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Carlos Hazday

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Everything posted by Carlos Hazday

  1. Carlos Hazday


    Three cabs delivered CJ, Owen, and the cadets to Club Yucatán before midnight. Just inside the door, CJ pumped a fist in the air. “TEQUILA SHOTS!” His shout was drowned out by loud cheers as the cadets followed him and Owen to the nearest bar. “Bro, you buying?” The smirk on Ritch’s face made Owen laugh. “Mate, I think you can afford to pick up the tab yourself. But fine, we’ll pay for the shots and the first round.” The group crowded around Owen and CJ, shouting their orders. One
  2. Considering CJ's attitude toward religion... The White House Easter Egg Roll could be in peril. And I'm not talking Chinese food.
  3. The story's actually a gift for my niece. The family's Earth Day baby turns 26 next week. She's inspired a lot of what I've written, including Owen's career. Alexandra, my niece, got her undergraduate degree in environmental sciences and is now an attorney working in Atlanta. I'm hoping one day, when she has kids, she reads my stories to them. I'm certain she's happy to share her gift.
  4. Keep practicing Spanish. I have stories set in Cuba and Spain planned!
  5. Sometimes the most 'innocent' lines... Thanks, Wolf.
  6. Crap. Let's send all drones to Ukraine to help them kick Ruskie ass. Hope that works...
  7. A short story told with emojis only. I'll add it to my list,
  8. If you see Reader1810 somewhere, tell her I left town.
  9. Joel sticks around for one more chapter.
  10. Nah, too exclusive an event for riff raff. And although I don't show it, I do tell about two hot guys wearing kilts to a rave and dancing on stage.
  11. I was mellow in my 20s. Then I turned 30 and the slutty gene manifested itself.
  12. Unless you're Ritch and managed to get laid your first night in town. I'm jealous.
  13. Wow! Just plain fricking wow That's impressive you figured all that out. Interestingly, I prefer chapters to be around 4k when I'm reading, so maybe that transfers to my writing. Chapter 300, eh? Well, crap, now I'm in a quandary. Next Friday's Earth Day and I planned to publish a new kids' story. Take a look at the banner atop my profile page. Because so many readers miss out on anything I post on any day other than Friday, I planned to publish Coral Castles first, hopping for a lot of eyes. The CJ chapter would have gone live later in the day. Is being the 300th chapter that big a deal? Should the starter outshine the bench player? This is another fine mess you've gotten yourself in, Carlos.
  14. Mexico was fun, but I had to do a lot of research. I haven't been there in decades so very little of what I remembered applied. Northman's a fun character to use as a punching bag. He's like a fly, annoying but unable to do much harm. Thanks for reading, reacting, and commenting!
  15. I find it an interesting coincidence this story's posting with a small time difference from our reality. I may be doing a little tinkering in a couple of chapters to make them take current events into account. Things I'd included already but can be polished a bit now.
  16. Thanks, Dave. It's always good to hear my work leaves you wanting more. Damn scary, but good. This group's important to Ritch, so CJ's going to make the effort to interact with his brother's buddies. I tried to give him a little one on one time with different cadets. I called those job interviews in my notes. LOL
  17. It's tricky and may seem lazy on my part, but the reason for revisiting events is exactly what you mention. The opportunity to see the same thing from someone else's perspective is why I do it. And I also get to add things I may have forgotten or ignored the first time around. LOL
  18. LMFAO Here's a spoiler. The story's final chapter was so long, I split it in two. My original plan was for 36 chapters. I'm certain @Daddydavekwill object to breaking a long one into two shorter ones.
  19. @Clancy59 Forgot to comment on their time off. While researching, I discovered the US embassy in Mexico observes both American and Mexican holidays. That's in addition to the 30 days vacation employees get. It allowed me to have the guys travel (often over a long weekend like the trips to Miami and Cancun. We now know they'll be at the Oscars because the Ambassador told Northman to make it so. Cancun and L.A. take place in March 2022. Since today (04/15/22) is Good Friday and yesterday was also a holiday in Mexico, I suspect the guys are traveling. I forget where I sent them. LOL
  20. Glad that worked. CJ and Owen being a bit older often have a different perspective and when I revisit scenes previously included in other stories, it gives me a chance to showcase those differences. I'm glad those came through.
  21. As the characters age, their conversations mature along with them. But at times those chats can be a bit dry even when important, so I try to use the surroundings to infuse interest. I mean, doesn't everyone tan in the Cancun sun, drinking margaritas, while discussing intelligence successes and failures?
  22. Can't offer you South Florida sunshine today. We're finally getting a little rain. Next chapter I'll expand on the visit to Chichen Itza I blew by in Cadet. CJ networking is a thing of beauty.
  23. Bringing Northman back in a future book for CJ to abuse could be fun. Having Stevie grovel when CJ becomes his boss has potential.
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