the impression I get from the stories that I read here?

I'm quite curious!

AND I am not excluding uh well uh people who are *age challenged*.

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Unless you are fortunate enough to have a retinue of staff to keep your personal area up to par, how else do you cope with your day-to-day lifestyle?

Does your home or apartment (or whereever) look like *Fibber McGee's closet*? YOU look it up! p


hehe I must be old cause I don't have to look it up!!!!


neat freak...not really


slob...it kinda depends on the room. I like a clean kitchen, bathroom....well, any room except my bedroom. my BF will not even go near my room...so we sleep in his :lmao:




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Well, I may show it off but it's not as pristine as it used to be!


My home reflects my architectural background. I restored Victorians for decades and so I remodeled my 12 year old house to look more old-fashioned. It's furnished with crazy, wild stuff that you just wouldn't find in a 'normal' house: a throne in my living room, marble stepped-candle holders from an old church, a gothic framed mirror, hammered iron chandelier in the dining room, all that sort of stuff. Definitely not your average house.


Most visitors laugh upon walking into my house. They say it looks exactly the way they would expect my house to look...


Even dusty, I still love it!


I would absolutely swoon to see your home! I hope I didn't get too stupid there. :wacko:

I envy your friends! :(

You seem to be a remarkable person, considering your age! hehe.

I would like to stay in touch with you on GA. Will work on that.

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I'm sort of both but in different areas.


When you go into my bedroom, the bed isn't made, my exercise stuff is roughly bunched in the corner, and the chess board is in the last position it was in when I was playing with against myself the night before. My study room will probably be as messy with my school books spread out on the table.


It is almost the opposite though for the living room, the kitchen, my closet, or the bookshelves. The living room is always arranged in a specific way: two pillows on the right side of the sofa, a pillow on the loveseat, three books and a magazine on the lower level of the coffee table, and a centerpiece on top. The kitchen is always clean unless somebody just finished cooking. My clothes in the closet are arranged by color and type. All shirts, tshirts, and hoodies are are separated and arranged by color. Same goes with my jackets and formal wear. The novels that I have bought and finished reading are grouped together and neatly placed on the shelves downstairs. If I haven't finished it yet, it will be stacked in my bedroom according to size.


So yeah. It is a mix.

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I'm a neat freak. When I wake up I make my bed. I have my closet organized with all my hand bags and shoes having their own special compartments and boxes. There are three rooms in the house that I just cannot stand having anything out of place.. the living room, kitchen, and my bedroom. Sadly I can't really force that same sort of neatness on the rest of the family.. lol, but I don't go into their rooms all that much.


At work I'm the only person that can see the top of their desk. I'm the only one that keeps paper in the fax machine and in my printer. I "swiffer" my floor every evening where others do it maybe twice a month?


I hate dirt and I hate looking for things.. so I am definitely a neat freak.


Pray tell what is *swiffer*?

And I must compliment you on being *neat*!

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When I posted this I kinda figured that I would get a bunch of young people with *messy* rooms.

Already now, TetRefine, I'm wondering. Maybe 'today's' young people aren't as untidy as I have been led to believe by reading on the GA site!

Are you young guys and gals really different than the impression I get from the stories that I read here?

I'm quite curious!

AND I am not excluding uh well uh people who are *age challenged*.


I would avoid stereotyping like that. I don't think today's young people are any neater or messier than yesterday's young people. Some PEOPLE are neater than others.


I also think there's a difference between being disorganized (like say, with papers everywhere) and a slob (like say, with old food on the floor).

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I would avoid stereotyping like that. I don't think today's young people are any neater or messier than yesterday's young people. Some PEOPLE are neater than others.


I also think there's a difference between being disorganized (like say, with papers everywhere) and a slob (like say, with old food on the floor).

Point taken.

Thank you Mark.

But please understand that the purpose of this post was to simply hear other members discriptions of their personal habits.

This post was in NO WAY intended to stereotype the young or ANY other (fill in the blanks)!

