I realize it's beyond the scope of this story since it's focused on the Australian events. However, a short story set in California after his return could be fun.
Brandon's Alpha: "How was it, Brandon?"
Brandon: "It was a bloody bitch. But let me show you something, I found out I can shift into this..."
I come late to the party but rereading this chapter first thing in the morning, after a challenging couple of days, was inspired. The little altercation got my blood flowing. Not sure if it was on this chapter or another one, but I did mention something about dwarf tossing and midget wrestling to Wolf. LOL I thoroughly enjoyed this one.
Me and my double entendres I'm surprised nobody said anything about Ritch working with Major Wood.
Joel had some fun in Cancun, he'll get laid again during senior year spring break. He's a slut! LOL
If I recall correctly, Miller has a large brewery in North Carolina too. All these beer companies have gone through so many mergers I forget where they brew their product.
I drank a lot of Schlitz while in college. The price was right and a couple of Michigan guys in my freshman dorm swore by it.
CJ was underage during most of his visits to Milwaukee, so he may not have done a lot of drinking then. But I'm certain whenever he went to a Brewers game, Miller would have been his choice. At a Pirates or Phillies game it'd be Rolling Rock
I missed my chance to feature PBR when Ritch worked in Wyoming at the dig, but once again he was underage. I'll get to it and Schlitz at some point.
An issue that arose when writing HTTC was the need to figure out what had transpired in the 20 years between graduation and inauguration. I've had to do more of that while writing the spinoffs. We're in 2024 right now, but the Mexico story starts in 2021. I'll end up revisiting some Cadet events from CJ POV. (think Christmas in Vail and cadets running wild in Cancun.)
Any post HTTC tales will have to wait a bit. My brain's complaining about the convoluted timelines.
We're talking about riding a bull here, get your mind out of the gutter. I don't know about anyone else, but I wouldn't want to be the one trying to put a condom on a 1500 pound critter.
Not in Colorado. That's Coors country since it's brewed in Golden. Most events and location would feature the local brew. In this case even more since the brewery would be a sponsor.
I really want to write and share Flying Circus. It takes place in 2027 and we'll get to see CJ and Ritch interact as adults. There's a bit of that coming up in a Cadet chapter.
Yes. I'm pretty sure he'll still be able to fly but air time would be reduced. Thankfully I don't see me having to deal with that issue. LOL I have ideas for 2 post-inauguration stories, but both would focus on all the damn kids. I've already created 2 more than the named ones in HTTC.
Thank you. A kid? LMAO
Rich or poor, the values our parents instill in us will follow us for as long as we live. Right or wrong. Ritch definitely benefits from the example set by Brett and Cesar.
I'm so glad it's clear Ritch isn't CJ with another name. Drawing from my experience with my brothers, I know there are similarities between the two characters, but there are also differences. I think CJ's worldview might be a bit broader than Ritch's.
Organizing that type of event is more than one man can handle. particularly considering how little free time Ritch probably has. It's why I pointed out the initial idea came from Brett and the fathers and CJ were somewhat involved. A great support system can make even the most daunting challenges easier to handle.