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Space the final frontier...


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@Zombie, why not use generational ships or hibernation ships? Even at .50c (assuming we can bring Anti-matter costs down to something akin to rocket fuel) we can reach our nearest neighbors within a human lifetime. I am not saying we go to the Andromeda galaxy or anything crazy :P Maybe a little trip to Epsilon Eridani just to check out the place, since it has planets, an asteroid belt, and an oort cloud at only 22 LY.


As for aliens vs. humans, what if the aliens are advanced and peaceful in most ways, but they just need one thing from human being....they want to eat us!!! (Twilight Zone to serve man :P )? They offer us technology and resources thousands of years more advanced, plus  end poverty, conflict, and bigotry on Earth. Would a few human burgers really be that awful, if we're well fed, well cared for,  and life was simpler?


An alien species may be radically different than us in terms of moral or ethical values; what we may consider barbaric or backwards could seem to them like normal.

I am human, and i consider my species to be barbaric and backwards in many cases... And I don't mean the actions of a termed "more primitive' Society then what the west considers it, but people within my own country. it's really to me an individual by individual basis to me... although you could go with Doc Macoy's statements from Star Trek, The voyage Home :P lol.

To me, on a society level, humans are at the levels of a Teenager.  Not listening to your elders or the authority of the past (specifically those they held in authority), living only for the now. I can see several corralations between modern human society and a human teenager.

If we can control or even stop our greed, a great deal of our problems would be solved/lessened



In my opinion, I think Greed comes from basic instinct of hording.


Our ancestors like squirrels, apes, and other mammals horded food and other resources in order to stave off starvation or death. At some point, humanity began to develop tools to help us horde more and even cultivate our resources into a sustainable and stable source. However, a million years of natural evolution does not disappear that quickly or easily.


In today's world, we base our entire civilization on the concept of hording; we really don't need a full closet full of outfits to mix and match. We don't need a kitchen filled with a dozen tools to cut, dice, or liquify food into exotic forms for consumption. Even the most tribal cultures in Africa are hording in their own way, showcasing excess in the form of wares and prestigious jewelry.


One of the basis in all modern human consumerism, no matter which political or philosophical ideology you identify with, is based on a common trait from our ancestors, we horde.

actually greed, the accumulation of wealth and so on, are things that give humans something to work towards, to fight for, on an individual personal level, just as the accumulation of power can be. Without Greed or the accumilation of wealth many people and indeed most people in one form or another, would not have a reason to live, or work day in and out... especially for someone they dislike, or with people they dislike.

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In my opinion, I think Greed comes from basic instinct of hording.


Our ancestors like squirrels, apes, and other mammals horded food and other resources in order to stave off starvation or death. At some point, humanity began to develop tools to help us horde more and even cultivate our resources into a sustainable and stable source. However, a million years of natural evolution does not disappear that quickly or easily.


In today's world, we base our entire civilization on the concept of hording; we really don't need a full closet full of outfits to mix and match. We don't need a kitchen filled with a dozen tools to cut, dice, or liquify food into exotic forms for consumption. Even the most tribal cultures in Africa are hording in their own way, showcasing excess in the form of wares and prestigious jewelry.


One of the basis in all modern human consumerism, no matter which political or philosophical ideology you identify with, is based on a common trait from our ancestors, we horde.

what I meant by greed was the unneeded excess, like having twenty planets under our control when we can actually only colonize five, and not having the willing to let go of things that aren't ours

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You know James cameron took avatar as a scifi version of Dances with wolves "p


I would love to be a martian pioneer, building a new world. Is it our world to build on? Maybe if.there is no native life. Besides terraforming is hard work.

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I would love to be a martian pioneer, building a new world. Is it our world to build on? Maybe if.there is no native life. Besides terraforming is hard work.


you watch too much sci-fi :P


Mars gravity is too low for long term healthy human life


Mars has no magnetic field so

- no strolling around in normal clothes, you'd be fried by radiation (solar and cosmic)

- and any atmosphere we create will be blown away

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you watch too much sci-fi :P


Mars gravity is too low for long term healthy human life


Mars has no magnetic field so

- no strolling around in normal clothes, you'd be fried by radiation (solar and cosmic)

- and any atmosphere we create will be blown away


We need to ignite the core of Mars and create a greenhouse effect before we can even begin terraforming operations.  :D If we can create a magnetosphere, then half the problem is solved with radiation, the other half is a thick ozone.


As for low gravity, I wouldn't be offended by it. We can adapt to lower gravity and even lift several hundred pounds in earth standard material. .

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We need to ignite the core of Mars and create a greenhouse effect before we can even begin terraforming operations.  :D If we can create a magnetosphere, then half the problem is solved with radiation, the other half is a thick ozone.


As for low gravity, I wouldn't be offended by it. We can adapt to lower gravity and even lift several hundred pounds in earth standard material. .


Yeah right :P Fact is we still don't fully understand our own planet's processes. And even if we did we wouldn't be able to agree a collective basis for sustainable management :(

Nope, until we can look after our own backyard it's hubris thinking we can "terraform" other worlds


And it's not looking good for humans living for prolonged periods in low gravity -

Spaceflight osteopenia refers to the characteristic bone loss that occurs during spaceflight. Astronauts lose an average of more than 1% bone mass per month spent in space.


