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Carlos Hazday

Classic Author
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Everything posted by Carlos Hazday

  1. Carlos Hazday

    Human Touch

    @dughlas Let's not tell anyone about Ranger and the other spinoffs yet, okay? Let's wait until they can stock up on tissues. I keep mentioning how binge readers make me revisit older chapters, and this is a perfect example. I wrote some crappy stuff at the beginning, but I also created some interesting situations. The balance between the sadness and more prevalent happiness I think overall tilts in the latter's direction.
  2. That was the idea! LOL
  3. One of my goals when writing was not to repeat what other authors have written. I dislike stories where every character turns gay two paragraphs into the chapter. In today's world, acceptance having improved since I was CJ's age, it felt unrealistic for characters like this to function in an exclusive gay environment. It's why I made CJ's first friend straight and will do the same with others. The series focuses as much on gay characters as it does on straight ones. Why limit ourselves?
  4. Carlos Hazday

    Glory Days

    Thank you! Lourdes is a complex individual who I think's more concerned with herself than anyone else. CJ's not the first kid rejected by his parents due to their sexual orientation. Something I don't quite understand. If I had a kid like CJ, I'd never let him go.
  5. Carlos Hazday

    Better Days

    More end-of-day chats coming up. As for a list of characters, take a look at the last chapter.
  6. Carlos Hazday

    It's A Shame

    Yep, I should have bought a tissue company. CJ had recently gone through a painful separation and his sensibilities were at an all time high. He obviously has a soft spot for Matt.
  7. Carlos Hazday

    Crush on You

    I tried to show my main characters' empathy all through the book. I'm not always the best at it, so I figured I'd make my boys act in ways I fail to at times.
  8. Carlos Hazday


    CJ's not the typical gay teen we often find in stories. I tried to limit angst and focused on him dealing with issues instead of agonizing over them. As for the end-of-day conversations, they are a recurring feature in the series. I even adapted them to other couples in future installments.
  9. Carlos Hazday

    Human Touch

    There are a couple of other sad chapters in the series, but I think readers have shed tears for other chapters too. Sappy stuff tends to get to them. Anyway, I should have invested in a tissue company.
  10. LOL You nailed it! I'm sure you've read the reaction to CJ being arrested by now.
  11. Carlos Hazday


    Thank you. I think the premise using dolphins is good, but I didn't spend enough time thinking through what I wanted to write. I've focused on CJ and his supporting cast instead since there's so much about them I want to share.
  12. You're not the first to start one of my stories then go back and binge the early installments. With as many characters and events I've written about, someone coming in cold at a later date may find it hard to catch up on what's happened using only mild references. Enjoy, you have a lot of story left to read.
  13. Carlos Hazday


    I wasn't happy with the two shifter stories and left them alone for a while. Came back to it after some time, and although the ensuing story was better written than these, I was still unhappy. I think I'll leave shifters to others who do it well.
  14. Me too. I wrote a lot of sex scenes early on, but these days I handle sex between characters with a line or two most of the time. Unless it's improtant enough to the story arc. Sex for its own sake seems to be something younger authors rely on, but in the end, I'm not writing porn. LOL
  15. LMAO Isn't it fun to revisit some of CJ's early adventures? Sometimes I wonder how the hell I came up with this stuff.
  16. Thank you. This was my first attempt to write a full love story, and made me decide I'd rather use romance as a secondary act. I'm not comfortable writing sappy lines all the time. LOL
  17. Carlos Hazday


    CJ's first public display of fighting abilities and the kid shows he can handle himself. I think for now he has a chip on his shoulder and isn't willing to put up with crap from anyone.
  18. LMAO- A few readers seem to favor gingers too. There are a handful of them in the series.
  19. Carlos Hazday

    Fade Away

    Thanks, Mark. CJ's not your typical anything. It was fun coming up with scenarios to show him adapting and reacting to whatever came his way.
  20. LMAO - A little undercover work sounded like something good for CJ to try. Owen might not let do it again, though. Very glad you enjoyed it.
  21. Carlos Hazday

    Avalon 2005

    Thank you! Some of the early stories are VERY rough. I think (hope?) I've improved over time.
  22. Funny how Ritch became an instant favorite even though he has such a minor part in the story right now. I'll have to be careful about trevealing too much, too early. There are a few stories ahead of you.
  23. LMAO Yesterday I told someone my writing was a tad messy at the moment since I'm juggling 5 different storis at the same time. CDMX's done and most of it is pre-loaded in GA. Coral Castles and Chemist chapter 2 are in the editing phase. Another story, although not entirely written yet, has begun the beta reading step. I'm still hoping to post all those stories I shared banners for at the beginning of the year.
  24. Hey! Authors, like most artists, can be insecure. LOL Let me see what I can do about chapter 2. Chapters 3 through 75 may take a bit longer.
  25. Thanks, Mark. Just wait until you meet the late arrival. LOL
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