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Carlos Hazday

Classic Author
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Everything posted by Carlos Hazday

  1. Carlos Hazday

    The Winner

    Come on Mr. Grumpy. 27 chapters and 5 words over 27k not enough? LOL
  2. Carlos Hazday

    The Winner

    @Kitt did offer her basement as a hiding spot when she edited the story. Glad you enjoyed it!
  3. Carlos Hazday

    The Winner

    Thanks, Luke. Ripper Christmas goes live a week from today.
  4. Carlos Hazday

    The Winner

    Cruel and unusual for me, but I like trying new things...
  5. Carlos Hazday

    The Winner

    I'll have you know I'm the proud owner of a BIG Hog.
  6. Carlos Hazday

    The Winner

    LOL By now it should be clear I like to make my readers think...
  7. @Myr HP laptop with latest version of Windows and Firefox iPad with an older version of IOS and latest version of Chrome Samsung Galaxy Note with updated Android and Chrome. Myr, any idea why the review button at the end of the final chapter does not show up even though the story's marked as complete? Also, I posted the last two chapters manually on real time yet neither one shows up in the daily 'most liked content' even though both have received more reactions than other entries. https://gayauthors.org/story/carlos-hazday/singer/26#comment-404474
  8. Carlos Hazday

    The Winner

    “Don’t give me that look. It’s legal in California and so am I.” Chipper grinned at his father and allowed the unlit joint to dangle from his lips. “Doesn’t smoking affect your voice?” Cristina shook her head when her brother offered to take her outside with him. “No, thanks. I’ll stick to wine.” “Long term, I’m sure it would. But I don’t smoke that much. And in places like California, where recreational use’s legal, edibles are a great alternative. I’m just feeling a little old-scho
  9. A tad too slow for my taste. Well written, though.
  10. All done. Good bunch overall. Looking forward to next week.
  11. LOL... And I was thinking how much I disliked long short stories.
  12. FYI the one I was working on that kept threatening to get out of hand clocked in at just over 8k. I could have written double without too much difficulty. The 1k chapter experiment was good, getting better at distilling a story down to bare bones, then limiting the fleshing out.
  13. Carlos Hazday

    Chapter 1

    Pretty darn good, Cassie. It was a comfortable read. Realistic dialogue which is a pet peeve of mine, and I found myself smiling at the care you took in it. I can see the conflict/drama coming from a couple different directions, so I won't guess to prevent being embarrassed. I look forward to reading the rest of it
  14. If you're unaware how thankful I'm for having you in my life, make sure to read the note at the end of the final Singer chapter.
  15. Carlos Hazday

    Last Dance

    @Cris L President Trump's in South Florida for the Thanksgiving Holiday. Yesterday, I had to deal with road closures when I took my bike in for service, and that was hours before the rally at the arena. Not sure if he has anything planned for Friday but let's hope he doesn't make a public appearance and coverage means our show gets preempted.
  16. Damn responses to the questions were definitely appropriate for a Droll Dane
  17. Carlos Hazday

    Old Friend

    Ethan's stand alone story is not planned until 2021 or so. Should I move it up on the schedule?
  18. Wonder why LOL Hope I did well by NYC and Alicia.
  19. The notifications about you reacting to chapters and commenting on a couple of them made me smile. Harvey Weinstein inspired this sub-plot but I didn't want to make it all about sex. The casting couch may be the subject of many jokes but it's real. Taking advantage of innocent upstarts may have been Nalbo's modus operanti, but he didn't count on Chipper not being so innocent nd having friends in high places.
  20. Carlos Hazday

    Last Dance

    Haven't watched this weeks shows yet so I don't know who advanced. Blake has one guy I think will make it to the finals but surprisingly he's not country. Jake Hoot, Clarkson's contestant is pure country. Big, good-looking single father with an incredible voice.
  21. Carlos Hazday

    Last Dance

    Glad you caught that... I'm tired but I'm going out there and dancing my ass off. I'd be wanting a Ben-Gay bath. I made a point of mentioning his regular gym visits; most modern, successful artists don't get to stand by a microphone and sing without moving.
  22. Carlos Hazday

    Last Dance

    I never get to vote when I watch the show for real. It's always a day or two later and I fast forward through the commercials.
  23. Carlos Hazday

    Last Dance

    Although Singer can be read without having to read the CJ series first, I wanted to include a few references for the diehard fans. Since I'd written him performing that song before, I was unsure about including it in this story. In the end I thought it fit too well and the little comment here served as a kind of Easter egg.
  24. Carlos Hazday

    Last Dance

    Thanks, bud!
  25. Carlos Hazday

    Last Dance

    Just seems that way 'cause I edited out the commercials.
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