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Carlos Hazday

Classic Author
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Everything posted by Carlos Hazday

  1. @Clancy59 Liebe dislikes gin but is being trained in how to appreciate wine. Can you see her in college during a late night bull session? "Mad Dog 20/20? You expect me to drink that swill?" As one of the crew members said, she'll either be a wino or perfectly adjusted to alcohol. We retain some of the puritanical attitudes that led to prohibition and the related rise in organized crime. I think I've mentioned before I despise MADD. Flamenco... I've known the song I chose since I was a kid and was thrilled to find a clip of dancing to it. You may recall I had CJ and Owen get a piano for their house when they moved in. Owen plays a little and Liebe's taking classes, I'm certain the twins will try at some point. The castanets will go in a wicker basket next to the piano, holding maracas, tambourines, guiros, and claves. All small instruments acquired during their travels. That idea I stole from my sister-in-laws. Gatherings at her house usually ended in drunken playing and dancing.
  2. We're not done! There are 4 more full chapters and short epilogue left. I tried to match meals to the character starring in each chapter, but I think Cesar and Owen got the best meals. Hell, in this one I mentioned lunch and dinner. Way back in Summer (I think) I had Cesar make paella, so I had to revisit the dish here.
  3. I have brothers living in Atlanta and Chicago, and both are freezing their butts off right now. Not sure if we'll hit 80 today, but aside from being overcast, the weather's gorgeous. I'll be further north near Jacksonville since the Atlanta sibling rented a house on the beach near his inlaws.
  4. You're repeating yourself, my friend.
  5. LMAO - Not really. I'll provide a few more details in a chapter from Owen's POV, but the entire story can be found in Luz de Castilla. That will be, when I get around to writing it, the ninth story covering their summer of 2022 adventures. In order those would be: Key West (published) Everhope (published) Newport (written) Georgetown (outlined) The Grand Hotel (working title) Capitol Hill (writing it) Fire Island (working title) The District (working title) Luz de Castilla (researching) See a pattern?
  6. I've always included meal details in my stories, and in this one I tried to describe at least one meal a day. Whether on a large cruise ship or on a chartered yacht, food is prominently featured and a big part of the experience. You pay what you get for and that's why CJ objected to the chef's initial offering.
  7. Brett and Cesar lived a quiet life before CJ, and then Ritch, moved in. At this point their anonymity is gone never to return. LOL Although they've never been shy about spending money, I think they've come to realize no mater what they do, somebody will have something to say. So they're willing to be splashy with their spending.
  8. My pleasure. You got the basics down. Since CJ's the series' protagonist, a lot of the story revolves around him and how he's matured in the 5 years since Mexico.
  9. LMAO- Nope, this time I'm honestly not creating any havoc. Apart from the initial hiccup with the chef, an another one at a bar, this is exactly what I said it would be: a feel good vacation. Although I may fill in some blanks in future stories, this was designed to hold the family together for a bit so we could catch up on their lives. I think I included enough details to make readers think about what's been going on. More of that in the remaining chapters.
  10. Wednesday, 5 May 2027 Punta del Toro, Mallorca “Happy birthday, Grandpa A!” The kids shouted simultaneously while jumping on César. Jefferson and Roosevelt attached themselves to his neck, and Liebe sat on his lap. Coffee splashed everywhere when he dropped his mug. Pure luck kept it from shattering when it hit the deck. “Oh no! I’m being attacked by sea monsters… Help! Somebody help me.” Faking a struggle, he wrapped an arm around each of the boys, kissed Liebe’s head, and stood. Th
  11. Val, will you have dug out from this weekend's snow by then? Feet instead of inches?
  12. Way to go, Dodger. Congratulations.
  13. Carlos Hazday

    The Marine

    @Anton_Cloche Those two weeks roaming New South Wales definitely influenced my stories. And keeps on doing it to this day, Remember after they won their Oscars Owen complaining about not granting an Aussie magazine an interview? They make up for it in an upcoming story. Although they'll refure to pose in bathing suits for DNA. LOL As a freelancer for the Nature Conservancy, Owen's been able to pick and choose what he works on. He winds up concentrating his efforts on protecting marine mammals, coral reefs, and the oceans in general.
  14. Carlos Hazday

    The Marine

    The American political system isn't entirely broken, but it's been battered and damaged by those hungry for power and recognition. I've tried to hint at CJ winning because he's built coalitions across the political spectrum, and I can see him doing more of the same on the run to the White House. Hell, if actual politics hurt my head frequently, CJ gives me solace.
  15. Carlos Hazday

    The Marine

    Thanks, JB. I imagine what I'd like to see and do and make the characters take my place. I'll never make it everywhere they travel, but it's fun researching new places and learning about them. Hopefully it gives readers a taste.
  16. Carlos Hazday

    The Marine

    You mean like mine? If I ever want to share anything about their prep school or college courses, I'm drafting you to write it.
  17. Carlos Hazday

    The Marine

    I like to surprise my friends.
  18. LMAO
  19. Carlos Hazday

    The Marine

    And they're only of day two of their sailing time. Next week we celebrate Cesar's 50th and I try to make it memorable. BTW, this is one instance my personal experiences don't align with the story. I spent my 50th in Australia.
  20. Carlos Hazday

    The Marine

    Yeah, me too. Unless I win the lottery, I don't see myself chartering a mega yacht to cruise the Mediterranean. LOL
  21. Carlos Hazday

    The Marine

    Thanks, buddy. I'm certain there are a couple of CJs running around the world, but I wish there were more. In a world where politicians worry less about the power they wield and how it can be used to improve the lives of common citizens.
  22. Carlos Hazday

    The Marine

    Thank you! Except for a couple of minor hiccups and near tantrums, this story was built as a vacation for the characters and the readers. I fugired we had enough drama in Mexico and I wanted to show they had left that behind.
  23. Carlos Hazday

    The Marine

    Excellent! That song didn't come to mind when I named the boat, but it's a perfect fit.
  24. Carlos Hazday

    The Marine

    Mawgrim's stories are very enjoyable and technically near perfect. Dragons make a nice diversion from wolves. LOL Although I wrote CJ and Brett similarly in the past, I'm starting to create differences. CJ's learned as a public person, he can't get away with the kind of comments Brett makes. At least not in public.
  25. LMAO- I'm not familiar with how it would work, but since there was a referendum a few years ago to determine if Scotland would remain part of the UK, I'll guess it could be done. Not so much in the US. Even CJ acknowledges he's using the threat to achieve his ultimate goal: Washington, D.C. statehood. And as Cesar said, Lincoln made sure once a state, always a state. Although I wouldn't mind Texas being kicked out. LOL
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