Give me a break, Mark!!

I'm just trying to let some people speak about a subject that I am curious about!

If you have an issue with that then maybe go away from this particular post, huh?

By the way, thank you for your imput.

That is exactly what my post was about!

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Point taken.

Thank you Mark.

But please understand that the purpose of this post was to simply hear other members discriptions of their personal habits.

This post was in NO WAY intended to stereotype the young or ANY other (fill in the blanks)!

Give me a break, Mark!!

I'm just trying to let some people speak about a subject that I am curious about!

If you have an issue with that then maybe go away from this particular post, huh?

By the way, thank you for your imput.

That is exactly what my post was about!




I have no issue with it at all. I got what you were doing and what you were saying. I just was pointing out that I don't think it reflects a big generational difference, and there really wasn't anything substantive there to justify that conclusion.


I'm going on the assumption that you met "input" and not "imput".

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Molly! Don't open that door! Eiiya! I actually listened to those but I preferred Burns and Allen.


On this question I am schizophrenic. On the one hand I am organized which is a lot different than neat. On the other hand my organization can appear deceptive. To look at my desk, PC station or the basement workroom anyone would wonder 'how does he find anything'? Its cluttered but I know what's there. Everything in the 'public' rooms appear to be neat and tidy but I know that the spiders have been busy and the dust bunnies will bite your ankles. Of course there is the exception to the rule: I have been looking for a portfolio for the last six months. I know it is here somewhere, I just don't know where.

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I have no issue with it at all. I got what you were doing and what you were saying. I just was pointing out that I don't think it reflects a big generational difference, and there really wasn't anything substantive there to justify that conclusion.


I'm going on the assumption that you met "input" and not "imput".


I did mean to type "i(n)put!

And if I corrected every post on GA I would f**king go bannas!

Can we just stay with the post and DROP THIS? Please?

And thank you again for responding to this post, Mark.

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I prefer my home to be clean - I used to clean it myself and kept it in 'show-off' condition. Now, however, I'm old and have a very bad back so the place isn't nearly as clean as I'd like it to be.


You need a houseboy. :P

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i have an orginised mess..... i know where everything is, because everything has its own place in my room


i cant leave food or drinks in my room if im not using it..... unlike my sister who still has her cereal bowl from a week ago in her wardrobe

my books are the neatist part of everything i own, they are sorted by category (A-Z on the fiction case, dewey decimal system on the factual case), then in the categories there sorted by the authors last name (A-Z)

if an author has released several series, then i go by when the series was first published , and then put the series books in order


i can never, and i mean never put on a dirty t-shirt, dirty jeans are fine, but my shirts have to be really really neat!!!


my wardrobe is sorted by what item of clothes it is, colour and size


i just like things a certain way, and i really hate it when someone goes to "clean" my room and they move my stuff around, thats when i cant find anything!!!!


as for making my bed, i see it as, im going to be using it so why do i have to make it every morning!!!

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I toggle between the choices, never quite reaching clean freak or falling into a total slob. I am a crazy book collector so usually my rooms and office, despite having lots of shelving are overloaded with books I've bought, so it tends to look very messy...or at least hectic even though they're stacked (mostly).


I usually let cleaning go until it reaches 60% of "can't stand it anymore", then I go into clean mode. I have to hype myself up. I know once I get started I totally clean eveything available even if it takes an entire day or more.


I generally know where everything is, or at least where I saw it last. That being said...I don't have the usual type acquired goods a lot of people do who are more stationary. Everything I have mostly is stuff you can carry with you or easily put into storage. Totally moveable.

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With me, it depends on my mood.



I live in a student flat in the Netherlands where I share the bathroom and kitchen, and those are reasonably clean.


Sometimes I am just NOT in the mood for cleaning, and it can take quite some time before I do. But usually my room is very neat and tidy. It also has an effect on school work: I can't study in a messy room. That's why it has to look nice and proper all the time. Especially when friends come over.

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