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So being pretty new here I dont know if this has been brought up as a topic already but if not here it does. I've gotten into tattoo art and had my first tattoo almost a year ago. I have three now and working on a sleeve. All my tattoos deal with looking at life in a positive aspect. I'm sure others here have tattoos, or thing about getting one, so feel free to share!


My Tattoos!



"what inspires you should entire you, live how you wannabe loved" - Lyrics by the band Troubled Hubble



Memento Vivere - Remember Life/Remember to live. Memorial for my older brother and how I look at life



"Why pluck one string when you can strum the guitar" - Lyrics from the band MewithoutYou

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Nice artwork. B)


I've been wanting to do some sort of a sleeve, but the finances haven't been there. My plan is my left forearm will be flames from wrist to the elbow. After that, it's hard telling.

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Nice artwork. B)


I've been wanting to do some sort of a sleeve, but the finances haven't been there. My plan is my left forearm will be flames from wrist to the elbow. After that, it's hard telling.



Yea thats the benefit of becoming friends with the guy who does my tattoos. I have started to get them for cheap. THe other thing i did so i could afford to get them was to break it up, get outline one week and then color/shading a few weeks later so then i didnt have to have the whole amount at once.

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So being pretty new here I dont know if this has been brought up as a topic already but if not here it does. I've gotten into tattoo art and had my first tattoo almost a year ago. I have three now and working on a sleeve. All my tattoos deal with looking at life in a positive aspect. I'm sure others here have tattoos, or thing about getting one, so feel free to share!


My Tattoos!



"what inspires you should entire you, live how you wannabe loved" - Lyrics by the band Troubled Hubble



Memento Vivere - Remember Life/Remember to live. Memorial for my older brother and how I look at life



"Why pluck one string when you can strum the guitar" - Lyrics from the band MewithoutYou



I am always grateful when I see people with visible piercings and tattoos, for they have readily identified themselves as someone who has no respect for their own bodies and therefore someone upon whom I don't wish to waste any time.


Tattoos are NOT accepted in polite society. Perhaps in 100 years or so, but not in 2006.

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I am always grateful when I see people with visible piercings and tattoos, for they have readily identified themselves as someone who has no respect for their own bodies and therefore someone upon whom I don't wish to waste any time.


Tattoos are NOT accepted in polite society. Perhaps in 100 years or so, but not in 2006.



Or someone who has no respect for Polite Society /shrug /finger /bow



Never had ink done, but have several self inflicted scars and brands

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"Why pluck one string when you can strum the guitar" - Lyrics from the band MewithoutYou


Oh, cool. When I saw your screen name, I wondered if that was a MewithoutYou reference. I haven't listened to them in a long time, but I used to be really into them. What song is that from?



I don't have any tattoos myself, but a friend of mine got "I <3 (my name)" tattooed on his arm as a joke. Heh...I'm always giving him a hard time about that.

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Tattoos are NOT accepted in polite society. Perhaps in 100 years or so, but not in 2006.

Neither are:

gays :/

political, religious, or sexual discussions

corn on the cob

or anything that might separate one person from another


This "polite society" you talk about is a colonial throw back to 18th century Europe. It seems ironic that THEY managed to leave in the 18th Century, but we can't.


Now as this is the Lounge and not a SoapBox (RIP). I will end it there and request that my rant against your statement be the end, lest the whole thread get deleted.


:king: Snow Dog (who will be grumpy until Mark is safe and healthy)


Oh, and I have no tattoos, just 2 piercings in my left ear

Edited by Snow Dog
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Nice Ink :)


i have 3 myself


one is a celtic cross/ dragon on my left arm, a crown of thorns around my wrist and a spin off of a Celtic triketra i made with some latin wrieing around it


cant find the pics i hade of them, darn, will have to try an take some later

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I am always grateful when I see people with visible piercings and tattoos, for they have readily identified themselves as someone who has no respect for their own bodies and therefore someone upon whom I don't wish to waste any time.


Tattoos are NOT accepted in polite society. Perhaps in 100 years or so, but not in 2006.



