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Imagine Magazine March Is Up!


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The newest issue is up right now! With new chapters to your faves like "Portals", "Brandon Smiling", "Seashell", "Auranades", and "Shelter"! Also a ton of articles and fun facts and just stuff to make you guys smile! Have fun, k? it's all free! Consider it a gentle hug from me to you! If you get a chance...leave the authors a quick note to let them know you appreciate the hard work they put in. And BIG thanks to TurtleBoy, who made my own entries look WAY better than I ever could on my own! DAMN dude! You're KILLING the tech right now! :P


I've got a crush now!


Anyway, have fun, you guys! And look for more in April! Submissions are more than welcome! Let us promote your talent! Say the word, and I'll  do all I can to make it happen! K? Ball's in your court now!





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