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If you're worried about putting sex in stories you should read Mark Arbour :P


There is a thread about it somewhere but, and I am sure that someone will let you know if I'm wrong, I think the consensus was that as long as there is a strong story and it's not gratuitous porn then it's pretty much okay. Sex between adults and minors is not liked but sex between minors, at least non explicit and graphic sex seems to be okay.



As for font and style that is a matter of taste and I would suggest you experiment in efiction. There is an option the preview your chapters before you post them.


To be able to post in efiction you need to be given author status. You just have to ask one of the admins... it is usually recommended that you email JSmith I think. There are details of all the contact details on the forum. You also need to register separately for efiction.


There are lots of things you can't do until you have made 5 posts on the forum and posting stories in efiction may well be one of them, I'm not sure.


When you start to post a story you need to rate it and you can put warnings in your story notes.


I think that's everything I can think of but if there's anything else I can do just shout.



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  • Site Administrator

Hi Aaronwriter!


A good place to start looking to understand the ins and outs of the site is the site rules page here. Sex, sometimes graphic sex, isn't going to get a story banned unless it between adults and minors, usually signifigantly minor teenagers. Also, as Nephy said, if a story is solely about the sex involved and does not have a plot beyond that it is typically something that isn't well accepted. Other than that it is pretty wide open. There are a wide variety of genres and options available to mark your stories with when you get ready to post in e-fiction. Technically if you created a profile in there, I recommend you use the same name as you use on the forums page btw, you do not need permission from Joe, or Jsmith, to post. Anyone can. You can also create a topic in the e-fiction discussion forum for your story as well. What you need author status for is to post a topic with a story announcement in the e-fiction announcement forum to let everyone know you have updated a chapter. Be prepared to not have your stories immediately post in e-fiction when you have uploaded them as well. New authors are put in a validation queue to prevent plagarism and such, something that has occured in the past. A moderator will validate your story before it can appear. For future reference, the List of Who to Contact and the previously linked site rules page are both in the Administration Communication forum.


GA has a very well developed Writers Corner and a pretty good group of people who can help a writer along with reviews, critiques and opinions if you care to search them out. Many people both write and operate as editors or beta readers. I've found this to be a great site to learn and grow as a writer as everyone is very accepting. I hope you continue to explore the site and enjoy the community you find here at GA. If you have any questions please feel free to send me a pm as I am a forum moderator for the site. I remember how overwhelming this place can be for a newbie :D



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sorry but i like writing big.

that's great because i have a first sexual experience that's gotten me into trouble.

two teens, but i was accused of writing kiddie porn.

how can you write about first time experiences if they have to be 18 or older.

so many thanks.

I never thought i'd get info so quickly.

just me...


depends on there age group alot of people has said they don't mind sixteen and older when i asked but you could right stories with younger age group but with less sexual activity, you know detailed.


And your BIG writing is no problem :)

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i'll probably leave that story to one side for the moment,

the age was 13 (me) and 15 (my friend) years old.


how can you be 18 and 19 years old at the same time?

why do they mark the age twice?

i went down a size, a bit less aggressive but still big enough.


I don't see a problem you could use those ages but just don't put to much detail into the sex scenes.

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I have several stories I do not post on this site because they do not fit for content. Some things will never follow the site's rules, sorry. If you would read the rules, it would be easier for you. That's why they are there.

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how can you write about first time experiences if they have to be 18 or older.


Easy, actually, even if it's not required here if you do it tastefully and without much detail. ---> living example. Kissed and snuggled, but haven't made that last leap yet and I'm 19! Have my reasons though so merr.


Anyway, it really isn't all that hard to find the rules for stuff on your own, but it requires reading threat titles on the top halves of the first pages in the sections you want to know about. Contrary to popular belief, it takes less time than asking others for the rules. I'll admit GA can be a little confusing, but hey, I haven't been here that long and I'm slowly figuring everything out!

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