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REMINDER: Do not post political threads/comments in GA forums


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UPDATE:  I forgot to include that as with the forums, statuses as well may not include politics.  Again, please utilize blogs for these type of expressions.



As many of you know, the US Supreme Court is due to issue a number of high interest decisions this week, not the least of which are the Prop 8, DOMA and the Fisher AA cases.  It is natural that these decisions will cross political and personal issues that are important to many members but please remember, our forums, chat and member status updates are NOT for political posts.
If you wish to comment on these events, you are free to use your personal or GA site blog - except in rare circumstances (such as advocating an illegal act), the blogs are not subject to the no politics on GA rule.  You are responsible for moderating your personal blog on your own, however if you have a problem with someone posting a comment in your blog, you can act on that on your own by deleting it or in extreme circumstances, reporting it.
As the rules for blogs mention:

Politics are allowed to be posted on blogs, but only on GA. That does not mean attacks are allowed. However, site staff do not closely monitor blogs so bloggers are required to monitor their own and report issues if site rules are broken.

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