I had a dude in my art therapy group who refused to see a female therapist. I kind of get it, people can have preferences like that, but his reasoning was absurd as I recall. Can't remember exactly what it was, but he was generally an idiot anyway. We were talking about about body image, and he was all, 'Well, I think you're really pretty.' Not the point, dude, it's not about what you think, it's about how I feel.
I was accused of being a misandrist a while back for pointing out that there were a lot of cis-dudes commenting negatively on an issue people with vaginas face. I told him that me hating men would be weird, since I'm trans-masculine. He told me there was nothing masculine about me and to act like a man if I wanted to be a man. So I told him that if acting like a man meant acting like a dick, I know very few men.