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Going to Chat On Saturday night at 9 PM Eastern


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Just a heads up for everybody, I'm going to the Shack Discord chatroom this Saturday night at 9 PM my time! (November 9th) I have been working myself to the point of exhaustion the past week, and real life gets in the way sometimes. Sighhhh...the WRONG times! But I miss you guys, and I don't get to talk to you enough. So if you want to drop by and say hello, feel free! We'll make a party out of it! K? Hehehe!

Instructions on how to get there are available at the link below. Let me know if you have any questions!


Seezya soon! And a quick reminder, my NEW email address is Comicality@shackoutback.net if any of you guys want to reach me! K? It SUCKS that I had to change it after all these years, but...Outlook.com blows! Booooooooooo!!!! Fuck you, Outlook! Tell your friends! :P

Gotta run! But I'll seezya soon! Mwah!

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