Bone remodels in response to stress in order to maintain constant strain energy per bone mass throughout. To do this, it grows more dense in areas experiencing high stress, while resorbing density in areas experiencing low stress. On Mars, where gravity is about one-third that of earth, the gravitational forces acting on astronauts' bodies are much lower, causing bones to decrease in mass and density.


Average bone loss of 1-2% was recorded in astronauts on Mir each month. This is in comparison to 1–1.5% bone loss in the elderly per year, and 2–3% in postmenopausal women.




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You know James cameron took avatar as a scifi version of Dances with wolves "p


I would love to be a martian pioneer, building a new world. Is it our world to build on? Maybe if.there is no native life. Besides terraforming is hard work.

yes and we know what will happen after the ship goes to earth.... then comes back... except it won't just be one but a good dozen of them and they'll be armed with things like napalm... scorched earth... or in this case Scorched Pandora. There won't be enough living creatures to mount a resistance when it's done....

Because that is what would then happen... no company is just going to write that much of a loss off and no government is going to allow themselves to be embarressed by loosing to a society equatable to Stone age people verses modern...

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yesh we take a nuclear bomb, and drill a really long hole into the core then set it off, that'll ignite mar's core right? :P

We need to ignite the core of Mars and create a greenhouse effect before we can even begin terraforming operations.  :D If we can create a magnetosphere, then half the problem is solved with radiation, the other half is a thick ozone.


As for low gravity, I wouldn't be offended by it. We can adapt to lower gravity and even lift several hundred pounds in earth standard material. .

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Yeah right :P Fact is we still don't fully understand our own planet's processes. And even if we did we wouldn't be able to agree a collective basis for sustainable management :(

Nope, until we can look after our own backyard it's hubris thinking we can "terraform" other worlds


And it's not looking good for humans living for prolonged periods in low gravity -

Spaceflight osteopenia refers to the characteristic bone loss that occurs during spaceflight. Astronauts lose an average of more than 1% bone mass per month spent in space.


Bone remodels in response to stress in order to maintain constant strain energy per bone mass throughout. To do this, it grows more dense in areas experiencing high stress, while resorbing density in areas experiencing low stress. On Mars, where gravity is about one-third that of earth, the gravitational forces acting on astronauts' bodies are much lower, causing bones to decrease in mass and density.


Average bone loss of 1-2% was recorded in astronauts on Mir each month. This is in comparison to 1–1.5% bone loss in the elderly per year, and 2–3% in postmenopausal women.





Centripetal force solves part of the issue with gravity imbalance, we even train people today with it  That ain't Sci-fi unless you don't believe in Jet Fighter pilots or astronauts :P


Of course, a regular fission nuke alone will not be enough to jump start Mars' Core into something that can sustain a plate tectonic system and create constant friction that generates heat.  However, a chain reaction of "Fusion" devices would be more probable (we still have not achieved controlled fusion yet, sadly :( )


@Cel, but...we can "Civilize" them and put them into human schools, give them nice little plots of land that aren't prime for anything except bars and casinos, and maybe one day make TV/movies that make human beings feel less shitty for what we did to the Pandorans :P


They won't use Napalm, it would harm the land and local resources. My best bet is a bio-weapon specifically targeting their genetic makeup. If smallpox and typhoid worked so well in human history, modern artificially made germs can kill even faster and more efficiently. After the initial disease passes, it will leave them wide open to invasion due to disunity and shattered social systems.


@ CIA, yeah I saw it, but it's not Earth's 1st cousin, it is like our 3rd cousin from hell freezing over :P


If we find another Earth, I'd be interested in what we will do? Will we head there ourselves, send a probe, or be scared to do anything at all for the metaphysical reality that we are not unique.

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Centripetal force solves part of the issue with gravity imbalance, we even train people today with it  That ain't Sci-fi unless you don't believe in Jet Fighter pilots or astronauts :P


Of course, a regular fission nuke alone will not be enough to jump start Mars' Core into something that can sustain a plate tectonic system and create constant friction that generates heat.  However, a chain reaction of "Fusion" devices would be more probable (we still have not achieved controlled fusion yet, sadly :( )


@Cel, but...we can "Civilize" them and put them into human schools, give them nice little plots of land that aren't prime for anything except bars and casinos, and maybe one day make TV/movies that make human beings feel less shitty for what we did to the Pandorans :P


They won't use Napalm, it would harm the land and local resources. My best bet is a bio-weapon specifically targeting their genetic makeup. If smallpox and typhoid worked so well in human history, modern artificially made germs can kill even faster and more efficiently. After the initial disease passes, it will leave them wide open to invasion due to disunity and shattered social systems.


@ CIA, yeah I saw it, but it's not Earth's 1st cousin, it is like our 3rd cousin from hell freezing over :P


If we find another Earth, I'd be interested in what we will do? Will we head there ourselves, send a probe, or be scared to do anything at all for the metaphysical reality that we are not unique.

the organic resources were not what humans were after, but the inorganic ones... besides the entire planet, every animal on it, and every plant wants humans not there they would have to napalm them to get rid of it....

And sure put them in Human schools sell them booze and have them build casinos... cuz that worked SOooo well for the American Indians.... lol.

You can't really civilize a people that doesn't really want what you are selling, all you do is destroy their Civilization...and generations of their people, all because yours in your advanced civilized arrogance is better.... right? anyway...

who wants to move Kepler-186f? i hear it's quite nice this time of year.... :P Although circling around a red dwarf, it might be a bit frozen by the time we actually get the technology to travel to it.

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