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A Book Recommendation for lovers of Literary Fiction

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Hi guys,


This weekend I read an absolutely beautiful book by an author called Patrick Dilloway that really moved me. It's called "Where You Belong" and is a gay novel written in the same manner as The Cider House Rules and World According to Garp. It really wow'ed me.




The kindle edition for it is only 99 cents which is a complete steal. Who can't afford 99 cents?


Here's the review I posted on Amazon and Goodreads:

The author, Mr. Dilloway, has woven a beautiful narrative through the often troubled life of Frost Devereaux. From his mother and father’s terrible relationship to how he gets manipulated by the Maguire twins, the events that unfold are at times hear-wrenching while absolutely profound in their majesty.



Really, all Frost wants is to be loved and to not have to live a life alone. This yearning causes him to bounce between Frankie, the woman who taught him passion with "A Streetcar Named Desire" to Frank(her twin brother) who engages him in a loving (if not turbulent) homosexual relationship and marriage in a tumultuous climax that recalls the civil rights riots of the 1960′s. The events that happen that destroy Frost’s marriage are understandable because the characters in his narrative burn so white hot with their passion. However, they are also tragic. Mr. Dilloway knows what love is and knows how to write it so that when it all comes crashing down, it’s like watching some beautiful piece of art being destroyed in front of your eyes and you are helpless to do anything. When I finished the book, I sat up for a while thinking about what I'd just read and reflected upon Frost's life wishing that there was a sequel.



The last thing I want to say is that Mr. Dilloway is highly original with his narrative (and completely faithful to his characters and their flaws). Frost never learns and never listens and follows his heart to the very last page which is what makes him so loveable as a character. If you are looking for a book that smacks of the Cider House Rules but addresses the issues of modern times up to and including what happened in 9/11 at Ground Zero and the gay marriage debate, you should check out this book.



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this sounds like a good book i think i will give it a try. I read a book a few years back called Leave Myself Behind by Bart Yates that i highly recommend. it. It's the story of Noah York coming of age and dealing with a lot including the loss of a parent and his sexuality. here is a review i wrote it doesn't do it justice though


Whoever compared this book to Catcher in the Rye was right on the money. Bart Yate's Noah York, is witty, insightful, opinionated and wonderfully sarcastic. His narrative is never dull and the story unfolds with ease.


I liked Noah immediately, and loved J.D just as much when he came on the scene. Both boys will pull at your heart strings with this riveting tale of coming of age in a world that won't accept you for who you are. Noah's grief over his father was poignant, it showed how hard it really is to lose someone you love and to have your life so drastically changed at the drop of the hat. I reccommend this book to anyone who likes a good story. Noah is definitely right up there with Holden Caufiield as a literary character not to be forgotten

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