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Week End Plans?


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Had planned to get started on fixing the garage roof, but the weather forecast is not looking good. So...Saturday will be watching hockey--Ottawa Senators will be kicking Buffalo Sabres ass. That's a no-miss-unless-dying thing. Afterwards we'll be going to see Shrek 3.

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I've got work, and uh... work! Oh and more WORK. It looks like I'll be having only one no-work weekend this summer, and that's only because I requested to not have hours that weekend.

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I've got the weekend off and at the moment I'm putting in a little work on my stories. My plan so far consists of just hanging out and taking it easy. Tomorrow i'll workout and hang with some friends and most likely hit the club, I haven't been in awhile. Sunday...veg time. I plan to just rest and catch up on some much needed sleep.

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Tomorrow night's my Senior Ball. Doug and I are taking each other. 10 of us have rented a stretch limo for the night. We're going to dinner at 6:00, the prom is from 8 p.m. to midnight at SF City Hall, then we're coming back and stopping at Mel's Diner for something to eat at around 1 a.m. before dropping everyone off. Doug's going to spend the night at my house, with me. Sunday we're sleeping in until noon, then just hanging around the house doing whatever we want.


For some reason I'm nervous about it!


Colin :boy:

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Hmm, well I did have plans with Jared this weekend, but he was unlucky and got the weekend hell shift. So I've now changed them to going out and hanging with my friends (even the married ones). It will be the second time we can ALL get out together. We're going to see Shrek tomorrow afternoon. Then we're going out and I'm not going into details about that, but If I'm not hung over Sunday morning then I didn't do a good enough job. :)0:)




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Had planned to get started on fixing the garage roof, but the weather forecast is not looking good. So...Saturday will be watching hockey--Ottawa Senators will be kicking Buffalo Sabres ass. That's a no-miss-unless-dying thing. Afterwards we'll be going to see Shrek 3.


Sorry, but Buffalo is going to win! They just gotta win, one of the supervisors at work is from Ottawa and we need to rub it in his face when the Sen's lose. :P


I'm getting over being sick so I'll definitely be laying around and watch hockey. Then, hopefully I'll catch up on some work since I missed 2 days this week. I just know that I won't be able to get it done at work so I might as well do it at home. Being sick definitely ruined my plans, I was supposed to go out with friends and have a good time. :(

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My weekend is half over.... :(


Last night, for the first time in years, we left the boys with their grandmother and had a night out. We had a quiet dinner and then off to a friend's birthday party. A sleep in this morning, and a leisurely breakfast, before we head off to pick up the boys.


Oh, and condolences to the Sabre's fans (my best friend and his boyfriend are both Sabre's fans)... Better luck, next year.

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This weekend is my me time. I've been playing Chrono Trigger for the last eleven hours, and I think I'll probably collapse sometime soon or start getting giggly from lack of sleep. Gonna get back in a good mood, and try to get in the right frame of mind to get on with the stuff on my little to-do list. Time to quit smoking (yeah right, how many times have I said that?), lose some weight, get the last of my college junk in order, and do some random house keeping type things in my life. :D


I'm actually looking forward to getting all organized and in order... weird.

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