Damn, Jeff! It's yoo early to be blushing. Thank you. Chipper's one of those secondary characters who've captured enough of a fan base to justify a spinoff. After I wrote this story, I realized I have a couple of new ones who I didn't want to disappear. If I live long enough to write everything I've outlined, Aslan, Bliss, Bryce, Zion, and Nalbo may show up again.
Good thought pattern there. Often, the first accusation against people like Nalbo doesn't stick but leads to others coming forward to nail the bastards.
Those multiple views of what's going on are too easily available From what I've read, London has to be one of the most wired cities in the world and I don't think the government is done installing cameras.
Nalbo was inspired by Weinstein and others like him. Trading sexual favors for opportunities, or being coerced into doing something by underhanded means have been staples of the entertainment industry. I'm not done with Nalbo. As a matter of fact, his actions will affect not only Chipper amongst The Squad.
Chipper made a call to a fellow Squad member on the other coast and within twenty-four hours he was surrounded by people wanting to help. I'd say you hit the nail on the head. Anyone who messes around with Chipper or any of the others in his group does so at their own risk.
I could handle being in Chippers place at Nabo;s, surrounded by the rich and famous, in the California sunshine. Not sure I would feel the same if this was taking place in a seedy restaurant in Brooklyn.
With limited time between performances, Chipper’s schedule was crowded. His rehearsals and other responsibilities left few hours for personal matters.
“Chipper, I presume?” The deep baritone had a softness to it. “I’m Miles Abramonov.” Tan, well built with sparkling salt-and-pepper hair, the man looked like what central casting would send out to play a lawyer. The attorney had insisted on meeting Chipper at the studio where he had just recorded his next song. It would be streamed on Apple