Okay, my bad.
I wrote a reply and must have gone to another page before posting it so of course it got lost. Cia was surprised recently when I told her I try to reply to every comment/review within 24 hours. Every author's different but I'm fairly anal about it! Speaking of anal...
Anyway, I wanted Harley, Thiago, Brad, and Chipper to have good interactions with CJ in this chapter since they're the core Squad members. Harley and Thiago were the original ones so they had the most involved interactions. With Harley I HAD to include one of his monologues! But if you notice, it was the first time he snapped back when told to breathe. I wanted him to tell CJ to 'fuck off' but figured that wouldn't be realistic.
Now, about you being a bad boy: the ball gag's a precaution in case you turn out to be a screamer.