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6 hours ago, sandrewn said:

Small white hair spider up close

Small white hair spider

Javier Rupérez (Almáchar, Málaga, Spain)



This reminds me of a person with long hair that goes outside on a windy day and their hair keeps blowing in their eyes.  

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Red-marked, long-legged female Banana spider and its tiny mate in web

This was a real BOO! as I walked right into the web in pursuit of a flower shot! Love the furry bands and bright red highlights on its legs and where its body parts join each other. The golden leg segments are literally translucent. I didn't see the smaller spider until I downloaded. Rather than an offspring, it is a male. Yes, far smaller than the female! Notice the Star Wars shields on its back. It's a very large spider... about 3 inches up and down. Golden Silk Spiders (Nephila clavipes)...Golden Silk or Banana spiders are the largest non-tarantula spiders in North America. Here in Florida, many have bodies the size of a little finger and leg spans over 5 inches. They are gentle, harmless, rarely biting... its sting is less than a bee.. and tremendously beneficial because of all the insect pests like wasps and locusts they eat. Red-legged golden orb-web spider, Nephila inaurata Biscayne Park FL




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Poltys spider

Poltys (spider) - Wikipedia




Viciria praemandibularis female 9mm and spiderlings

On the bottom side of a leaf I saw this female Viciria praemandibularis tending to her spiderlings which recently emerged from their white egg sacs. There were about 25-30 of them. The spiderlings seemed motionless and the mother also stayed put, not bothered by my camera. I was surprised to see that the spiderlings look so different from their parents. The parents have slender abdomen. The spiderlings looked short and chubby with mint-green adomen. The parent are dark red for the male and orange-white for the female. They are quite a colorful family of spiders. It would be interesting to watch how the spiderlings' color and form change as they mature.




Female Coin Spider (Herennia multipuncta, Nephilinae, Araneidae) with egg sac

These often large spiders can be easily overlooked on the trunks of trees where they make a circular flat web on which the female lays her eggs. The much smaller males mutilate and sever their pedipalps, which are often found stuck in the female genital openings. It is suggested that they act as mating plugs to prevent other males from mating with the female and thereby ensure the paternity of offspring. The males cannot mate subsequently and such "eunuch" individuals continue to stay near the female.




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5 hours ago, sandrewn said:





Viciria praemandibularis female 9mm and spiderlings

On the bottom side of a leaf I saw this female Viciria praemandibularis tending to her spiderlings which recently emerged from their white egg sacs. There were about 25-30 of them. The spiderlings seemed motionless and the mother also stayed put, not bothered by my camera. I was surprised to see that the spiderlings look so different from their parents. The parents have slender abdomen. The spiderlings looked short and chubby with mint-green adomen. The parent are dark red for the male and orange-white for the female. They are quite a colorful family of spiders. It would be interesting to watch how the spiderlings' color and form change as they mature.




I don't know if it's just me, but it looks like a scorpion, not a spider.  

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5 hours ago, sandrewn said:



Female Coin Spider (Herennia multipuncta, Nephilinae, Araneidae) with egg sac

These often large spiders can be easily overlooked on the trunks of trees where they make a circular flat web on which the female lays her eggs. The much smaller males mutilate and sever their pedipalps, which are often found stuck in the female genital openings. It is suggested that they act as mating plugs to prevent other males from mating with the female and thereby ensure the paternity of offspring. The males cannot mate subsequently and such "eunuch" individuals continue to stay near the female.




Did anyone else say or think 'Pieces of Eight' when they first saw this spider? 

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This spider, feeds mainly on the Anopheles gambiae (mosquito), the main vector of malaria in the region. It is found around Lake Victoria particularly the parts bordering Kenya and Uganda. By feeding on blood-filled mosquitoes, its scent becomes more attractive to potential mates. Like other jumping spiders, the female lays eggs which are kept in a silken sac.




Yes, I know this one has nothing to do with spiders. However you have to admit the trap entrance does look like a spider web. That is my story and I'm sticking with it.




Edited by sandrewn
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14 minutes ago, sandrewn said:



This spider, feeds mainly on the Anopheles gambiae (mosquito), the main vector of malaria in the region. It is found around Lake Victoria particularly the parts bordering Kenya and Uganda. By feeding on blood-filled mosquitoes, its scent becomes more attractive to potential mates. Like other jumping spiders, the female lays eggs which are kept in a silken sac.


It's only fair.  The mosquitos feed on people and then the vampire spiders feed on them.  It's too bad the vampire spiders couldn't feed on the mosquitos BEFORE the mosquitos feed on the humans!

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1 hour ago, sandrewn said:




Are these photos legit, or were they digitally manipulated to make it appear as if the spider was first frowning and then smiling? 

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2 hours ago, sandrewn said:



  Ah, I've got it.  That's supposed to be a baby Abominable Snowman peeking out of a snow cave.  Am I right?  Did I win a prize?   






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20 hours ago, Bill W said:

Are these photos legit, or were they digitally manipulated to make it appear as if the spider was first frowning and then smiling? 

I think you have answered your own question.

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3 minutes ago, sandrewn said:


Spider on James Island, South Carolina

This is probably a female Golden Orb-web spider (Nephila species). Females can reach up to 15cm in diameter and make very tough webs



To tell you the truth, from the angle above it looks as if that could have been a robotic spider.  

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These I grabbed from an article I found, so I can't confirm any of them. but they do get your attention. There are more than 3 spider ones(13).

30 Things From Australia That Are The Definition Of "NOPE!"



huntsman spider reddit



spider in electric meter



huntsman spider





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