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Thorn Wilde

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Everything posted by Thorn Wilde

  1. Thorn Wilde


    Thank you.
  2. Morning, Reader. Hope you're well today.
  3. That would drive me nuts, too... But if you're a little sensitive to noise right now (I know I am when I'm anxious), it's possible work wouldn't be much better. Either way, be kind to yourself, tim.
  4. Yeeeaaah, me too... In the Witcher games it's a fairly established term too, lol! Morning, Marty. Oof, creepy! I mean, I think spiders are cool and fascinating, and I've been known to pick up and play with the ones we've got here, but the ones you've got over there are just a huge NOPE! Guessing it's getting to be bedtime for you? In which case, sleep well! Morning, Dugh! Morning, Clo! Or, afternoon, but I got up an hour and a half ago, so... Morning, Kitt! Stay safe!
  5. Eventually, we're getting another one. Tesla is lonely now, poor dear. OMG, lol! Those people... How do they even function when they're that stupid? There's this YouTuber, Shane something, can't recall. He has a series where he argues the case for conspiracy theories. Not because he believes them, but as a thought experiment to understand how the minds of conspiracy theorists work. Because if you believe in one conspiracy, chances are you believe in many others. The point is to see if he can argue the case so effectively that he can make himself believe it for a minute or so. He does a good job with some of them, to the point where you go, 'Oh, that makes sense—waaaaait a minute!' But even he could not make flat earth make a lick of sense, even for a moment. Thanks for this. When the puppy lived here, she was the one stealing all of Tesla's spots and bugging her until she retaliated... She seemed like much more of a psycho to me than Tesla ever has. Tesla is super cuddly, too, and not only when she wants something. She loves being in your lap, or just lying next to you on the sofa. When the puppy first got here, she was super anxious, to the point where she threw up (a trait we share, lol). And she was very anxious when we took her to my parents' during Christmas, then she didn't even want to eat. Change is scary to her. I've learnt to read her ear and tail movements pretty well, and she's learnt to talk to us by chirping and meowing when she wants or needs something, whether it's food, cuddles, or play time. Yeah, I've heard that, too. Cats just figured out that, hey, these humans seem like decent allies, let's do the thing, lol! Well, that's a start. Me too, really, lol Morning, DiC! You were super chatty after I went to bed, I missed out on all the conversation, lol! Hope you all manage to have an okay Monday.
  6. Gonna get off GA now and start getting ready for bed. Night, everyone!
  7. Or did you mean me, because in that case, sometimes.
  8. More like cave trolls and zombies.
  9. Have a good day, B! I think I'm heading to bed soon. Night, everyone!
  10. Sounds pretty scary. Also, new meds are a pain. Hope you're doing okay.
  11. Goodnight, Marty! Enjoy Dublin!
  12. Could have veeeeery interesting results, lol!
  13. Do the thing! Or if you don't feel you have enough unique recipes for a whole book, we could do one together.
  14. ...New Orleans didn't exist yet in the 1600s, though? It was founded in 1718...
  15. Carl Michael Bellmann (1740 - 1795) was a Swedish composer, poet, musician, and entertainer. He wrote hundreds of songs that are still sung all over Scandinavia. They have been interpreted by classical and folk singers alike. His music is profane, and mostly regards about wine, women, and song. His most famous works are Fredman's songs and Fredman's epistles, the former made up of 65 compositions, and the latter of 82. They often feature mentions of immortals from Greek, Roman and Norse mythology (Bacchus being a particular favourite). The epistles also feature a distinct cast of fictional characters, likely based around people Bellman himself knew and partied with (Fredman himself being one such character). Fredman's Song No. 21, Så lunka vi så småningom (So we gradually amble). It portrays a pair of grave diggers discussing whether the grave they've dug is too deep while having a drink. Epistle No. 2, Nå, skrufva fiolen - Til Fader Berg, rörande fiolen (Now tune the fiddle - To Father Berg, regarding the violin) And finally, Epistle No. 72, Glimmande nymf - lämnad vid Caisa Lisas säng sent om en afton (Glimmering Nymph - Left by Caisa Lisa's bed late one evening). EDIT: I discovered a singable translation of the first verse of the first song:
  16. Thorn Wilde


    Michael was blessed with good grandparents, it is true.
  17. Sounds scary. Stay safe, both of you.
  18. Does going out for Vietnamese or ordering Thai food count? Cause that happens. My stories tend to have a lot of food in them in general. I love food, so to me it's a way to make the story come alive. My characters often cook, and I sometimes describe in some detail how they do it, what they put in it. In Nemesis 2, Dave had dinner at his friend Mandira's house and was served Punjabi cooking.
  19. I love the word petrichor. I learned it from a Doctor Who episode, lol! It was written by Neil Gaiman. I doubt anyone else could have managed to fit that word into a family sci-fi show... I'm fond of 'juxtaposed'. It's not so much the meaning of it, but it just rolls off the tongue so wonderfully, I find.
  20. Thorn Wilde


    My parents came home late Saturday night. Or early Sunday morning, depending on your definition. I heard them arrive, heard Liz greet them downstairs, but I was too tired to get up and do the same, after the day I’d had. Dealing with Daniel’s anxiety after seeing his mum had been exhausting and heartbreaking. We had taken him back home, and he and I had hung out in his room, cuddling and kissing, until he could manage to go downstairs and eat something. Not that I minded. I wanted to be ther
  21. Nah, my hard drive is more of a dungeon than a beach, really... lol
  22. That sucks that he was laid off.
  23. See, in Mass Effect, there are these aliens called the Krogan, and they have four testicles and call them a quad. So...
  24. I only have ten projects open. I have like twenty more lying around on my hard drive. Today I made my carbonara with toasted walnuts for dinner. 'Twas nom.
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