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Voice Control - Alexa, Google, Siri, Cortana


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It is clear that as we move forward we are getting closer and closer to the day where we hit the Star Trek level of Computer voices in our lives.  How do you think things are going?

I'm in a cross-functional world at the moment.  I use Cortana on the PC to a limited degree.  Cortana is also on Xbox One, but they've crippled her pretty severely.  I see them dropping her altogether as a failure, to be honest.  Google gets used more and more on the phone and Alexa rules my house.  Alexa is the one I'm using most, as it ties into my Wink home automation, My Nest and my Phillips Hue gadgets.


One of the developing areas is voice search and I've done some preliminary research into how that is going to affect us here on Gay Authors as well.  There are big changes coming in how search engines work and it'll have an effect on us as well.  They really need to settle on a standard soon so that we can start doing whatever it is we need to do.  Right now, there are competing standards and methods.


I suspect that it's going to be a lot more semantic markup in website coding. (Semantic search is how Google knows explicitly that something is a review or a navigation menu or that a person is an author or an editor.)


Are any of you using voice controls for things yet?

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My life depends on voice control more and more. Being blind, it’s greatly appreciated.

Siri is used on my phone and tablet. From search to calling. Anything in between. She has a lot of failures, but gets the job done. The only reason to use her is her complete integration in the Apple ecosystem.

Our home is connected to both Alexa and Google assistant. Alexa wins with amount of skills. However; Google does a better job with natural speaking patterns.

I have everything from speakers, lights,  alarms, HVAC, blood pressure monitor, thermometer set up. This has been a life changer for the blind. I rarely ask my partner to assist me. That’s HUGE for a fiercely independent person.

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We're getting closer, and closer to what people call the singularity. I don't find that prospect frightening like some do, but I think we're coming into a new golden age of mankind. Voice control is the next leap in that direction.


Personally, I have Cortona disabled on my Laptop. She's a ram hog, on my ancient craptop.

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19 minutes ago, BHopper2 said:

We're getting closer, and closer to what people call the singularity. I don't find that prospect frightening like some do, but I think we're coming into a new golden age of mankind. Voice control is the next leap in that direction.


Personally, I have Cortona disabled on my Laptop. She's a ram hog, on my ancient craptop.

It’s well on its way. We have CES in Vegas to introduce new consumer electronics. The 2 biggest areas of concentration were Alexa and Google assistant. More TV sets, introducing microwaves and bigger home items.

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