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I smirked at the obviously 'from out of town' woman who was scurrying through the parking lot with her bag held over her head. I had bad news for her... no way was she going to make it from her car into the store dry. The soft drizzle of the morning had just changed into a pounding downpour by the time we had both gotten ten feet from our vehicles. I pushed my glasses up my nose and wished I'd worn contacts. Raindrops speckled the lenses, making it hard to see.


"Oh, oh no!" The words sounded sympathetic but the way I was laughing really took away from the concerned words.


She snapped her head around and stared at me, the shocked oh on her face disappeared and she glared, her lips folded into a flat line of anger. Her blouse was speckled with water and her pants were soaked from the knees down. Her feet were squelching in her open toed shoes as she kept scurrying. She divided her glare between me and the car that had just run through a puddle and splashed her with dirty water. She stalked away from me, still trying to save her elaborately styled hair from the deluge.


I followed behind her. I had my errands to run and it wasn't even cold yet, the weather still in the fifties. I walked into the store entry and pushed the rain off the skin of my arms not covered by my t-shirt. Finding a dry spot to wipe my glasses was a little hard but when I put them back on the ridiculous woman was already out of site. I pushed my wet hair off my forehead and grabbed a grocery cart. I could hear the rain tapering off, the steady drum on the roof getting quieter. I had a whole list to cross off and two more stores to go to. Rain was part of life and I had too many things to do to worry about it.



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  • 2 weeks later...

The rain was falling heavy as I sat curled up on my bed having just finished folding up a load of towels. It had been a while since I had taken time to just enjoy myself. The fact that rain was falling was my excuse to put all my chores off. Instead of taking the time to wash the kitchen floor, do the dishes, wash more laundry, or even start up a few different meals for the week I decided on me time instead.


“The damn dishes will still be waiting for me after the book,” I said to no one. It was more of me explaining to myself that it was okay to do nothing.


I’d bought the book two weeks ago. Usually I would have devoured it by now but lately there was always something else to do. I had letters to write, bills to pay, chapters to finish in my own stories. Today forget it, I was doing what I wanted. I looked around but my father was asleep. Funny he could do that but if I was caught taking time off, well, there would be hell to pay.



I picked up the book, Rage of the Fallen, and set it on the couch. I slipped into the kitchen and made myself a cup of hot chocolate. Deciding a snack would go well I made up a sandwich, and put some chilled grapes on the plate with it. As I was about to climb on the couch with my snack and my book I realized I was still missing something. I padded down the hall and grabbed a light blanket out and then walked back to the couch.


“Hmmmm,” I sighed contently as I wrapped the blanket around my lower body. I placed the sandwich and hot chocolate on the tv table beside me. Then I got comfortable, opened the book, and lost myself in the world of Thomas Ward as I read away my afternoon listening the rain remake the dark dreary world over into something new and bright. Is there a better way to spend a rainy afternoon? Well, not in my opinion.



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