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Carlos Hazday

Classic Author
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Everything posted by Carlos Hazday

  1. YES!!!!! Someone gets my innuendos. Having Ritch ride a horse for the first time was too good an opportunity to use the walking funny bit to pass up. Someone who rides regularly told me I probably did not stress enough how much pain he was probably in. LOL
  2. If going through BCT and living together doesn't bring people together. at least one of them has to be a douchebag. LOL Will was actually introduced in Malibu so we know he sticks around at least for a few months. I've decided not to kill him in this story so I can use him again in the future. Next he has to meet the rest of the family. Let's see how he deals with that bunch.
  3. If you get the chance, watch The Way I See It. The documentary recounts Pete Souza's experiences as White House photographer for Reagan and Obama. He may have been President, but Obama was a father first. They show him stepping in when Sasha's basketball coach couldn't make a game, and watching Malia's dance rehearsal when he had to mix the actual performance because he was flying to Connecticut to meet families of the Sandy Hook victims. He and Michelle are real parents, so her calling someone she's met and obviously liked as a friend of their daughter's, felt appropriate. Your comment made me realize CJ had been talked about plenty, but had yet to appear. That will be remedied in the next chapter. I wrote this chapter way before the election. The original drafts mentioned Ritch, Will, and Sarah voting for Biden, but not a winner. It was a thrill to go back and add that detail in. Although not as political as other CJ stories, there may be some more of that in future entries. Ritch turned 18 in July and can now sit on the foundation's board of directors. The annual meeting's usually around Christmas, and that's around the corner. Oh, that's in the next chapter too. LOL
  4. It took me forever to introduce his aunt, even though I mentioned her existence years ago. These are the reasons my spreadsheets and notes are voluminous. They've gotten worse since I started writing spinoffs, trying to keep track of overlapping events and how one character's actions reverberate through the series. It's also forced me to outline future events which might make it easier when I get to other tales. Ritch was obviously thrilled at finding a blood relative other than his brother and grandmother. But his first thought was to call Cap and Mr. A. I wanted to again show how attached he is to those men even if there's no biological connection. And he's obviously learned his lessons, his wealth is meant for more than buying shiny toys. Thanks for reading and the comment!
  5. Thank you! You have no idea how good it feels to be sharing a story again. I wish I could churn out new ones as fast as some other authors, but I'm not the fastest writer. With this one, even though it's about Ritch and not the military, I have spent countless hours researching so the Air Force details are as accurate as possible. Of course, having three people read and comment before publishing takes times. I read each chapter so many times,I lose count. They may not be perfect, but I hopefully get close.
  6. “Crap, I hate this stuff.” Ritch slammed the book closed and stood. He needed a break before frustration got the better of him. Unable to pace very far in the dorm room and trying to give his mind a rest, he dropped to the floor ready to crank out as many pushups as he could. His roommate, Will Bender, glanced away from his laptop and shook his head. “You’re nuts, Peterson. What are you doing? Aren’t you sore?” Both had joined an intramural basketball team and the game earlier in the day ha
  7. Carlos Hazday


    Heinrich is so clueless about Rick. He's so wrapped up in his own world, he has no clue his son's gay. I love Joey's energy and Marta's dismissive attitude. They're perfect siblings. Okay, maybe not perfect but typical. Seeing Rick happy made the chapter worth it. Nice job, Parker.
  8. Carlos Hazday

    Chapter 32

    Thank you for giving me an excuse to turn off cable news. The coup attempt make me backslide into addiction. If Sawyer ends up a monster, can we set him lose in the White House?
  9. THANK YOU! Lots more Bender in the next chapter. Last week's events rocked me. I've often explored politics in my stories, but a corrupt president trying to overthrow the government was not something I ever considered writing about. It seemed like it was a science fiction scenario. It took me until yesterday to be able to write anything. I was too overwhelmed by the attack and the hypocrisy of so many Republican legislators. Our country and our democracy survived but we must remain vigilant. For the record, I'm pissed to no end.
  10. You were not misinformed. Who's feeding you behind-the-scenes info? LOL Stick around, I may have included a few details about what it's like.
  11. Thanks, Tony Better late than ever. I guess my plugging one story in the comments of another one works! LOL Funny you mention Civics lessons, I've written a couple in Cadet, and more are planned in future books. I'm still reeling from Trump's coup attempt and thoughts about how CJ would act as president have been frequent. But since that's far off in the future, I will deal with what those traitors did at the Capitol sooner. Thanks, again
  12. Wow! Didn't know that. DeVos is not a favorite of mine. I detect racism and homophobia beneath her calm, polite demeanor.
  13. Interesting you mention call signs. Ritch gets one. As for Bender, we haven't heard if he wants to become a pilot yet.
  14. LOL Maybe CJ will meet and like some of Ritch's fellow cadets. If he does, he could always tap some of them for positions in his presidency.
  15. The Air Force, like all branches of the military and the public in general, is peppered with "loonies" and I don't mean Canadian coins. The woman shot while trying to climb through the broken door glass at the capitol was an Air Force vet. So was a Lt Colonel arrested as part of that mob. Deployment plays havoc with most and with some it amplifies darkness within. Their ignorance and twisted morals at times manifests itself in violence. Ritch will do better.
  16. Will's a cowboy from Wyoming, so replace the ball cap with a Stetson.
  17. NOOOOOOO! Not another constitutional crisis. That proposal may run afoul of the Kennedy nepotism rule and the one about military personnel heading the DoD.
  18. Maybe I'll bring you on as a consultant on Mexican border music when CJ moves to Mexico City in a few years.
  19. I wrote this so long ago I can't recall if the game took place. I think not because before the conference decided to play, I read a report they had given AF permission to play Army and Navy. There will be at least one more ginger in future chapters. Will looks something close to this. DId you go to HS with him? https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2F236x%2F07%2Fae%2Ffd%2F07aefd284503b49edc55a414911fa748--baseball-pants-baseball-guys.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fvontom96%2Fbaseball%2F&tbnid=rMViJXjc3BprJM&vet=12ahUKEwicuLGW6o3uAhXSNFkKHWXbCPgQMygAegUIARCDAQ..i&docid=5WU2MZB_g-zBxM&w=236&h=345&q=baseball hunk&hl=en&ved=2ahUKEwicuLGW6o3uAhXSNFkKHWXbCPgQMygAegUIARCDAQ
  20. LOL I'm not sure what you mean by the name... LOL Remember I'm a Yank, so sometimes words mean different things. But Will's name will be a subject I'll be touching upon later. How's that for being vague?
  21. YEP!
  22. NOPE!
  23. And don't get me started on earrings! That one smells homophobic to me.
  24. First a message for @Mann Ramblings Please note the initial usage of Abello=Davenport Multiverse should be credited to @Buz I'm so glad we have a convert. As my writing evolved, I wanted the main series to focus on CJ, so I could delve into the character without distractions. The Squad will get me for calling them distractions. LOL Anyway, Writing Singer was fun, Ranger was tough, and this one's been a mix. I'll be back to CJ and Ozzie next. NOT FOR A WHILE!!! Glad what I wrote about the name change tracks with somene's experience!
  25. I've tried to make Ritch his own man. However, as he himself says in this chapter, the influence of Cesar, Brett, and CJ serves as the foundation for his beliefs and behavior. I have a feeling after graduation he'll become a kick ass officer.
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