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    South Africa
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    Sailing, cycling, squash, reading, occasional movie, outdoors, interesting people, travel

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  1. Heya Jim, Always love your writing and how you weave in prejudices, insecurities, feelings, musings and concepts...etc Amazing how some people seem to think that seeing things "their way" is considered "being reasonable". I find dealing with people with that self centred attitude extremely frustrating and tiresome... Keep the talent rolling. God bless n take care, Ray
  2. Magicstate

    The Fall Guy

    Heya Jim, I trust that you're well... Perhaps Bob will let some things slip...but mebe he'll tell em all to back off and leave em well alone...who knows 😋 Anyway, thanks for writing up a storm full of surprises. Regards, Ray
  3. Magicstate

    Chapter Eleven

    The things our minds do us...and the tricks a mind can play when we're stressed. We've all been there one way or another, causing us to make choices that aren't necessarily rational. Not always easy to man up n fix em I'm enjoying your story with these short unusual chapters
  4. Magicstate

    Chapter 4

    Always a pleasure to read your art 👌
  5. Magicstate

    The Bodyguard

    Well now, his earlier little fighting bout showed that he had spunk but not skill...definitely prepared to use all his resources, given that he was prepared to chew his way out of a bind... As for karate...he must be new at it or else he would have displayed a little more restraint and maturity. But then again, hormones...raging hormones, can elicit unusual behaviour Perhaps they both need a bit of church...😁
  6. I have missed you through this story. I hope that all is well with you. Whilst Robbie still has to deal with a lot of issues at least he has a few options and the situation has revealed somewhat of a support system. And he has the advantage of meeting on neutral ground, in a manner. After all, the comfort of home was removed by Don's reaction.
  7. Magicstate

    The Bite

    So I "loved" this chapter, what can I say...I'm an extremist
  8. Magicstate

    Chapter 2

    Love your writing And love the fact that you are back on form I trust that you are well and continue to be blessed 👌
  9. Magicstate

    Chapter 1

    So a man walks into a clock shop...whips out his doodat and slaps it onto the counter ...the young man in attendance is understandably shocked and shaken but manages, "excuse me sir, but this is a clock shop!" "Why yes young man, I know " says the chap "and I am in the right shop, cos I want a pair of hands and a face on this pronto..." Very interesting time piece, I mean piece of writing...nicely done And thanks for the windup
  10. A rather interesting turn of events. I think Daniel will reconcile...perhaps by communicating with Nathan. Alex is cool...cos he at least has someone who know his truth that he can communicate with. Odd bedfellows so to speak. When one has to run and hide, the familiar doesn't suffice, because it is obvious. But the "known" on the other hand can be a safe refuge...
  11. Reason isn't reason when one is being unreasonable, then reason cannot prevail. Sometimes people see it as a personal affront, or in Daniel's case, perhaps betrayal. It is unfortunate that coming out, unlike being hetero, seems to involve everyone and everyone has to deal with it in their own way - or not...it's a process they have to go through as well. Some deal with it and others don't.
  12. Magicstate

    Chapter 2 of 2

    Well now, I was never "confused" growing up. I was hetero, I could appreciate good looking guys as well as girls, but was never inclined to be anything other than hetero. Then one day I met Christo and we had an instant mutual attraction that neither of us knew what to do with. After a long while we explored, and enjoyed, it...but mutually ended it cos we really didn't know what to do or how to proceed...we lost touch. I have since identified as bi-sexual. I love the person whether they happen to be male or female. I do wish that we knew more tho, things may have been very different. I appreciate Charlie's candid approach and his courage...
  13. Heya, sorry 🙏 about the abuse. Us peasants really latch on when we get a good thing... And your writing is a good thing
  14. Dude, Which Thursday have you decided on for posting chapter 2... The suspense is hectic...
  15. Magicstate

    The Best Year

    Heya Krista, Hope that all is well with you... Missing your next instalment of "The Best Year" Please don't keep us in suspense for so loooong
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