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Imagine Magazine Question For 3/21

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Imagine it for a minute...

You could have someone pay you a fortune to do some really despicable things in this life. Like...right NOW! They'll pay you to have sex with them. They'll pay you to go to jail that you didn't commit. They'll pay you to get on TV and say some of the most hateful, racist, homophobic, comments ever spoken on TV. They can ask you to give up your heart and soul to do whatever they want you to, no questions asked.

Would you do it?

Now...think about this! We're talking fame and celebrity, an almost infinite amount of money, and a voice that will echo throughout time, from this day forward. You could have everything that you want, set up your family, your friends, travel the world...you'll be remembered forever for what you say and what you've done.

But...what if it's something that you didn't agree with? Is it fair to give it all up and continue to struggle, along with your friends and family, for...what? Your principles? Would you turn down the opportunity? Or would you go through with it, bite the bullet, and try to convince yourself that it was all worth it?

Sell your soul for infinite treasures...or keep your soul and deal with the misfortunes that may come from walking away from the opportunity? It's all up to you!

Let us know what you think! :)

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As much as I tried to complicate this for myself to be as honest as I possibly could be with this question...the answer is an easy one. No.

In fact...HELL no!

Not worth it. Is the idea tempting? Sure. I have to concede that. But I simply can't see myself doing something despicable for all the material rewards in the world. I just can't. And maybe that's why I'll never be rich, hehehe. But so be it. I don't want to hurt anybody. I couldn't sleep at night knowing that I was misleading people down a dark path, or that I was at all responsible for someone ruining their life or somebody else's. I don't want any parts of that. It's disgusting. I'd feel sick in the belly every day of my life being a part of something like that.

Not only that, but I have friends in real life. Family. I have to look people in the eye when I go out to shop for groceries. I have neighbors. How can I get on TV or the radio or on stage and spread hate...get rich off of it...and then come home to know that my own mother is deeply ASHAMED of me? All of that hard work and sacrifice...just to become an utter disappointment and a bastard. Sending out echoes that can only lead to pain and suffering further down the line. Ugh! I don't know how some people can do that. How they can write it off as just a job or an 'act'...and then punch out for the day and try to go live a normal life among other people. The very people you said you despised just a few hours ago. Stay the fuck away from me! You know?

Listen...if certain people are willing to sell their soul for money and fame...I don't get it, but whatever. It's your life, not mine. But I can't. The way I see it...if you do awful things, you deserve NO peace. If it's you, if it's your partner, if it's your brother or sister, if it's your boss and you're asked to do it or your fired...and you do those things...you shouldn't be able to sleep at night. NO peace! EVER! You're a part of it. I don't care if you're running the company, doing media for them, just an employee...you're a part of that evil. I don't care if all you do is bring the devil his morning coffee and his dry cleaning...you're a part of it. And you do it by choice. Do you have a sense of morality or don't you? You sacrifice your soul and your dignity for THIS? Fine. But deal with the inner torment that comes with it.

Enjoy your riches. They'll keep you company when every friend and family member that ever believed in you has abandoned you and you're left all alone. Karma never loses an address. And it's coming. It always does.

Don't start apologizing and growing a conscience when things begin to crumble and it's all falling apart. It'll be too late.

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