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Carlos Hazday

Classic Author
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Everything posted by Carlos Hazday

  1. John, what a great compliment to wake up to! Thank you! I'm so glad you found my work entertaining, and fell under the spell of CJ and crew. When new readers binge on the series, I usually notice because of their reactions. You surprised me in a wonderful way. Although I have a series of stories covering the 20 years between CJ's graduation and inauguration, those I won't start writing until next year. In the meantime, if you're interested, give Singer a try. It's the first of several spinoffs starring characters from the series. That one focuses on Chipper, while Ranger stars Brad. Hope to hear from you again. Carlos
  2. I was wondering about the word's etymology. In Spanish, forest is bosque.
  3. Carlos Hazday

    Chapter 2

    So, the kid was bitten and didn't turn into a wolf, but something in between. Is Jimmy lycan police? An enforcer meant to deal with rogue shifters indiscriminately biting humans? I assume rapid healing abilities dealt with his injuries.
  4. Carlos Hazday

    Chapter 1

    If the engine is running, even with the doors closed, the car will annoyingly remind you to buckle up.
  5. Carlos Hazday

    Last Words

    As much as I despised Dorian in the original story, I was sad he lost his life to a traitorous coward.
  6. Carlos Hazday

    The Return

    No Ranger series planned and I don't foresee another story starring Brad. My purpose with him and Chipper was to show how they begin their lives as adults. Of course, updates on them will appear in other stories. We already know where they'll be in twenty years, so we can extrapolate a lot of what happens between now and then. A new story will post next month.
  7. Incongruities of the lock down. My niece had an internship at a law firm in Atlanta this coming summer that was cancelled. I just found out they're still going to pay her 10 grand just to stay home and sit on her ass. WTF? Of course, they're just buttering her up, so she'll accept the job they offered her for next year when she graduates. What the hell is a 24 yo going to do making 165k a year? I made about a tenth of that when I graduated from college in 1981. The bitch better be nice to her favorite uncle.
  8. Ohhh, I have a recurring character who like Scooby, gormandizes his meals. This one will show up next time I include him in a story.
  9. Carlos Hazday

    Chapter 1

    Can't blame me. I don't have anything for you to edit right now.
  10. Carlos Hazday

    Chapter 1

    I can't believe one little chapter in, and you already have the first cliffie. Bad Mann! Go to your corner and write. NOW! Were-creature or the Hulk? His clothing usually ends up tattered as you descrIbe.
  11. I didn't want to give away the ending... Stop distracting me! LOL
  12. Let's get them a double headed one!
  13. I love the comments! However, I hate to announce I'm not quite finished editing the next chapter. It may take a couple of weeks for it to be published..
  14. True story. My youngest brother and his wife honeymooned in South Africa. The one picture he sent while there, showed two penguins going at it. He claimed it was the highlight of the trip.
  15. Carlos Hazday

    The Return

    Thanks, Alex. I hope you and the other readers realize I love you all. Once I post a chapter, I impatiently wait for your reactions and comments. As long as those keep coming, I'll keep writing.
  16. Carlos Hazday

    The Return

    It's Ritch now. LOL As soon as I finish the short story I've been stuck on, he's next. Let's see how the kid turns out.
  17. Carlos Hazday

    The Return

    Thanks, Jay. I started out writing a story about a gay family, and it ended up with me considering most of these characters as mine. I sure as hell wished I had some of the same experiences I've created for them. I promise to keep writing about OUR family and trying new things. One day I may be good enough, but until then I'll happily stumble along.
  18. Carlos Hazday

    The Return

    Thank you! I've fallen in love with the characters I surrounded CJ with in his series and feel the need to provide a little more detail about their lives. As I've aged them, the need to show them on their own has intensified, but CJ and the other friends will always hover around them. Since this story took place in the I-95 corridor between DC and NYC, those other characters had a more active role than in Chipper's story which took place mostly in California. Interestingly enough, that's where the next one is set. I'm shooting for the next CJ story to post early next year. LOL, more like shirtless wearing a leather jacket or vest! Although usually it's a tank top underneath the leather.
  19. Carlos Hazday

    The Return

    Thanks, bud. And thanks for the corrections! We'll chat later about future stories. Yours and mine.
  20. Carlos Hazday

    The Return

    As soon as I can muster the motivation to finish the short story I started last month, I'll tackle Ritch's story. That one's going to take some time to write since I'll be doing a lot of research as I work on it. Harley and Tank will come after Ritch amd Mexico. My goal is to set them up for an adult life, then provide updates on their lives as I did here with Chipper.
  21. Carlos Hazday

    The Return

    LOL At the end of every James Bond movie there used to be an announcement that he would return. Sometimes with the name of the next movie in there. Maybe I should start doing the same so readers realize I'm not abandoning the hero. Brad will have at least one cameo in Cadet wheneverI get around to writing it. See you in two weeks when Brett and Cesar take center stage.
  22. Carlos Hazday

    The Return

    Hey, thanks for reading and reacting. Not sure Cristina's ready to tie the knot again so soon after her first marriage failed, but we'll see if and when it happens. In the meantime Malibu will start posting June 1. I look forward to hearing what you think of that one.
  23. Carlos Hazday

    The Return

    Thanks, Dave. I'm missing the NBA playoffs something fierce so I know what you refer to. I'm glad Brad's story provided some distraction from the outside world.
  24. Carlos Hazday

    The Return

    Cliffhangers can be a pain. But I still think the ending for Chipper's story was appropriate. We knew he was set for the time being and Brad confirmed it. Technically, people could say this one alse ended in a cliffhanger since we don't yet know what will happen with Brad's schooling and his relationship with Cristina.
  25. Carlos Hazday

    The Return

    LOL - He'll show up again in other stories. As I mentioned before, The End rarely means the characters disappear. Look at what happened with Phil & Riley!
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