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Poetry Suggestions & Changes


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I am three times published in books. (YAY! :2thumbs: ) All of my recent poetry is posted here on GA, what I have written in about the last year or so. I am a poet at heart, and I enjoy reading and writing poetry. It is one of my few passions that I have left in my life.


Before I left for vacation I sent an emil to the GAC letting them know that I have a few suggestions for the poetry section here on GA. I am curious to see how everyone views how effective the poetry section really is. IMHO, I think that if there was a better network here on GA for poets, there would be more interest and more people posting their poetry.


I have notice a few things while posting my poetry here on GA. Some of the things I have noticed are, a bit of lack of interest in poetry here on GA not saying there isn't any intrest just that I don't see it, that there is no classification for poetry as there is for regular stories which makes it hard to find the kind of poetry someone may wish to read, and that there is no real place for poets to find the specific help that they may need. I really think these things would make the poetry experiance so much better.


Like I said, I see little enthusiasm for poetry here on GA. I am not sure if it is just that I don't see it, or it isn't there. Either way, poetry is a way for some people to express their feelings and thoughts. Some times, it is the only outlet for certain feelings and thoughts they may have. I truly think that they deserve credit for being brave enough to post their private thoughts for all to see. There are a few things that can be done to expand the interest in poetry here at GA. One of the things is to, along with the story quarterly anthology, have a poetry anthology to see if there is interest. Also, in the e-Fiction section on here on GA, not only having an announcement board for story's but to have an announcement board for poetry as well.


Whithin poetry, there are many types and styles. I am guessing that is why there is no current classification system in place. Honestly, it is not all that hard to catorigize peotry into general sections. Such as: Love, Life, Views, People, Places.... Ect. Lets just say that everyone who posted poetry here on GA were to put their poetry into a series, catagorized by what they felt is the topic. That would alleviate the need to actually catagorize the poetry section. Now, please follow me here, lets just say that a person has a few poems to post..... they put them into a single story, that is untill they have enough poems that it becomes a bit diffacult for people to find a specific type (around 20 -25 poems).... at that time they break their poems into a few stories and make a series out of it. That is my real suggestion, to make a bit of a poetry posting guide-line. Not that I want to limit the poets in any way, remember here I am a poet too, but IMHO I see a need to bring a little order to give a better experiance for the readers.


As to the lack of support for poets, I know poets are very welcome in the editors corner. I just think that poerty takes a special type of editing and reviewing. Please understand that I am not saying that poets can not find the help they need in the Editors Corner, simply put, I believe that having a sub-fourm within the Editors Corner for poetry would make it easire for poets to find the specific help they may need. It would allow poets to give and recieve help without their requests getting lost within the regular story editing requests.


These are my personal thoughts and feelings. I hope I explained myself completly, and in a clear and consice manner. What are your thoughts and feelings on the matter?



Edited by Silven
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I am going to revive this post once. I am trying to get some feed back from the general community. Please feel free to post any thoughts or ideas/suggestions. Thank you!



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Hey Sil, yeah i have noticed that we dont offer things for poets out there, hehe. I write poems only when i get that feeling, and bam a poem. But most of mine arent really complete, each time i see something in them i can tweak (sp?). I post my poems at www.poetrysoup.com, which is a free international poetry community.


I would like to see us having more options offred to poets.


Jules :read:

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