I love reactions like this. Tattoos are becoming more and more a common place. I know a friend of my parents who has a tattoo on his back and he is a federal judge. So obviously it is accepted in a polite society. I have a huge respect for my body where others in my position may not. Ask anyone I know. Despite being born with no legs above my knee, I love my body, I take care of it and that is one reason I got tattoos because I am not afraid to show by body and have people look at me and my tattoos. I'm not afraid to show who i am as a person. If that isnt respect for ones body and self image, than what is?




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This brings back something I hadn't thought of in ages. When I was getting out of school, way back when, I seriously considered getting a tattoo. It would have been a small, discreet tattoo, probably on the back of my shoulder, where it wouldn't show unless I wanted it to. That may not sound like much nowadays, but back in the 1970s, for a woman to get a tattoo was a rather big deal.


I think it was going to be a "rite of passage" thing. I am sad to say I chickened out, however. Of course, my life ain't over yet, either. Hmmm .... 0:)



Go for it kitty.

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Okay, if Kitty finds the guts to do it, I'll show mine. =^^=


Tattoos are becoming more and more a common place. I know a friend of my parents who has a tattoo on his back and he is a federal judge. So obviously it is accepted in a polite society.

And just to emphasize your point, tatoos have existed for so long and in so many cultures that "polite society" just doesn't mean anything concerning them.

Edited by Xandra Kitee
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Only got one on my lower back. I cried when I got it done. :thumbdown: Ouchy.


Thanks Van, for being a moron. What is 'polite' society anyways? Aren't you just proving you don't belong by posting something rude and undeserving?


I like your inks YouwithoutMe! :wub:

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Hey, thanks for sharing the artwork. I have been thinking for a couple years about getting a tattoo but what to get? I refuse to get flowers or hearts on my lower back like every other girl in the entire world so it was nice to see something original and meaningful. Maybe I'll get some ideas now :D

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I've got two tattoos ... one on my upper back (a Sanskrit letter), and one below my navel (the Chinese character for 'Buddha' ... go figure :P )


Oh ... and I didn't cry ... or whimper ... it felt kinda cool actually ... :2hands:

Edited by LittleBuddhaTW
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Wow. Sometimes you’ve got to wonder if it’s a one or two bedroom box some people live in.


I like ink. I’ve gotten a few, and will shamefully admit to passing out on the table my first time.


I really like your memento vivere one. Symbolic is the best. My favorite tattoo of all time, this guy I work with is getting piece by piece. It covers his back, and is his family tree dating back to the mid 1700's.



that sounds like a really cool back piece. great idea and very original concept. where are your tattoos? the feeling of getting the tattoo wasnt what i expected. it is a very interesting and different feeling.


Hey, thanks for sharing the artwork. I have been thinking for a couple years about getting a tattoo but what to get? I refuse to get flowers or hearts on my lower back like every other girl in the entire world so it was nice to see something original and meaningful. Maybe I'll get some ideas now :D



yea you definately want to get something with meaning to you and not get something just to get a tattoo. that way since it will be on you for the rest of your life, it will save you time and mone and the hassle og getting it removed.

Edited by YouwithoutMe
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I've got two tattoos...one on my lower back (which hurt like hell by the way ;) ) and one on my ankle. I was actually surprised that the ankle didn't hurt, lol which is probably why I was dumb enough to go back a second time! :blink::P I have to admit, I do have the classic "girly" tattoos of a butterfly (back) and a flower (ankle)...but there is a reason/meaning to both. Meaning...rebellion...same thing right??? 0:):D


So here's a question to you all...I know the lower back hurts like none other...does the rest of the spine hurt as well/as much? I'm assuming so...but I'm curious. I would really like to get another tattoo...but I've sort of run out of places to put them that are "out in the open" but still capable of being easily "hidden" and I would kind of like something along my spine...or not. ;) The whole bravery thing/i'm-a-wuss-and-don't-like-pain thingie is another HUGE factor. :ph34r: Oh well, plenty of time to think on it right!


