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That is...wonderful! :worship:  Thank you!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tom Brady has been suspended for 4 games in the NFL.


This can only be good for Joe Flacco and the Ravens! :P  :P  :P

Edited by methodwriter85
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  • 4 weeks later...
I think this is so awesome.


Old chalkboards at Emerson High School in Oklahoma City were being removed so they could be replaced with the white dry eraser boards. They found another set of chalkboards underneath that has been untouched since 1917.


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Bailey Matthews, eight-year-old with cerebral palsy, completes UK triathlon.


The article includes the video of Bailey leaving his walking frame behind and completing the event unaided. :wub:

Edited by Graeme
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Boy who couldn't afford books asks mailman for junk mail to read


Another story that's put a smile on my face :)

I found that story too. I found a couple other good ones, but couldn't find my way back here. They were older stories, but still good to share. Will try to find them again...I've bookmarked the link so I won't lose again...

Edited by Reader1810
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  • Site Administrator

I would say the 102 y/o reciepient of a 77 year delayed doctorate and the 8 y/o Cerebal Palsay Tri-athlete were the two that really touched my heart :)

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