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Carlos Hazday

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Everything posted by Carlos Hazday

  1. @Clancy59 I introduced CJ when he was 15 and at the time this chapter takes place, he's about to turn 24. I hope I have kept his basic personality traits but aged him appropriately. I would not expect someone in their mid twenties to act the same as a teen. Thanks for noticing his growth. Although we'll hear what motivated Domogarov to target CJ eventually, maybe he considered him just another rich kid more concerned with playing a part than taking real action. His mistake.
  2. We'll find out after we spend a little time skiing in Colorado. Russian intelligence often has a bigger say in what happens than their ambassadors. Will the intelligence service protect Domogarov, or will the ambassador extract payment for being embarrassed by a lowly American, visa clerk?
  3. So I'm not the only one who gets hot over a handsome, formally attired, man pushing his weight around? It'll be interesting to see how the relationship between the Russian ambassador and his top spy works after the evening events.
  4. Considering their time in California will be limited, I think they can get away with playing as guests of friends. They have Miles, the attorney, in LA and Purple Flame Winery owners in Napa. There's a house purchase mentioned in one of the Christmas 2021 chapters.
  5. Perfect! You bring up two items important to CJ's growth. I showed him angering quickly and lashing out, and dismissing golf when his parents, grandfather, and husband played while in Miami. As I've aged him, I wanted to show him still being vicious when attacked but in a thought out way instead of an instant reaction. Those are the dangerous people. As for golf, when I had him dismiss the game, I knew he'd eventually take it up for exactly the same reason you mention. He won't be on the links as often as the Orange Menace, but I'm curretly trying to decide which country club he'll be joining.
  6. CJ? Vindictive? Now what could make you say that? LOL Yeah, you piss him off, you better be ready for the consequences.
  7. You're so right. I've never thought of CJ as being the type to turn the other cheek, and this proves it. He might not be as quick to anger these days, but watch out if he gets there.
  8. LOL I should have made CJ a spy instead of a diplomat. Then again, maybe he can wear two hats from now on.
  9. Yes he does. He might have a lot of support, but when it comes to the actual risk, it's all him. Talk about walking into the cave and poking the bear. What comes next? Retaliation or surrender?
  10. Karma can pack a punch! Yevgeny should reconsider his interest in our young diplomat.
  11. LMAO Northman makes a brief appearance in the next chapter, but CJ and Owen are more concerned with getting on a plane and hitting the slopes in Vail. But both he and the Russian will be back.
  12. Yeah, Domogarov seemed a little sloppy again. He underestimated CJ when he bugged their apartment and by trying to use sex to compromise him. Not sure how much more of this CJ can take before he becomes violent. Oh, wait, he may already have done it! Baldwin, Ford, Pine, Krasinski, Abello... will the real Jack Ryan please stand up? Thanks, Doug.
  13. LMAO Of course, now the question's whether CJ hurt the Ruskie for real or was he joking?
  14. Thanks, Jose. This was a fun chapter to write. I was, however, scared I might not have gotten the pacing right. One of my betas assured me it was a nice buildup.
  15. Aggressive, cold, calculating, fearless, CJ in a tuxedo?
  16. I had trouble loading the chapter this morning. I had to delete it and re post it twice. Did I leave something behind? Word count seems about right.
  17. Carlos Hazday


    “You looking forward to tonight?” CJ straightened Owen’s bowtie and stepped back to admire him. His husband always looked good, and he was stunning in formal wear. At times, clothes did make the man. “Yeah, this is what you’d call one of those bucket list things. I mean, how many people get to watch a Bolshoi Ballet performance live, while getting VIP treatment?” Owen ran a hand over his jawline while turning his face side to side in front of the mirror. The smile meant there were no stray
  18. These days, personal pronouns usage is in flux. I read one story with all gender neutral ones and couldn't get comfortable with it. I wonder if this is a passing trend, or if the next generation will adapt. Definitely a bit harder for someone older, like me, to unlearn years of usage. As you can probably tell, I'm reading and enjoying your posts. I've even pointed a couple of authors in this blog's direction while helping them with their stories. Keep it up, Myr.
  19. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XVI

    I was in college, in NYC for a friend's 21st birthday, and more interested in partying. I'm pretty sure it was a Sunday matinee and our little group was hungover. Just looked up dates. A couple of years later, on a Monday, I was lucky enough to see Dreamgirls the night after Jennifer Holiday won a Tony. I remember a hell of a long ovation when she first came on stage.
  20. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XVI

    @Bre Czaroux Thank you! Glad you enjoyed this one. As for what's coming up next, we have a ballet performance, a reception at the Russian embassy, and a ski trip to Colorado. I mean, what could happen that might be interesting? LOL
  21. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XVI

    Not that I would ever have a character of mine say something impolite or politically IN-correct, but I may have heard someone say something about cats in relation with Vietnamese food. Vietnamese cat tacos, anyone?
  22. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XVI

    Oh man... I just got a memory from left field. Sweeny Todd on Broadway with Angela Lansbury. That's all I remember. Nice show, but it didn't hook me.
  23. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XVI

    That's what friends are for...
  24. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XVI

    You really ought to stay away from restaurants with no cats in the area...
  25. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XVI

    Since the invention of personal calculators, arithmetic trips most youngsters. (those under 60)
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