OH! The coolest tattoo I've ever seen was the 23rd Psalm written on a man's back with a pair of folded hands next to it. It just looked really cool. lol That and the huge wolf on his shoulder blade! Ok, so I just like tattoos.


Tale care all and have a great Friday!


- Kaiten

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Heh nice tattoo's. I love the one about your brother, as it is chock full of meaning and love. Some people get tattoos to feel like a badass, others do it for more symbolic meanings. A friend of mine on a car forum just got two tattoo's, one on each side of his chest. One is of his daughter, the other is of his son. I've thought about getting a tattoo at some other point in my future, just haven't been able to think of one. Might never do it, since the idea of something unnatural being on my body for the rest of my life is unnappealing.

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Okay so, I don't have any and I can honestly say if I do ever get one it will be small and somewhere no one can probably see it anyway... which is fine since I would be getting it just for me anyway, right? :D But... I really like those tribal ones guys get on there upper arms! :wub: and...


More importantly... who am I to judge what you do to your own body? I mean really, it's not like it affects me in anyway, or anyone else for that matter. I suspect... that in the end the person we should all be afraid of... is not the one who was brave enough to be himself and express himself in a way he chooses without forcing his feelings or beliefs on anyone else but the one who hides behind his mask of 'normalcy' or let's what he thinks other people think, make his decisions for him.


I say.. be who you are, love yourself, in whatever way you feel is right for you and don't ever let anyone tell you it's wrong or that you are wrong for being who you really are. Moreover... why stop at tattoos and peircings, why not just classify us by sex, race, sexual preference, income, location, material posessions, political party, religion, friends we have sold ourselves out to get... I could go on forever here but I assume you get my point...




PS.. Snowy and Dom :wub: well said!

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OK, Xandra, you've got a deal. I went out for a while after making my first post above and have been thinking about this all evening. I know exactly what it is going to be, too ... a stylized lotus.


I've got a couple of questions for the tattoo experts here. One is what Kaiten asked. I know different parts of the back are sensitive and others are not at all. Or would the back of my shoulder be better?


Next ... black ink vs. colors? Which lasts longer? Any other considerations to be aware of?


For the record, when I said I'd originally thought of getting a tattoo when I got out of school, it was law school I was referring to.


If anybody knows a good tattoo artist in the Portland, Oregon area, please send me a PM.

Kitty :) :sword:



Back of the shoulder isnt bad. My sister got her tattoo there about a month ago and she did fine which i was suprised about cause she was so nervous and scared. She is tiny, just skin and bones. In terms of the back that is one of the better places to get it, spine tends to hurt. a friend has a vine going across the top of her back and she said when they got to the part on the spine her arm went numb but was told by the tattoo artist that that is normal.


as for black vs color, now adays they both last about the same as long as you take care of it. and most tattoo shops will do free touch ups. If you are doing a flower, color is the way to go. it wont look as good in black/gray.


Main Questions to ask tattoo artists/What to look for in a tatto shop:

1. Do they use sterilized needles or new ones. (new ones are what you want)

2. Look at the artists portfolio to see their style cause like anyother artist i.e. painter, illustrator, each tattooist has a different style. Maye sure it is the style you want.

3. See if the tattoo shop has won trophys/awards The more the better, that way you know they do quality work.

4. Does the shop do more custom art or flash art? you want a shop that does more custom art. meaning they do their own work and have the talent to draw up designs and not just trace from flash.

5. Check with your state health department to see what shops constantly get good check ups and which dont always make the code.


After you get the tattoo, use Palmer's Cocoa Butter. It does wonders. Much better than things like Tattoo Goo and others made for tattoos.

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I have wanted a Tattoo for a while now. I had been thinking about a scorpian on my right arm... what is that place called, like on the shoulder, but also the arm? :P I was thinking about a scorpian. I am only 16, so I will have to wait until I am older. But if I go to Finland next year I might do it there. However, I am a little scared to do it, and I am not sure if I should do it.


I would love to see Kitty get a tattoo. :D


Kurt :D

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