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Thorn Wilde

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Everything posted by Thorn Wilde

  1. Thorn Wilde

    Alan & Matt

    I always have fun with it. There's another one coming soon, about Matt's friend Devon, cause he started talking to me and wouldn't shut up, lol. Thanks for reading! ❤️
  2. That's great news! So happy for you all.
  3. Hey everyone. Happy Friday! Today is Norway’s constitution day, which is celebrated to great fanfare. I’d planned a mini-celebration for Paul and me, to eat good food and watch the parade on TV, stuff like that, but instead today appears to be a day for nausea. Yay. I’m really sick of being sick... Have a good day, all!
  4. Thorn Wilde

    Bone Deep

    I think you did well. I really like it!
  5. Another day passed watching Lucifer. On season 3 now. Also played some The Last of Us earlier. Still can't get used to the PS4 controller... I'm way too used to keyboard and mouse gaming. How the hell do I aim with this thing? I'm wasting ammo, lol! I've been wanting to post to Nifty, but I read their submission instructions and I honestly couldn't make heads or tails out of how it actually works. Oof, sounds like you've had a really rough day, Fae. Hope the Prednisone will help. Take care of yourself! ❤️
  6. Hey, Dugh! Thanks. ❤️ Are you doing okay?
  7. Morning, DiC! Shrink appointment in a bit. Hypothetically choir practice this evening. Not sure what to do about the latter. Have a great day, everyone! Love the new name, @Brayon! It suits you. And cool that you're branching out and getting more exposure. I've been doing the same.
  8. Thorn Wilde

    Here We Go

    I was wavering between heart react and tear react on this one. Quit it with the self-loathing. You're awesome!
  9. Thorn Wilde

    Here We Go

    You're a far more disciplined man than I, Wayne.
  10. Evening, everyone! Hope you're all well. I've spent all day on the couch binge watching Lucifer. What else are you supposed to do when you're sick? One more episode, then bed, I think.
  11. Thorn Wilde


    So cute and so hot! ❤️
  12. Morning, DiC! My infection is doing wonders for Project: Being Human; woke up at ten and couldn't go back to sleep because my throat was so inflamed. I did get in a good 7 hours of actual sleep all the same, so, progress! Hope you all have a wonderful day today.
  13. Have popped an ibuprofen, gonna get a hot shower, and then get into bed. Night, DiC!
  14. We'll commiserate in our shared suffering, Fae. ❤️
  15. Hope work gets less hectic after lunch.
  16. Thanks, guys. I've been to see the doctor now. She thinks it's viral so there's nothing to do but wait it out and keep popping painkillers to keep the swelling in my throat down. I feel like I haven't been fully healthy since before Christmas, lol!
  17. Morning (for me), DiC! Hope you're all cosy in your beds and asleep by now. I had a really hard time falling asleep, and now that I'm awake I can't seem to get back to sleep. Waiting for my GP's office to open so I can call and book an appointment.
  18. I'm all shivery and cold and pretty sure I have a fever, so I'm just gonna take a really hot shower and get into bed. Night, DiC! ❤️
  19. Over here, Mother's Day is in February (don't know why), so I didn't know. Happy Mother's Day, mums!
  20. I get that, I do. I just mean that there's a lot of socialising going on over the pictures we share in the gallery. Sucks to feel like you have to delete things you've shared just to be able to maintain that dialogue.
  21. My mistake, user error, consider the issue solved. Is this a new thing, though? That I can't have more than 4 albums and no more than 45 images in an album? Cause, honestly, that kind of sucks.
  22. I wanted to upload a few pictures to the gallery, but it won't work. I click on 'add gallery image', select members albums, select use an existing album, choose the album I want to add the images to (in this case Thorn's Oddables) and then nothing. It ends up looking like this: EDIT: Never mind, apparently the album is simply full. My apologies.
  23. Morning, DiC. I appear to have a strep infection. My tonsils are swollen beyond belief. Interestingly, it was the exact same thing last year, only then I got sick the day before my birthday and had to postpone my party. So apparently, this is a thing. I'll be on the couch playing The Last of Us. Hope you all enjoy your Sunday! ❤️
  24. This birthday boy is officially exhausted. Time to get my ass to bed. Night, everyone! ❤️
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