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Carlos Hazday

Classic Author
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Everything posted by Carlos Hazday

  1. The only way to read Premium stories is to become a Premium Supporter. Which everyone who can afford it should be. GA's a wonderful place but it costs money to run. In a chat with @Myr, he noted the data storage cost alone was huge. Gas and food are not the only things affected by inflation. Inked has no connection to any other stories. It's something new with an MC who could star in his own series. The other Premium story I'm planning on, Aloha Aina, will have a connection to my main man.
  2. It's always the author's fault! LOL Thanks, Simon. Let's see where my writing takes us. As I said, Inked and Newport are written and ready to go. The Premium story will go live whenever the GA staff decides, the other one will begin posting January 2023. The current story has a few chapters to go.
  3. Thanks. I often wish these characters were real so I could hang out with them. They're easy to write for most of the time, and althoug they share basic characteristics, each is an individual. Except for the twins; that will probably change once they hit puberty. LOL
  4. That reminds me of an outline for a Christmas story I should dust off. Santino Claus takes over when his father dies. He moves the toy shop to Antarctica and designs FABULOUS new outfits for the elves.
  5. I wrote Circus right after I finished writing CDMX. I wanted a light-hearted story to counteract all the drama in the Mexico story. I planned to write a long story covering the Summer of '22 which cleared old open items and set the stage for CJ to become ambassador to Cuba and his election as major. When readers complained CDMX did not clear everything up, I stupidly decided to break that long story into 9 and post what I already had as Key West and Everhope. Big mistake. Readers again complained. This time about the short story format even though I'd announced it. I blew a fuse and decided to fuck the summer books and publish Circus. It by no means fills in all the gaps. Once my blood pressure returned to normal, I decided I had to please myself first and to ignore the bullshit comments. We're back to those 9 stories which I listed on a previous comment. I want to write at least 3 of them. The others, and the rest of those 5 years between Mexico and the Med, I don't know if I'll get to. There's one story set 6 months after the sailing I'd really like to write because it would feature the entire Squad, their partners, and a few secondary characters. We'll see. Depending on when Myr and Cia decide to publish Inked (something I wrote for Premium) I also have a second non-CJ story I need to find time for. If I croak by the end of the year, none of this is enforceable.
  6. I do have a character named David in an upcoming story, but I might do something that's rare for me and repeat a name.
  7. Yeah, but can he come up with a story about a guy named Dave from Manchester? LOL I haven't forgotten about that!
  8. Take a look at what Mancunian says. If you read my early stuff you'll notice my stories had decent bones but the writing wasn't always crisp. A good editor and lots of practice helped me.
  9. Yep... LOL They're all working titles until I find something I really like. Those nine stories I tried to alternate titles between in-town locations and their travels. The alternate right now is Prospect Street. That's where Brett and Cesar's house is and where the opening chapter takes place. The second one moves around town a bit. A two chapter short story's what I've outlined.
  10. Ding, ding, ding... we have a winner LOL
  11. I'm a big believer in the healing power of music.
  12. We have quite a few talented writers on the site!
  13. In Mexico, CJ played jazz vocalists during the cocktail party and now Cesar chooses Segovia. Just you wait until an upcoming dinner party (not yet written) when we have something else playing. I recall hearing, a long time ago and not sure from who, that the main ingredient in Cuban music was the piano and in music from Spain it was the acoustic guitar. I played it up with Segovia and with El Toro y la luna. Unfortunately, I've listened to it so much while writing and since, that I find myself breaking into song at the weirdest times.
  14. I may have loaded the story with sap. Playing to the audience's an acceptable practice for authors and since I know y'all like sappy stuff... LOL By now, readers should know I don't like to repeat myself, so I constantly vary locations, events, and activities while retaining the smart ass comments and love at the core.
  15. Perish the thought of them spending their money on expensive designer suits. Their bank balance might take a hit.
  16. I loved writing Brett's line when he asks if he needs permission to dive off the rocks. He is a kid at heart. What's coming up? Dry land. Next chapter they go ashore in Palma, and CJ faces a revolt. LOL Check your private messages
  17. You probably miss having a member's birthday show up on their profile as much as i do.
  18. You should record him doing it. Once he's older, it'll be a great way to embarrass him. Ooops, sorry about that. That's the way the Hazdays do it and it's not a universal practice.
  19. Happy birthday! A few decades ago, I spent a week aboard a sailboat (less than 1/2 the size of the Circus and no chef or fancy meals, but it was a wonderful time. Looking at the sky and seeing so many stars while anchored was a thrill.
  20. When I get around to playing with my food, I'll share a picture of the results.
  21. LMAO - Nope. Think back to what the family's go-to meal used to be on Sundays.
  22. Somehow the store-bought ham salad I plan to use in a sandwich for lunch is not as appetizing as butter poached lobster and grilled asparagus. If you have a Trader Joe's near you, during summer they sell the best key Lime pie I've found for sale. When they come back next year, I'm going to make/buy a sponge or pound cake and stuff it with the pie filling.
  23. I've thought of you and your grandson often when writing the twins. Has yours ever run around shouting I'm gonna be tall, I'm gonna be tall?
  24. I've been on a food-description kick lately. I tried to draw inspiration from the location, and included references, ingredients, and dishes to and from Spain, Italy, Greece, and a couple other places. We do get Asian inspired cuisine one night. Can you guess which character expressed a liking for Chinese food?
  25. see my comment above for why I chose that song. It's such a classic. Did you notice I used Segovia for background music? The man was a genius. cloudy, windy, and cooler here, but we're still warmer than most places in the northern hemisphere.
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