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Here are the new stories for the next few months! I'm hoping that we can keep it going like before, but I've slowed down the schedule. I think before...we had one week to read, and then had to review right away and it overlapped into the time we had to read the NEXT story. So now, we'll take a week to read, and then we'll have a week to review and discuss. Sound good? Let me know if you have any thoughts or ideas.


Here's the schedule for the rest of 2010, including the ones we didn't get to in September.....




"Masquerade" By Btomandback

( ( http://awesomedude.com/josh/masquerade/ )


(Read: 10/14, Review: 10/21)





"Lonely Differences" By Jonathan Colourfield

( https://www.gayauthors.org/efiction/viewstory.php?sid=1427&index=1 )


(Read: 10/28, Review: 11/4)






"Mean Streak" By Darion

( http://irc.shackoutback.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&id=139:qmean-streakq&Itemid=124&layout=default )


(Read: 11/11, Review: 11/18)





"Derailed" By Lemons ( https://www.gayauthors.org/efiction/viewstory.php?sid=1753 )


(Read: 11/25, Review: 12/2)





"Between The Lines" By Comicality

( http://comicality.gayauthors.org/between/index.php )


(Read: 12/9, Review: 12/16)






"Laika" By Elecivil

( http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/highschool/laika/ )


(Read: 12/23, Review: 12/30)




That's it for now. And if we need to take another breather afterwards, just say the word! Happy reading! And look for the Jan/Feb/Mar selections, including stories like


"A Different Road" By Ronyx


"Mad World" By Brokendreamboi


"Just Hit Send" By Grasshopper


"Tej And Jeff" By Tejdog


and MORE!!! Seezya then!


(*Remember that you are all more than welcome to read ahead if you finish early with each story. But please keep any comments or spoilers quiet until the discussion, and always remember that it's only the first five chapters. Give everybody a chance to be surprised.)






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I'm trying to figure out what's become of this endeavor. It seems like I am posting in a vacuum. I'm thinking that if no one else wants to participate, I'm more inclined to post about stories that I choose myself.


I'm not trying to whine . . . I'm just wondering what the point of having this schedule is if no one else is paying any attention to it.



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I think a few folks got caught up with the Thanksgiving holiday (here in the States, anyway.) Because I've noticed that all of the boards on the site slowed down dramatically for about two weeks around that time.


I have three reviews to give this week myself. So it will pick back up again soon. The holidays wear a lot of folks out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Never mind. It really looks like no one else is interested in this project. I doubt if I will post anything on the last story in the current schedule. No one else is posting, and virtually no one even comments on my posts. It seems like a waste of effort.



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Yeah, I know the feeling. Sometimes all the effort seems like a waste of time. But it's really HARD to get people to participate in these things. God knows I try my hardest on all the boards. It's like pulling 'greased' teeth with a pair of salad tongs sometimes. But I really would love to keep this going if we can.


I have four stories reviewed in my files so far (They're pretty long), and I want to post one a day over the next week. So you'll get seven reviews from me for sure. Maybe it'll get some of the other readers to peek their heads out for a little bit and join us. :: fingers crossed :: Here's hoping...


If not, I don't know...I'll try to do it on my lonesome when I get te chance.


Oh...and "Door Number Three" has been added. I replaced "A Different Road" on the current list. Cool?



((hugz)) Thanks for helping out so much Agin! I'll find a way to work harder and pull them in somehow. I'll get my wheels spinning right after the holidays.

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