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Thorn Wilde

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Everything posted by Thorn Wilde

  1. She is, though the pup hasn't been here for a while. Flatmate ended up selling her. A good thing, I think. The lady who got her was a former police dog trainer who had owned two shih tzus before. Puppy will be much happier there, I think. Tesla's been extra snuggly since she left. I think she feels that we are now entirely her humans.
  2. Scientists been experimenting with the possibility uterine transplants and IVF for people assigned male at birth. That requires no vagina, though it involves quite a bit of surgery...
  3. Glad you caught it early. People are assholes.
  4. Congrats! And sadly she hasn't been by yet.
  5. Thorn Wilde

    Chapter 2

    Oh, man. Please tell me Paul likes dudes, cause HOT! Another excellent chapter. Onto the next one!
  6. Thorn Wilde

    Nice Shape

    You're very welcome!
  7. OMG! ...when you mean to write rofl but you write rolf instead. That rolf is a funny guy, always on the floor...
  8. Ooh, that looks nice! What's that filling? I think we have something very similar in Norway...
  9. As have I, but I believe it may get picked up by the profanity filter...
  10. Lol! Dick-mobile!
  11. I had a dude in my art therapy group who refused to see a female therapist. I kind of get it, people can have preferences like that, but his reasoning was absurd as I recall. Can't remember exactly what it was, but he was generally an idiot anyway. We were talking about about body image, and he was all, 'Well, I think you're really pretty.' Not the point, dude, it's not about what you think, it's about how I feel. I was accused of being a misandrist a while back for pointing out that there were a lot of cis-dudes commenting negatively on an issue people with vaginas face. I told him that me hating men would be weird, since I'm trans-masculine. He told me there was nothing masculine about me and to act like a man if I wanted to be a man. So I told him that if acting like a man meant acting like a dick, I know very few men.
  12. I believe the technical term is 'parking/driving like an asshole.'
  13. No idea... Can't seem to find the info anywhere either. Not as much as you'd think, least not in Oslo. You get up in the mountains and up north there's a lot, though.
  14. Well, you didn't have to click the spoiler, dude. Morning, Albert!
  15. We certainly have our work cut out for us. Hi, B! (Do I call you that? I don't know you very well yet...)
  16. Morning, Kitt!
  17. Know the feeling, dude. I feel kind of bad for my boyfriend. It's one of the scariest things about him moving in. What if he gets sick of me and my shit? But he loves me and wants to take care of me, and I take care of him, too. It's not like it's a one-way street. Same with you guys, right? I mean, different framework, but in the end that's what relationships are about, even when the balance of emotional labour shifts a bit one way or the other.
  18. Such cute kitties! Hope you have an okay day in spite of the boredom.
  19. Thorn Wilde

    Nice Shape

    It is maddening, lol! Still love it, though.
  20. But what about women who have penises? Or men with vaginas? Or folks who are neither? How do we fit in? Lol
  21. Hah! I think I'd be good at that. 'No person with serious mental conditions should live with another person with serious mental conditions.' Lol!
  22. Indeed. In all seriousness, though, she really is a nice person. She can be very kind, and I like her as a friend. She's just a shit flatmate, and I've been exhausted by it for some time. The girl she's moving in with now suffers from anxiety... I can't help but think that if she acts the same way with her as she did with me (by which I don't mean her compulsions and paranoia and all that stuff, I understand and can accept that; it's the way she'd use me as a free shrink, essentially), that one isn't gonna last either.
  23. I should really use this word more, it's a very nice word.
  24. Thanks for the info, tim. An important reminder.
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