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Carlos Hazday

Classic Author
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Everything posted by Carlos Hazday

  1. I've drifted away from HS friends. The last one I interacted with was my best friend growing up when he fixed my broken ankle. I maintain contact with a bunch of college ones, mostly frat brothers.
  2. THANK YOU!!! If Marvel comics/movies/tv can do crossovers, so can I. These stories are written hoping new readers will join the fold, so I try to assume they know nothing about the older characters, and provide short descriptions to define them. Since the first two spinoffs were Singer and Ranger, their protagonists get at least a mention each. I'll also feature at least one character from Malibu and 2 from New Year's Day in the future.
  3. Thanks, bud.
  4. Even when he's a cocky doolie?
  5. Yeah, but they will continue to reunite on a regular basis. And we know a bunch of them end up CJ's administration. The Squad was brought together primarily by CJ. Ritch will surround himself with cadet friends who most likely will end up posted in different bases. However, just like I recycled characters from other stories who've become part of the extended, recurring cast, I have plans for a handful of flyboys.
  6. A lot of those family interactions are based on how my brothers and I deal with each other and with our dad. Ruthless is one way of describing it.
  7. 2 chapters this week, both over 6k words, and you want more? LOL
  8. Brad will have a longer cameo in the near future, stock up on tissues. Thank you, Dugh. I recently mentioned to someone binge reading all CJ-verse books that my writing had evolved since the original story. I'm glad you, and hopefully others, feel I've improved. Lots of work and regular spankings from @Mann Ramblings.
  9. I need a vacation. Today started with computer problems and the day has been a total waste. Let's hope I can get on my Harley and ride away from Florida for a few days sometime soon.
  10. Soon after starting college at the University of Florida, both my nieces had fake IDs. Their sorority had the contacts.
  11. In case anyone's interested in reading more about A Home for Warriors...
  12. On the last day of 2020, even though Ethan Feldman had returned to New York City, every bedroom at Everhope was occupied. Ritch had spent the night and so had Chipper and Thiago. Another Squad member, Thiago Baravento had attended Walls—School Without Walls High School’s in Foggy Bottom—and was one of CJ’s oldest friends. A single father of an eighteen-month-old boy, he was about to enter his final semester at Howard University’s College of Pharmacy. “Hey, guys. I’ve got something to tell y
  13. I say we slip him a weed gummy. That should loosen him up.
  14. Have you been peeking at my chapter descriptions again?
  15. His work as a former president, particularly with Habitat for Humanity, has proven his heart is bigger than most. Even if he used it to lust.
  16. Fucker wouldn't say. Some bullshit about a gentleman not kissing and telling.
  17. Standing around for hours on end, particularly if it's really cold, is not fun. By never being a Biden supporter I hope you mean voter. If we can only support the work of someone we vote for, we're destined to perpetuate the cycle of acrimony and blame that has paralyzed our country in recent times.
  18. Liz will live on in their hearts.
  19. Carlos Hazday

    Chapter 33

    I'm innocent!
  20. Let's see if this clears it up Aba temporarily moves to Georgetown to await Ritch Ritch arrives in DC - Owen and CJ stop by for lunch CJ and Owen fly to Australia - Ritch drives Aba to Everhope Christmas in DC for Ritch, Australia for CJ & Owen (I should have provided a link to Ripper Christmas) Family foundation meeting once CJ and Owen return from Australia New Year's Eve at Everhope Because I've written about the family celebrating Christmas before, I did not want to repeat myself. I sent almost everyone out of town and dispensed with the actual holiday with one line.
  21. I recall returning home from college for the first time and spending more time with friends than family. I tried to balance it for Ritch, but decided to parade a bunch of Squad members to create group dynamics with him. He always had a good line here and there but now he's on a more equal footing with them.
  22. LOL I just added a line about the coup to the next chapter. I didn't want to pass the opportunity to mention it, since it will influence some events/conversations in the future. Later on, I'll bring up the fact the rioter who was shot was a former airman, and a retired Lt Col was inside the capitol with zip ties. Most current events I can deal with on a delayed basis in future stories, but this one seemed important enough to mention.
  23. I had a long, friendly chat with a 74 y0 Trump supporter the other day. She called the man a baffoon with despicable morals, but claimed she would vote for him again. Color me confused.
  24. Drives me nuts! All the conservatives who clamor for less government seem to be the first ones to pass laws reflecting their morals and intruding in our lives. Stay the hell away. CJ battling certain laws and regulations would be part of his agenda when he gets elected to office. First one he'll tackle will be motorcycle helmet laws. We'll wait for drinking restrictions until he's President. I have a feeling places like Las Vegas and New Orleans would roll back the legal age quickly.
  25. From my point of view, police uniforms are not an issue, institutionalized racism in certain departments is. I'm not sure if the military and police attract individuals with innate aggression or if training brings it out, but it's something I've noticed and struggled with how to deal with in this story. I make one feeble attempt, but decided to concentrate on Ritch's more balanced personality. Following the birds of a feather flock together approach, I surround him with like-minded individuals.
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