I had to tap into the stereotypes about our neighbors to the south!
The bit about a coyote sending large quantities of marijuana to CJ was based on personal experience. I toked on the cigar-sized joint but turned down the 'opportunity' to become a distributor. Then I got out of Texas as fast as I could.
Juan Cabrillo and the Oregon! Had to look it up, realized it's not one I've read so I've added The Emperor's Revenge to my reading list. Thankts for the heads up, Gary!
We'll be visiting Sa Dragonera for water sports, Mallorca for sightseeing, Formentera for scuba diving, and there may be a little clubbing in Ibiza.
Was that hash smoking on aluminum foil?
Liebe, and her brothers, will figure prominently in the next story. I'm enjoying writing the kids. They serve to showcase CJ and Ozzie's parenting approach, and they're usually good for a little levity. They're a pretty good crutch for explaining things too. They ask a question and an adult provides the answer.
Even though they're name dropping, I wanted to make it sound as if it was an everyday comment for CJ and Ozzie. They happen to be wealthy, connected, and not ashamed of it. They won't make a big deal out of their money and acquaintances, but they won't shy away from mentioning someone they know if its appropriate.
For the record, the Estefans and JLo dissed me. I wasn't invited.
Between college graduation and presidential inauguration there are some 20 years of events I could write about. The spinoffs took us past the Mexico book, and I plan to do the same with CJ-centric stories. We'll be jumping back and forth in time so I can cover events that resonate with me.
I enjoy writing chapters with a funny streak running through them. Certain characters, like Chipper, lend themselves to great banter. Phil Martinez, the football player, is another easy one to write for.
If it wasn't for having to switch POVs, showing Peter explaining to Chipper and Julian about the encounter would have been fun. Maybe as a flashback in the future.
I think Owen faces an uphill battle.
Carlos looks up Glitter Bomb How To videos on You Tube.
Sorry, had to research something for a moment.
When I wrote Singer, I promised regular updates on Chipper. So fat, I've kept my word. A mention in Ranger with details on who won The Voice, a concert in Cadet, and now TWO concerts in CDMX. Next one's in May, so we'll get to see how Peter and CJ are doing.
At 24, CJ's still learning. Maybe he'll realize striking out with a sword when someone comes at him with a pen knife is overkill. The entire thing could have been handled better by both Peter and CJ, but having Peter ask the security guard to shoot him was a treat to write. Almost as Owen agreeing at the end.
Moi? CJ's the flirt!
There's an incident coming up. Oh, yeah. I'd forgotten about it. As to Northman being part of it, I can't confirm or deny the rumors.
I figured I'd already made a big deal out of the Russians. Did you see Peter's Insta page? The picture of him riding a white horse while shirtless was interesting.
Honestly, the similarity to Taz came before the real name. I saw him as a whirlwind who needed a shot or two of that tequila bottle to calm himself.