SPOILER- Chipper makes it to the finale. You get to stick around to the end this time LOL
Hell, I already named the artists making it to the final four!
LMAO - You do realize I have a surplus of like 5 words over the first 20 chapters right? I think I'm still safe.
Instead of parroting the usual crap artists say about the military, I had Chipper make it personal. By referencing his two friends, the significance of his birthday, and agreeing to go out with the Marine, he avoided sounding insencere.
Maybe Chipper's attorney knows of someone willing to break legs? Oh, wait, Tonya Harding tried that and got in trouble.
Thanks, Chris-
I thought the tune was catchy and when I looked at the video, I felt it was a cautionary tale about the dangers of fame and fortune. It was a good example of Chipper's drug use taken to the extreme.
“We understand you have a message for a fan.” The producer interviewing Chipper sat out of camera range invisible to the television audience.
“I do.” Chipper had suggested she ask him the question. “A corporal stationed at Marine Corps Base Quantico reached out with an invitation, and I’d like to respond.
“I’ve talked about my close group of friends before—The Squad—but what I haven’t mentioned is a couple of them are military veterans. One served in the Navy and another in the Army
Technology in general, not only social media, has altered our lives in way few people could have envisioned. Sooner or later we'll adapt but caution should always be practiced when on line.
Thanks for the praise
Yep... definitely not a nice guy
LOL You may not want to wait standing up, you may get tired. The next Squad story is only halfway written and won't post for about six months.
Thank you for validating my fiction! LOL
Few people realize participants in reality shows sign away a lot of rights to be on the air. And it's not only TV shows. Anyone climbing The Vessel at New York City's Hudson Yards agrees the owners of the structure have the right to use any pictures taken from it and share in public. Without remuneration. It's similar to the user agreements for apps and other software, they have us by the balls without alternatives.
Big Brother's watching whether we like it or not. Even when we distance ourselves from social media, someone else's posts can get us in trouble. If we don't want risk the possibility of getting in trouble, we have to be very vanilla about how we behave in public.
In another story I mentioned my character had been told he was not only representing the political candidate he supported but his school too when he made appearances on TV or in person. It does reflect badly on schools/employers when an associate makes antisemitic, racist, or homophobic posts.
Unfortunately, it's a fact of life. Colleges and employers don't want to find themselves in a bad situation by accepting/hiring someone that could make them look bad. What amazes me is people don't seem to learn. How may minors have been arrested this year for posting things considered a threat? Or did Roxane really expect not to get in trouble by comparing a black woman to a monkey?
Social media reviews are just a new thing but background checks and credit reports have been used for a long time. Hell, 30 years ago I had to take a lie detector test for a bank job. And it was in management! They made me an offer but I was pissed off about the polygraph, told them so, and rejected the job.
The story will be around after I finish posting, coming back to read the entire thing in a sitting or two's a possibility.
Social media's definitely a double edged sword.