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Thorn Wilde

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Everything posted by Thorn Wilde

  1. I'm surprised to find that I am sleepy. Goodnight, DiC!
  2. Thorn Wilde

    Money Talks

    Yeah, I get pretty invested when I get into something, lol! And I'm happy if my comments have meant something. Thank you for continuing with the story! I think all men have the potential to be nurturing. And interestingly, most male teachers and nurses I have known have been overwhelmingly not queer... Well, the teachers anyway. Flight attendants, though. Male flight attendants are like 99% gay. I think it's the uniforms.
  3. Hockey self-care! Enjoy yourself.
  4. Sunny and windy here, too. Paul and I went for a walk around the lake. It was nice, but we got a bit cold.
  5. Thorn Wilde

    Broken Blood

    Oh, Caleb, my sweetheart! Also, fuck those uncles. Ugh.
  6. OMG, so hot! Man, I love these boys.
  7. Morning, DiC! Happy Tuesday! Good job on the paper, A! Hope you got some well deserved sleep.
  8. Gonna take a shower and then get ready for bed. Night, all!
  9. This is me the past couple of weeks. Had so much I needed to write, haven't managed to work on any of it. Spoiled for choice, lol
  10. Thorn Wilde

    Money Talks

    Depends on how good that nurse is at his job. Hopefully, he takes confidentiality seriously.
  11. Oh, I hear ya! I always try to do too much at once.
  12. Hey, Hunter! Good to see you. Not too bad here. Just got home from playing D&D. How about you?
  13. Thorn Wilde

    Like You

    Thank you, Parker. I'm glad you enjoyed it, and that it made you feel that way.
  14. Thorn Wilde

    Like You

    This is probably true. But then there's the other side of it, my own feelings about my body and knowing that there are certain things I will never fully experience the way other guys do. That's okay, but I can't help but feel a little... wistful about it.
  15. Thorn Wilde

    Money Talks

    Oh, Ben, you stupid boy! Fucking Eric... That fucker's never gonna keep his word. Hope Ben doesn't take what he said about Boston and run away with it. Even if they paid Travis, that doesn't make it okay. Clearly what happened wasn't what he signed on for. Glad to see Katy's got some agency. She's getting there. Maybe this whole thing can bring her and Travis a little closer. Ben and Travis's moment in the ICU was very sweet.
  16. Well, I'm glad I don't have to wait for the next chapter, lol! Man, this is intense... Of course, I have to go to D&D now, so I'll still have to wait to read it. Unless I get so desperate I read it on my phone on the metro. Damn...
  17. Thorn Wilde

    Ebb and Flow

    Again, fuck that Eric. Hope Travis is right and this isn't gonna go anywhere, but then, somehow I feel like you won't let him off that easy... Hopefully, Ben's lawyer can help. At the same time, Ben needs to stop thinking he can solve Travis's every problem by throwing money at it.
  18. Thorn Wilde


    Fucking Jägerbombs, man... Takes me right back to uni. Ugh. And fuck Eric. I'm not a violent person, but... he deserved it. He deserves more.
  19. Thorn Wilde

    The Wish Box

    Ben has come a long way in just a few days. Now he's so sure. And Travis is letting his guard down, allowing himself to be more vulnerable. That's a good thing, too.
  20. Thorn Wilde

    In the Spotlight

    Oof, that's a shit way to be outed, though I guess it was inevitable. Also, I dunno, I kind of like the idea of a Ben/Travis/Doug three-way... Clearly, there's a lot of history, there. Be interesting to find out what kind.
  21. It won't. The text editor for adding stories to the story archive is by and large the same as this text editor, for commenting on stories, writing blog posts, posting in the forums, and so on. Same basic software. You can insert pictures, though. You just need a place to host them. But it won't format as nicely as what Wayne has made already.
  22. Thorn Wilde

    Like You

    i dreamt i was like you that my body was like yours and you touched me in the same way i would touch you the way you’d only touch a body like yours the way you’d only fuck a body like yours and i will never have that body and you will never touch me that way but a boy can dream
  23. Morning, DiC! Happy Monday, if there is such a thing, lol! Oh, this pisses off the artist in me in so many different ways. There is never, ever only one right way to interpret art, whatever the medium, and certainly not the written word. Art is a shared experience, it means different things to different people, and even if it's not what the artist intended (and Shakespeare's been dead for over 400 years, we really have no idea what he thought), it's still a valid interpretation. Ugh. People like that have no business teaching literature...
  24. Bedtime. Past bedtime, actually. Night, DiC! Hope you've all had/are all having a nice day!
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